Problem connecting to the official testnet

Has something changed in the network recently? I’m connecting to the network with autonomi api built against stable branch with release keys exported to environment.

note: I can connect to local testnet also built from stable with the same release keys. Also, I was able to connect to global testnet about a week ago with the same code+keys.

My logs: (3.7 KB)


is effed, ceased to be, is pushing up daisies and pining for the fjords.

Sad but true, it did well when it was up but with no incentives, the VPSes are already dhut down

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There is a new network starting 17th december, there was no point to continue the current one, it has done it’s job and went down. Partially ignore what the drunk man above wrote.

Yeah, it looks like we went from about 80k nodes to 5k. I’m not sure how many were pulled vs killed, but 80k into 5k didn’t seem to go.

When I try to connect with sn_httpd, it says ‘Could not connect to enough peers in time.’, so I suspect it isn’t in a good state.

It feels like there should have been a cleaner transition between incentives. I think it proves that we need incentives… or at least not lots of them, then none at all! :sweat_smile:


To me it seems, that Foundation’s bootstrap nodes are down. It would be good if at least these would be responsive. Or I’d expect the contact list on AWS would be taken down as well.

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