Our SAFE Apps site is 200% DONE!

Yeah, there’s about 280 links across both versions of the website that need to be updated because of the change.

Anyone can download the code from github and help make the changes if it’s bothering them :stuck_out_tongue: Ctrl+F + replace all

I’ll get around to that eventually


Just wanted to say the MaidSafe Timeline website I was working on is totally open source. I was just looking through it and found lots of cool but unfinished work, like this long notepad full of MaidSafe company history that I hadn’t gotten around to putting into the site yet.

as that notepad shows, I was really aiming for total 100% inclusion of all MaidSafe’s history, actions, blog entries, video releases, etc etc, and then have it so you can expand and dive into each year/month/day on the timeline as granularly as you wanted to

So it really is a cool project if anyone wants to fork it, change backgrounds, fill in things, etc. Would be a great resource for everyone to have on the side


I really like this project and have submitted a pull request.

Perhaps make it clearer in the readme what you’re looking for from contributors. I found the html as it stands is a bit daunting. Perhaps have the events in a generic format (maybe as a .json array) and then render them using a template. I know static html is sometimes better than javascript, but there’s a lot of non-content text to type out when using static html.

Also is this a MaidSafe timeline or a Safe Network timeline? Or in this case are they essentially interchangable? I think the difference between the two is important and should be used consistently.

Looking forward to seeing this grow, it’s really cool.


Great! Thanks very much! Just approved & merged it! Very awesome work!!

Definitely, this part needs cleaning up. I was making shorthand code notes when I was really working daily on this, because there’s certain < tr> tags and such for each tier of the timeline that open/close, but I haven’t touched the code here for so long now. I’m sure it would come back, but it’s still a side project right now

Really leaning more this way. I don’t think that SAFE is very far removed yet from MaidSafe at all at this point.

In my mind, SAFE will only be it’s own thing once we have lots of groups updating / maintaining it, far after launch. So for now and the foreseeable future I definitely think that only a MaidSafe timeline makes sense

Thanks! Me too! it’s great for those moments of doubt like, “Dang, all this time has passed and still no SAFE Network!! WTH??” Because something like this can remind you of all the amazing things / breakthroughs / tests / events that have happened and are still happening along the way :smiley:

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The next most important update would be making it as readable as possible. Just tried it on mobile and the timeline shows up as extremely tiny.

Even on desktop the print is quite small and blends into the background. I think this is the most important thing to fix next. Then making it easy to add content is next up.

For now if anyone wants to add things into the timeline just do a pull request on the notepad like @mav or tell me things to paste into it :slight_smile:

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I gave the MaidSafe Timeline Website project its own thread here