
Maybe the maidsafe foundation and crowd support can fund some more satelites with parntership with outer net. It could be a charity fund from farming funds…

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I received this email

"We’ve simplified satellite broadcasting.
Outernet is more than just a broadcast service. We’re a global playlist of content that you create. We’ve built a service that can be used and experienced by people all over the world–with and without an internet connection.
We recently revised Uplink Center and increased the file size limit to 3MB. Please give it a spin–it’s free to upload your content and have it broadcast by six geostationary satellites.

We’re so excited about this development that we’re offering a huge discount on Lighthouse, our satellite data receiver. For the next week, it will be available for just $49. We’re only selling 100 Lighthouses at this price, so please hurry while supplies last (limit one discounted Lighthouse per customer). Be sure to use the coupon code: HALFSIES

We look forward to seeing what ends up in Librarian.

Happy Broadcasting,


I just received an email from Outernet today saying that they plan on shipping their indiegogo presale Lanterns this summer. A year or so later than the original ETA but like Maidsafe they want to deliver a quality product.