Here’s an interesting blockchain/Ethereum related (not clear) project that touches on the most contentious discussions we’ve had on this forum, taxation, co-operatives, basic-income, welfare etc. I share it because those areas of obviously things that people here are interested in, as well as the obvious decentralisation/blockchain link.
I’ve called it a ‘taxation system’ (6) to hint at what it’s capable of.
Resilience could replace the entire welfare infrastructure, globally.
The network functions without a single central authority, it extracts
value from value creators in a fully voluntary way, and it distributes
this surplus in a completely decentralized fashion.
There’s a short article outlining this at the above link, and the video is short, but then rolls into another and another which I found useful and easy to watch.
What do you think about this project? Please don’t go into discussions of taxation, co-operatives or other polarising issues without relating them directly to this project - by all means discuss them in a wider context but if you do use an existing thread or use “reply on linked topic”.
There are some new ideas here, plenty to explore and understand. Let’s discuss them in order to understand what this idea is about before we start judging it. Its ambitious, and quite likely not fully formed, but it should at least stimulate ideas for what might be achieved and how. One way to use it might be to thing about this kind of thing might be implemented on SAFEnetwork of course.
UPDATE: details of taxemes, being tested on Ethereum