Project Decorum - Crowdsale (Ended)

Well each Clike is a SD so I doubt Clikes will actually be divisible.

Maybe in future there will be “mini-Clikes” Another SD that easier to mine and worth say 1/100th of a Clike. Who knows and that is pure speculation on my part


Also, depending on what kind of divisibility system SafeCoin ends up, it may be possible to apply it to Clike as well.


Whatever happens in the infrastructure, I’m already quite sure that when Clike is used in growing numbers, at some point implementing (or activating, when it’s already built in from the start) divisibility will be unavoidable. Try to imagine several popular social media platforms, few million users, and Dell, NewEgg, Samsung and the likes trying to advertise everywhere. What will that do to the price? And the penetration, willingness to be used for what it should be used for, etc? I think Clike will end up having multiple magnitudes of the current 50 million, each worth $0.01 or so. What are your thoughts and visions on this?

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The price first has to go up (or a lot of time has to pass) before mining becomes profitable, so I don’t think the supply will expand fast, if at all. It might be the case that consumption of Clike may surpass inflation due to mining for quite some years, before reaching a measure of stability in supply.

But, I’m a bit reluctant to try to predict the future. It’s very difficult to do and I don’t want to be accused of misleading anyone. Naturally, the success of Clike is heavily tied to the overall success of the SAFE Network. Like @neverending_manga said, it’s a speculation on top of a speculation. I wouldn’t have started this crowdsale though if I didn’t believe there is a good chance of great success, both for the SAFE Network and this project. I took many months thinking it all through, refining the concepts and finding new insights, and I’ll continue doing that.

Anyway, adding basic divisibility to enable endorsement in smaller quantities is an easy thing to do, and probably enabled from the start.


In case anyone is curious this site shows the cumulative amout of BTC sent to the address

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Hi @Seneca,

I am used to trading on most exchanges and using standard crypto wallets with the exception of Omni Wallet, so please forgive me asking what is probably a pretty basic question to most.

Am I to assume that I should first send the amount of MAID I wish to invest into your project to my Omni BTC Wallet (just created it) address (I take it the Receive address is the BTC one under ‘My Addresses’) and from there, send it to the MAID address specified at the bottom of the crowdsale page for PDC. I note that you have stated that it isn’t a good idea to send it directly from the exchange (in my case Poloniex) due to the possibility that Poloniex could potentially go down/get shut down in the future. (Mt. Gox has taught us that)

Or, would it be better to send some BTC to my desktop wallet (of which I alone control the private keys) and then send some BTC to the BTC address for the PDC crowdsale at the bottom of the crowdsale page.

I know that this is probably a pretty noobie question, but I would like to invest and want to make sure I send the coins correctly.

I’m kind of interesested in the divisibility as well…

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Hello, just sent some Bitcoins to the address: 1FBiEbdAtY7JCWNcPDyWVRJdeeQarTZDDn

How can i get confirmation of you guys, Seneca? It has already 12 confirmations, but in the crowndsale site (Crowdsale — Project Decorum) in Latest crowdsale statistics, there was/is no change yet…

Also, it would be nice if Decorum is included in cyber●Fund.

The blockchain is the confirmation. If @Seneca tried to do differently then everyone would be able to tell.

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That’s two different things. Never have your funds on an exchange, except for the part that you are trading with. Never ever use an exchange as a wallet, because in almost all cases you don’t have or can obtain the private key of the exchange address you’re using. Meaning, if they temporarily or permanently close, if they are being ddos-ed, hacked or otherwise robbed, run a ponzi scheme or on a fractional reserve, you’re in a bad place and have temporarily or permanently no access to your crypto. Mt Gox was a good lesson, but it’s still Wild West out there. Beware.

The address you are using to send your contribution from, is also used by Decorum to send the PDC to. If you would use an exchange address for sending Maid or Bitcoin, it would not show the PDC after it has arrived. Then you are in a bad place again, if the exchange cannot or will not help you recover the PDC. With Omniwallet it has best of both world: You own the private keys of all addresses in the wallet, you can check the arrival of PDC immediately, and have full control over the funds in your wallet.

Remember to have a little Bitcoin in the Omniwallet too, for miner fees and transaction costs while doing a non-Bitcoin Send transaction.

Hope this helps? :slight_smile:


How many PDC’s will I recieve for lets say a 1000 MAIDS or will this be 1:1? What will be the estimated value of 1 PDC in BTC after the crowdsale has ended?

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This all depends on the amount of BTC and MAID that is raised. There’s no limit in the crowdsale so we’ll only know how much you’ll receive once the crowdsale has ended.

Thing is, we don’t even have an e-mail address to ask something…

But ok, i understand. You got have faith lol. I’ve saved the Hash transaction, suggest that you guys do it. That’s the only proof of transfer right now.

My personal e-mail is in the Purchase Agreement, I didn’t put it directly on the website or here on this forum in the hope that web crawlers are less likely to find it.

I’m fairly active on this forum as well, so feel free to ask questions here.

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Hi, I have a couple of questions.

1 - About the mining bit. As far as I understand it’s a smart approach that will not only work well for decorum but also other projects. However, I can’t shake the feeling how inefficient it sounds, to have this mining thing going on separately purely with the idea of preventing tokens going extinct.

There has to be a better way for this purpose I feel, and if so then most likely someone else will figure it out and decorum and my investment might suffer.

Have you considered other means of how to reintroduce tokens into the economy? If so why not air those ideas and see what the community thinks.

I for one think that a decentralized forum based on top of safenet or a blockchain should have some form of reward for content creators and moderators. Why not reward those instead of people who own bitcoin miners… Just my opinion, probably easier to say than do.

But if there is a way to reward people for actually contributing instead of wasting electricity mining, which servers little to no purpose then it would be great imo

2 - About the “Clike” token name. May I ask what other alternatives there are? Reason I’m asking is because myself and a couple I asked first didn’t get it. I assume it’s meant like “C-like” but everyone I have seen at first thought “Claike” when we saw it.

This is very important though, impression is everything and if the token does not have the optimal “ring” to it it may make things more difficult.

Personally I would prefer something like “DFT” which could be short for decentralized forum token.

3 - About the name Decorum, it’s great but have you considered going the obvious route with just “safenet forum”. It sounds boring maybe but there is a lot of value in just familiarity. Lot’s of people day 1 will just google for that you know.

Anyways, that was my thoughts. GL with everything. Love what I’ve seen so far, you seem bright! :slight_smile:

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I’ve got a question about a section on official website of Project Decorum - Crowdsale

Current mining costs are derived from Bitcoin mining statistics, and
thus takes ASICs into account. We hold that 63.5 billion GigaHash has a
value of about 1 USD. So if at the end of the crowdsale we find that
tokens were sold for say, 0.001 USD each, the base difficulty is set to
635 million GigaHash (0.01 USD).

How was calculated that “63.5 billion GigaHash has a value of about 1 USD” ?
63.5 billion GigaHash per what ? Second, minute, hour ?
To be precise 63.5 billion=63,500,000,000.
Current bitcoin network hashrate is 1,217,750,135 = 1.27 billion GigaHash/second so how does it relate to data given on the Project Decorum’s web page ?

Soz if this is noobish question but couldn’t figure this one out myself.

Yes, and still considering them, but haven’t found an optimal solution (yet).


It’s from “coin like”. Because it’s a “coin” that can be used as an endorsement (Like). I wanted something short and related to it’s function.

Here you are:

Note that other info in that post is outdated, but this part still applies.

Edit: Bloody hell, I have made a mistake there. It is not correct, it should be million, not billion. Thank you for asking!
Edit2: Corrected it on the website.

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I liked the name from the start, because I read Clike as See-and-like. And that are exactly the circumstances where this token is going to be used.

Maybe it could/should be written as C-like to avoid too much confusion and help reading it in a different way? Just a suggestion…


I really like this idea. Certain folks will be able to subscribe to a moderator’s “style”. I’m essentially saying I agree with this person’s (people’s) judgement about content and want to follow their recommendations. Those people could be rewarded tokens for being trusted. It would be easy to game a system like this though. IE make a ton of accounts and subscribe to another.


You guys probably knew, but for everyone else, this subject is covered in the initial plans of Decorum.

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