Could a pinned & refined SAFE Network Testing FAQ be helpful to the early stage testing as well as entrants? The number of posts and explanations will be overwhelming to anyone just hearing about the launch. As updated launchers and more demo apps come online the this FAQ can point to them.
I searched FAQ on the forum and see a few. Not sure if they are well worn or ready for re-deployment.
@neo made this Bug Reporting Procedure already which may be helpfull, guess we need to make a more obvious announcement on the homepage about the new category.
For sure, we are trying to figure out, even with single page instructions what folks found hard. So larger instruction sets may be off putting. I am not sure, but feel we need to simplify code and reduce instructions, somehow. Then have a separate area for advanced testing or similar, where folks will expect and be able to follow deeper technical aspects, maybe?
We are watching the forum to see where folks have issues and see if we can remove the issues altogether where possible and write up clearer instructions where we have to. A few iterations we may get there, but all help comments will improve it for sure.
Perhaps we will be able to create a testi - network tagged post? or similar.
I think Maidsafe released really clear documentation (Except for the .pac file). It’s install and play actually, I guess that 90% of the problems were about the .pac file and the other questions were bugs.
I agree, its really clear for people who are already “somewhat familiar” with MAIDSAFE network. But the uninitiated who just saw a tweet about maid or heard about it at an Devcon function need clear unambiguous direction. A major failing of many startups is they ASSUME TOO MUCH. There is never too much you can do to lubricate the onramp processes.
Yes, I’m the perfect yardstick for making something idiot-proof and I managed all with ease apart from the the .pac file with chrome, which took me about an twenty minutes of playing around and reading helpful posts to work out how to do in firefox (helpful vid from Daniel), then another 30 minutes to eventually figure out how to do in chrome.
All-in-all great job, but yes proxy was certainly confusing for less capable people such as myself.
Im thinking proactively here. You will never be able to crystal ball this. An FAQ would be very helpful during the early stage testing as more features come online there ae more “here’s how its done”. You have no idea whats next, nor do you know the technical capacity of future users. We can prepare for that now.
Just to submit the issues I had this morning with the limited time I had.
The launcher setup was easy
The demo app was easy to set up and also public ID setup
(Although I wished I could use any character or symbol for my public name)
Publishing a website from the template proved hard because when I dragged and dropped an image the “publish” bar at the top went away leaving me with no option but to restart app. Also it may have been to large of a size I accept that as a possibility prolly should have used a .jpg file.
In the web template setup I think there should be instructions for drag and drop
(I know this is a demo, maybe it was never planned to go quite this far with demo app)
I followed instructions for auto proxy setup on OSX but it didn’t seem to work (this is probably apple sucking)
After having trouble I went to add .pac file.
I had problems knowing what program to use to insert the .pac file. So it wasn’t fruitful to use safari to look at the site I published in the demo app
Overall I had a hard time with everything except installation and self authentication. I can figure this all out I just was crunched for time. This is no way a complaint, simply constructive dialogue I hope. I think the UI looked great! Great job guys!!!
This is true, but never enough. People never read the documentation… really. Its true. I damn well didn’t and I’d be surprised if anyone actually walked through it line by line. Especially when we’re all so excited and wanted to be one of the first.
So we’ll get people jumping in having done point X (random think out of 10 steps) and wondering why it doesn’t work. A FAQ can help a lot with this, otherwise we end up having to walk people through each time.
Its good MaidSafe are onto this. Yes improve the instructions (sorry I didn’t read them ) until I had the stuff running
Its also a lot more fun I find. And what a community buzz there has been. And everyone helping each other out. Marvelous.
Open the ___________________ once it’s extracted.
Click to start the _____________ app.
To view SAFE sites:
In firefox, go here.
Click there.
Select that.
Add this entire URL “____________.pac” there without the quotes.
Press okay.
To play with the demo app:
You get the idea. Break everything in to small bites without sacrificing important information. One of my favorite words… succinct! Pictures are great, but they should be supplementary. I flew past the pictures because they gave me the impression that it was going to be complicated. Plus they take up SOOOO much space before revealing another string of informative text. Pictures are worth a thousand words as some say. Too many in my book for the given task. I ignored them and just went strait to the text. If something didn’t seem to make sense I could refer to the pictures for clarification.
So IMO just give them the brief breakdown AND THEN the option to look at annotated pictures. Wuddya think?
Once the wording is super clear from a novices’ perspective, everything else falls in place. Walk in their shoes for that mile…
Advanced panel - Accessibility, browsing, network, updates, and other advanced settings in Firefox here
Add .pac file
Automatic proxy configuration URL: Choose this if you have a proxy configuration (.pac) file. Enter the URL and click okay to save changes and load the proxy configuration.
I have tested the latest version of the SAFE Launcher and the MaidSafe Demo App. Testing it in real life brings many questions to my mind:
Once logged in with the SAFE Launcher, will I be able to access secured websites without logging in again. I.e. can I then log in to my mail account, my social network account or my bank account without typing a username or password? Or will I have to type in my usernames and passwords to each of my websites just like with the old internet?
Will the SAFE Launcher allow switching from one account to another rapidly, so that all the users of a computer (e.g. my wife and I) can access their personal websites?
On my first .safenet test website I have used a picture and a YouTube video from the old internet (http://go.alexandre.safenet), and I guess that from the old internet I can include content from SafeNet (that may not show if I am not logged in to SafeNet?). Do you plan do show some kind of warning so that the user is aware of cross-network contents and accesses? E.g. A user may think he is accessing/storing data on the .safenet while the data is in fact stored on the old unsecured internet.
Multiple questions in one: there are no servers on the SafeNet, so all is done by the Launcher correct? The Launcher is the one chunking and encrypting the files, choosing where to store the chunks and retrieving them later? Where is the “file allocation table” stored, i.e. the one that tells the Launcher where to retrieve all the chunks?
What if I forget my password, do I have a “forgot my password” link I can hit? The password is not stored on any server so how could it be retrieved or reset?
What kind of damage could a person do with my password (and pin)? Can this person access all my data from anywhere?
What kind of damage could a trojan horse do if it takes control of the Launcher on my computer?
Is a mobile SAFE Launcher on its way (e.g. for iOS and Android phones and tablets)? Will Rust allow reusing the same code for these apps as for the computer versions?
Can I create more than one Public ID per user? If not does it mean that all my websites will have to be “.mypublicid.safenet"? If I want a website for my company do I have to create a SAFE account for the company to create a website like ".mycompany.safenet”?
Q1: That is the plan as far as I know.
Q2: Unknown, it is still just a bare bones test system
Q3: Been discussed elsewhere and it seems a SAFE specific browser will be developed by someone. There has been a proof-of-concept already. And maybe a plugin
Q4: No servers, the launcher does not replace servers. The launcher chunks & self encrypts, then asks for the chunks to be stored and a “datamap” is built from the “location” replies to each chunk being stored. The datamap is then stored with your account info on SAFE and in effect becomes your FAT
Q5: No. Your credentials are used to retrieve your account details and decrypt them. Just like you lose the password to a encrypted RAR/ZIP/ETC file, its gone. But unlike them the effort to break the password so many magnitudes harder.
Q6: Yes, with your credentials they can do whatever you can do with your data. Suggestion is to segment your activity so that any breach only affects that section of your life on SAFE.
Q7. For SAFE (not testing) Security is on the network and history is not kept on your computer. Any malware that controls your computer can do whatever you can do.
Q8: That is certainly the plan.
Q9: That is certainly the plan. It is only a limitation of the test system.
Just coming in as a n00b but I tried the Test 4 launcher (and vault) on my computer last night (Windows 10, Firefox, IE and Brave).
I ran it, created an ID fairly easily then was not really sure what to do until I saw the small text at the bottom about running an app. I downloaded and ran the demo, created a sample web page and tried to use the proxy settings but never got it to show up in my browser. It was late though so I will try again when I get home.
My question is, can’t the proxy settings be set in an executable? Or even just part of the demo program? In Windows isn’t just a matter of a command line: set HTTP_PROXY=http://your_proxy:your_port? The .pac thing seemed to be the least user friendly.
But all in all, quite cool. Smooth install so far.
As far as the vault, I just got a DOS window with INFO messages. I’m assuming this is as it should be since the Safecoin stuff is not yet set up. Or was there supposed to be more to it?