There is a lot to learn from Polkadot
Dot price during ICO was around $30 USD
They already sold 50% of the DOTs 3 years ago for like 1ETH = 200 DOTS (aprox $1.5 per DOT), and now they are asking $125
They vote with their money
Even got a kitty to fund stuff
What pains me is that around here, we’re chatting about erc20 MAID (no offense to who brought it up), instead of what really matters, namely.
Why is this not Kilobyte, Megabyte, Gigabyte, Terabyte or Petabyte? And to who does this matter? How about a cloudplatform that just bought a small amount of bitcoins?
It will only cost us time and money to play with exchanges, for six years now they don’t give a about this project. When we got a working network from home we’ll probably revisit Microstrategy…
There my Kanye West rant…
Yeah I like what Polkadot is doing…