When no one heard of BITcoin all of these were very necessary and relevant. I think you may be overlooking the simple fact that twitters and krakens had mega millions pumped into them during their inception, big diff my friend. Maidsafe does NOT have the luxury or funds to invent itself.
It doesn’t take millions of dollars to do it.
Again, you are presupposing things.
You are putting Maidsafe in the same catagory as Kraken and Twitter. They had millions to spend and some very prominent tech industry members. When you tell me they used some dumb bird logo and were successfull Im responding they invested heavily in other areas of their brand. So your example of kraken and twitter “no cut it”.
lol said it before and ill say it again, no originallity in graphic design anymore, all 2d flat clean apple-humping designs, minimalism at its best, bunch of flash and no character. The fact 2 of the 6 were called out for direct plagarism should make that evident. Maidsafe needs to tell all these hacks to take a hike and deliver a logo that flies in the face of the trendy.
And get rid of the stupid lock theme, is maidsafe a home security company because thats what it says
Hi all, short update about the final vote for the SAFE Network logo. We will be meeting one more time at the beginning of next week, after which we will start the final vote for the logo. The vote is anticipated to run for a week giving members ample time to vote.
We were hoping to get the vote started this week, but other matters needed some attention first. Starting the vote next week will still allow us to meet the time line set for us by 99designs. I’m sure they will be flexible though if we need a few extra days to announce a winner.
In the meantime feel free to discuss the submissions to the competition in this thread. Try to keep the discussion on topic though because in the end that’s what’s most productive.
Corny. Also, memorable.
Apart from the obvious awesomeness of the kawaii factor, let’s not forget that Japan is a huuuuge market (10th most populous country, right after Russia), and one with a crazy fast adoption rate for anything that’s even remotely interesting AT ALL
Maybe the padlock makes people feel safe, like a home security co does.
Have we considered replacing/rebranding Safecoin’s logo?
It would be nice to have 1 logo for both NETWORK and COIN. I believe the competition brief wanted a “compliment” to Safecoin. But maybe “rebranding” Safecoin’s logo would be more desirable?
If that is the case, then we can settle 2 logo’s with 1 vote. I suggest the Network logo “can” be used for Safecoin. This would give people something deeper to consider when making their choice.
Personally, I’ve only found 1 logo that can express the Network, Coin, and Name Letter. This was VERY difficult to discover. But once I found it, the flexibility is priceless!
I like 110 most of all
Hi David, making the new logo the Safecoin logo as well is not something that has been discussed. As you mention we asked designers to make the Network logo complementary to the Safecoin one. So at that moment the idea was that they would be used side by side and not for the Network logo to replace the Safecoin logo.
I don’t think this is something we can just decide now since the Safecoin logo was voted on by the community. The best thing we could do is to include an extra poll to the vote asking whether voters would like to see the new Network logo replace the Safecoin logo.
I support this idea, IMHO, matching both logos is a good idea.
I don’t object to the second poll but think it will be superseded by what people actually use. In other words, regardless of the community result, people can “vote” by using one logo for both, or the two logos for different things, or something else altogether.
How people use the logos will in the end be a reflection on how well the processes for creating them have performed. For example, if the SAFEnetwork logo turns out to be ignored and people use the Safecoin logo instead, or even something produced independently, regardless of community endorsement.
There is nothing to stop, or wrong IMO with, someone just creating a logo and offering it, or using their own logo.
I want there to be a good SAFEnetwork brand that most people feel they can opt into, but that’s just my want! This contest may achieve that, or it may spawn independent creations. All good
For those interested… Here’s the SAFE 3D logo with blue “S” background.
Here you go. Dark Blue
I liked the white background better.
The original had “no background” which looks like the color of whatever is behind it. But people can customize their favorite color with the background template now, just like they do with their cell phone cases, lol.
Here’s the white “S” background for you @betterthantrav.
Last week, the designers whose designs were chosen for the final round of the logo competition worked on improving their designs. Some also created new designs based on feedback given to them.
Out of these designs we have selected four designs that the community can vote on. The winner of the vote will become the logo of the SAFE Network.
Designs chosen for the final vote
During the last phase of the competition some designers have delivered great new or improved designs. Unfortunately we also had to rule out some of the designs because of their strong resemblance to existing designs.
These are the four designs we have chosen for the vote:
Design number 619
This hexagonal design incorporates the network aspect with its lines and dots, which can be seen to represent the network nodes and the people that run the nodes. With the somewhat subtle shield in the middle it also incorporates the security element of the SAFE Network.
Design number 620
This hexagonal design also incorporates the network aspect with its lines and dots, which can be seen to represent the network nodes and the people that run the nodes. The design also has a decentralized look which expresses the secure aspect of the network. This design also feels quite unique.
Design number 624
This lock shaped design incorporates both the security and people aspect of the network. The SAFE Network is a network that is formed by the resources contributed by people all over the world. This logo was also an early community favourite.
Design number 642
This shield shaped design incorporates the network aspect where the triangle shapes can be seen as nodes connecting together. The unevenness gives it a decentralized feel. The shield shape of the design gives it a secure look. We also feel the design looks quite modern.
Designs not chosen for the vote
Aside from the four designs that we chose to include in the final vote there were other designs that some people in the community liked. We’d like to supply a reason for why we didn’t include some of these designs in the final vote.
Design number 110: the designer of 110 was asked to work out the concept further but to make sure that the logo would be substantially different from the Storj logo. We didn’t include 605 and 609 in the final vote because we think they are still too similar to the Storj logo.
Padlocks and S-shaped designs: among the final six designs were both S-shaped designs and quite a few padlock designs. We believed some of them showed promise, but unfortunately that promise was not fulfilled in the final round of the competition. We felt that only 624 was good enough to make the final vote and the community didn’t seem to favour any of the other padlock or S-shaped designs.
Community submissions: some community members started submitting designs and ideas for designs during the final phase of the competition. While the effort is certainly appreciated these designs and ideas were simply too late to be included in the competition. We would definitely liked to have seen this amount of community participation earlier on in the (preparation for the) competition.
The vote
The vote will run until next Monday, August 22nd 20:00 GMT. Every trust level 2 member will be able to vote for one of the four logos. The logo that has the most votes on August 22nd at 20:00 PM GMT will be chosen as the logo for the SAFE Network.
In case of a tie, the competition team will decide the winner of the competition. It will be possible to change your vote during the competition, but this can’t be done after the deadline mentioned above.
All trust level 2 members can now cast their vote in this topic