Hi ants
I kind of surprised myself with my last article simply because I’m no writer but also because people seemed to enjoy it. “This Wee Scottish Firm Is Building A Solution To Net Neutrality — And It’s Completely Autonomous” https://medium.com/@A.Wheel/this-wee-scottish-firm-is-building-a-solution-to-net-neutrality-and-its-completely-autonomous-cd80b4b6d03f
And so now I want to write another and see if we can get even more fresh eyeballs onto what we are doing (for reference the last article thus far has 1000 views and 500 reads) IMHO that’s great free marketing.
For my next article I want to write about the non block chain based crypto currencies and obviously highlight maidsafe.
To help me with my research and first draft id really appreciate any replies with cc’s you know of that are not blockchain based.
Currently I am aware of iota and two others were just sent to me from reddit.
And as last time any proof readers would be awesome just comment here and I’ll send you a Google Doc link.
Thanks ants