Hey guys,
as discussed in this thread, I wanted to open up a new one so we can organize the translation of the SAFE components into different languages. As of now, there is “only” the SystemDocs to translate, but beginning with testnet3 we can probably start working on cli und gui stuff as well.
I’d like to keep a list in this first post to show which languages are already finished, which are being worked on and so forth. It would be ideal if we could get a team of at least two people for every language, so there is a review of the translation. I’m halfway through the translation of the SystemDocs to german and I know that I’d want someone to review my work, because it is one thing to translate and another thing entirely to write a text that is nice and easy to read. So far I have only done the first.
Since I’m not finished yet, I haven’t figured out the best way to put the translations into one central place. Apparently there is a language selection in gitbook, but I haven’t figured that out yet. As soon as I know that, I’ll put up instructions on how to do that as well.
EDIT: Maybe it makes sense to change the subcategory Documentation to a main-category with the languages as subcategories?
So, if you’d like to help out, drop me a message and I’ll put your name up here.
Translation/Review: @hillbicks
Translation/Review: @BambooGarden
Status: done (one last review outstanding)
Translation: @jm5
Review: @nowfeelsafer
Review: @antoine
Status: done (except libraries)
Translation: @Dimitar
Review: tba
Status: in translation
Translation: @19eddyjohn75
Review: @Melvin
Review: @anon40790172
Status: in translation
Translation: @digipl
Review: @ma7as
Status: done
Translation: @dmitry_n
Review: @alexbubly___
Status: in translation
#A very brief github Howto
go to github.com
create an account
follow the instructions at Fork a repo - GitHub Docs to fork my repo and keep in sync with the changes that are made there.
I suggest we use my repo as a base for the fork since each language needs to be in a seperate folder and this change is not yet in the maidsafe repo. The file LANGS.md needs to be updated with the new folder setup. Syntax should be clear if you look at it. Please copy the en folder to a new folder with a name that represent that shortcode for your language and start your translation in the newly created folder. Otherwise we’re overwriting the original english.
if you made changes and added new files/dirs
add new_file_or_dir to your local repo
git add new_file_or_dir
commit your changes to your local repo
git commit -m "add your comment here, e.g. added new language" -a
push changes to your repo
git push
Create a pull request