SAFE Network Logo Competition Now Live on 99designs

This is an historic moment guys, chose a good one!

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sums it up for meā€¦

cleverly forms an s from the interconnected grid networkā€¦

you could have nice animated grid globe sliding to form s, etc etcā€¦


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Im liking this padlock theme. Keepā€™em coming. Something very cool is going to rise from this. Great work @nicklambert

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I was thinking after seeing this and @bluebirdā€™s post that rather than a split globe have a globe opened with the words inside of the globe. Dunno if it would work when small. But just a thought.

All the hard work has been done by others :slight_smile:

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Iā€™m wondering with so many designs that we shouldnā€™t have a initial ā€œfilteringā€ poll where people choose upto the best 24 designs they consider good. Then the 24 that get the highest votes go into another round where people can comment and ā€œswayā€ others perhaps. Then the top design can be the one with the most votes from the second round. [the discourse polls can allow multiple selections with a max number of selections]

If we donā€™t and simply have a poll for the best out of 500 odd designs then the best might be chosen by 10 votes total. Hardly a convincing win. At least with the 2 rounds the most popular ones get voted on by all the people to get the one considered best by all.

Then also the top 24 could have suggestions for making them better as the poll continues.

Just a thought

The process as originally documented was to have the existing selection short listed by the brand team and then presented to the forum for voting, I agree that polling for 500 votes would not be a good way to run the process. Weā€™re meeting today so will get our heads around how we do this and will revert back. Thanks for the suggestion.



as it is, the globe when shifted forms the ā€˜Sā€™ shape of safe out of the grid of node points in the globe so is pretty much a perfect visual synonym of what the safe network isā€¦

its easy to see how this visual could be animated and used to advance safe net as a productā€¦

this is why it is my choiceā€¦


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Also, not very scalableā€¦

Iā€™d still like to see more abstract and odd things, like a dove suggested by a few blue brush strokes, or maybe done more in the style of bluebirdā€™s swallow? Or the subversive raised fist, or a very simple blue pyramid with the top tip removed and falling off to the side of itā€¦ fu power elite :wink:

I dunno, maybe Iā€™m being too arty and emotional about it all, but I want these designers to make me smile and love the idea with a nod to what this is really all aboutā€¦ freeing us by empowering us (digitally speaking).


what ifā€¦ the maidsafe triangle and the safecoin logo had a child? it could look something like thisā€¦


ties in nicely with the safecoin logo in there as well :slight_smile:



I like the clean bold ones, will work good as an icon in social media feeds.


My top 2.

478 It feels bold and unapologetic. Itā€™s dynamic and highly recognizable. Would work well with the younger crowd.
235 This one emanates strength. Itā€™s more serious and would please an older and more professional crowd.

Both would work well as an icon too.

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Maybe something related to ants.

I think it would look better with the heads recessed into the shield/shoulders.

Has my favorite design (by far, still) been pulled from the competition? :frowning:

Seems like the designer has pulled his design. No reason why he did this. To be honest it wasnā€™t one of my personal favorites.

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Thatā€™s OK, I love it though. It really stands out between all the keys, locks, castles, attempts to symbolize a network or SAFE room, etc. It has a way more universal touch.

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wrong, itā€™s centralized on your logo.