SAFE cafe #9 Sunday 7pm BST: Privacy, Network99 progress & ETTD

Well said, part of freedom is the freedom to speak and have differing views on some issues. I personally have different views from some as I am sure folk will appreciate. I sometimes say them, I am rubbish at hiding stuff, it’s not my nature. It’s also good to get corrected and learn. I also realise some people may have views others or me will find questionable and I think this is part of life. As we move along and educate then I feel we need to accept views and if we feel repulsed, say so.

Well said @happybeing , I hope this place has differing views and I hope SAFE has them to, I also hope we do not hound people for those views but instead engage and debate with facts and empathy. Agree on the relevance to SAFE in this place though.

For this forum I completely think you mods have it right and allow a lot of leeway which says a lot about you as a team. It must be hard to allow personally repulsive views, but important to be able to. Thanks mods I think you do a great job and I hope you continue to.