SAFE Network Logo Competition Now Live on 99designs

voilà, ubuntu’s banal logo.

i had same idea with mebius, nice try. no center, unlimited.

My final top three are 573, 587 and 590.

Plain squares and shields are extremely generic, it means that it does not make you instantly recall a specific brand and gives you an unidentifiable sensation of “familiarity”. You don’t want that in a logo. The whole point of designing a logo is to make it instantly and uniquely recognizable with a specific brand.
Also, if the main identifiable characteristics of the logo are vanished when it becomes a plain black and white, it is not a good logo. It must work both in color and in black and white.
A logo must be minimalist AND ORIGINAL.

I see several “inspired” from other logos, that are quite evident… and 99designs is not really the right place to find good logos because usually they are a bunch of amateurs that rip off original works and don’t really understand the basics behind logo creation.

For those beginning on this journey, this is a good “logo design workflow” chart that might be helpful:


I was thinking about trying a logo design, but with almost 600 designs so far I’m not sure if I should even try. Hell, it’s gonna be hard for me to pick one! I’m kind of indecisive…

I’m sure once we’re down to the final few it’ll be much easier. I saw a few I like but I agree it has to be unique and stand out, aka, not a standard shield.

I like some of the lock/human designs but I really like the penrose idea.

Also, the current stock logo looks too much like google drive’s logo anyway. I have both tabs open near each other and I confuse the two sometimes lol… another reason to have it completely unique!

so there is time until tomorrow to select up to 6 artists for the next round. is there already a short-list? and would it maybe make sense to point those artists to this thread? i feel like there have been some community suggestions in here that might help the artists into good directions

This guy gets it.

(20 characters)

only these ones grabbing my attention for the moment…

… and yep shame there’s no Antz theme ! :wink:

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one more suggestion :slight_smile:

maybe sth like this in blue?


What? No ants?! :smile:


Then, the secret is between ants, padlocks and multiple points united and the color blue, and the letter “S” , sounds ugly

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Looks quite interesting. It emanates strength and security and I like the shape. Wonder if this could be made to look good in blue colors. It’s too late for new submissions to the competition on 99designs, but if a designer on the forum could work this into a better version then perhaps it could still be included in the final forum vote.

blue version:


It looks better than the grey one for sure, but I think it’s far from optimal. I think less colors could be used to make it look less complicated. Maybe I’m wrong though, I’m after all not a professional designer :smile:

Edit, wonder how it would scale as well. Perhaps it’s too much details for use in a smaller version like let’s say the size of the logo on this forum.

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i agree that it still need lots of love. also, there should be a white background, like here:

the whole thing is a pretty poor photoshop job so far but I was hoping that some of the 99designers might pick up on it. that’s why I think it’s important to point them to this thread over here. lots of good ideas suggested by the community in here. that’s what we’re paying them for after all, no? :wink:


…or a smaller section - just the center part. less complicated and scales better.
btw: sorry if i’m overdoing this but i really don’t want my favorite project to end up with a logo that looks like a shopping bag or a lock from the 1950s :confused:

It looks nice but what does it symbolize exactly?

it’s a small part of a bigger, ever extending network. but yeah it’s kinda hard to see if you cut it down too much…

but then again: i’d rather have something abstract that looks cool and plays with the eye than a symbol of some sort.
also: once it sinks in nobody will ask anymore what it symbolizes. people will just know: that’s the safenet logo :slight_smile:


Well, if we take @piluso 's guidelines into account then it falls a bit short. It would not translate well to monochrome, and it seems unnecessarily complicated while not socking the viewer with a singular idea.