Honestly, it’s largely the same things content-wise (though not completely), but with a few recommended changes from @Blindsite2k, @Tonda and @Artiscience such as this, this, this, and this.
I just thought the SAFE movement deserved a more professional-looking Potential Apps page, to show people that we aren’t just making a big dropbox-type-thingy, we are in fact building something much greater.
Be on the lookout for my new coming content, such as an official SF SAFE Blog of mine, an interactive MaidSafe project timeline site and some other goodies which will be a surprise!!
I hope you guys realize how far out you are. You have released a 2.0 version of something that relies on something that has not seen its 0.1 release yet.
Technically no we haven’t released anything as these apps haven’t been built yet. But yeah I feel you bro and we know. Why do you think we’re chomping at the bit to get the SAFE network released? You think this is far out? Just think of the impact all these apps and the network itself will have on society!
Are you sure? Anything “smart” can be hacked. If you have a smart toaser how do you keep someone from remotely shutting it off and keeping you from using it? Same with your smart-washing maching/dryer or your smart-fridge? We have smartcars and see what’s happening with them. Vroom vroom yikes the breaks aren’t working! Woops you’ve been smart-jacked!
I prefer anything that I rely on for my survival to NOT rely on the internet or any higher tech. The internet is amazingly useful but it’s not something I want to be dependent upon. I know at the end of the day I can unplug and survive without it.
Personally I don’t like the idea of IoT, way too much wi-fi running around for that. And for what? So you can use your cell phone to order your washing machine to order more soap? Seriously? Or script the coffee machine to make coffee for you a few seconds early? Get off your ass and make the damned coffee and just order he soap yourself. The save in convience isn’t worth the extra wifi radiation.
True but then how do you define a smart device for the IoT?
Also true but consider how many cords would be running around. One can have a lot of appliances, large and small, in their home.
This question does pose the idea of combining cords with say Li-Fi systems wihin the home. Correct me if I’m wrong but you wouldn’t need to illuminate the whole room in order for Li-Fi to work. You just need a light source the device can see, that is line of sight.
Forget the definition. Just disable networking. If you don’t like your cats nails just cut em or cap em.
If you want to reduce your radiation exposure you will take the necessary measures. Most appliances are low throughput devices. The thickness of their respective wires could reflect that. Plug them into a specialized socket and bam!
Li-Fi is freggin awesome! I can’t wait for them to refine the technology. It renders home radiation countermeasures less crucial for optimal health.