WTF is “socialist” about this?
Once again you let your decades of Russophobic, “rather dead than Red” conditioning rule your thinking. I thought you were mentally strong enough to overcome all that shit they laid on your brain. Looks like I was wrong,
Please quote where Marx said cryptos were a BadThing and grow up FFS.
Find other adjectives to decry political initiatives you don’t like but don’t call them “socialist” cos you just look even stupider than the average child-like anarchist.
And as you very recently pointed out, and others have also in the past weeks, this emissions rate is too high to be able to limit it to 10 million in the fist year (1 x 10^7 from graph)
One method I’ve preferred the idea of using them as rewards for developers, e.g. 200 x 1m / 2000x 100k ANT rewards for devs / teams who make good stuff for the network.
I guess it could juice up ‘Impossible Futures’ somewhat, and mean devs have much more to play for.
It would still get to the market, but only after delivering value.
The value of the tokens can come into the marketplace by not using them at all. Otherwise, if you just want to insure the actual token get’s into the marketplace for a real value - then you sell them at market price for Eth … OR if you don’t want to earn money off of them (I don’t know why you might want this, but for the sake of argument), then you trade them at market price for burned Eth.
It’s tolerated all the time. Also our presale is small comparatively. Also as explained just above, there are other ways to issue the tokens if they are so inclined to issue them at all.
This is completely false. I’ve explained before and I’ve explained here as well, there are other means.
As it stands, tt’s a handout for doing nothing for the network except inflating our node numbers - uselessly at best, and to the detriment of the network at worst. I don’t think many could see this as anything but a form of socialism #LazyThinking – right back atcha buddy.
Yes, another good way - better than my suggestions even. Plenty of answers here if people would just look.
I shot a request to Bux to answer this. Its hopefully an oversight that they have not said anything. And its exactly double at 20 million when multiplying the exact daily by 365
Its possible they redid the graph and flattened it out more without doing the update yet.
The term presale is used for all sales before the launch of the network - the fact that with us it is divided into 3 separate groups does not change the fact that 80% of all existing tokens are distributed between these 3 groups and for all new people only 20% remains…
Any outsider will see this and not care that maidsafe investors got shares equivalent to tokens at one price, the 2014 group at another price and the BankToTheFuture group at another price…
The blockchain will show emissions etc. However there seems to have been an issue as the wrong amounts were being paid out (I am reading between the lines here and internally). That will be sorted with some urgency.
However, at this network size I think we need to realise that uploads working properly and payments being distributed would follow the same pattern. Large node providers would still get the lions share and the disk space required in these early days can be gamed as they are not full or anywhere near capacity. So a large initial network is a dream situation from that angle, it gives us a great way to see what’s possible and so on.
Over time my hope is this all settles down and that wee African lassie in the bush in Africa get’s to earn enough to pay for her computer and use of it and we truly democratise the new Internet. It simply has to grow beyond maidsafe and this community though. It has to get there and it will definitely not be. straight path and will certainly not be planned in detail and will always be able o be criticised as it grows into what I and many here hope for.
I am uber comfortable watching all of this unfold, The team have done great so far, lots to solve, the community have done great so far, lots to understand and perhaps overly critical as well as overly supportive at the same time, who knows, but I do feel something is different now. It’s a totally different world we are in and heading to. Even to the point where I am not sure money will even be part of it at all. Again I am uber comfortable watching and helping where I can.
We do live in the most interesting of times and we are all here together in the right place at the right time for the right reasons to truly make a difference. Just don’t bust a gut, keep focussed and positive and let’s just see how fast this baby can grow.
Sure the blockchain can show records, but that’s only useful insofar as it’s monitored. I’m just surprised there isn’t any custom auditing tooling running to double check that expected smart contract behavior is what happens.
I’m working on this very thing right now. If you guys would like some tooling made for the project/foundation to run, I’m interested.
Finally, a cheap sbc router can support all the load, 65k ready for the node server. Seems 0.3.8 much stable than 0.3.7.
While saw the price early today….
Imo, this is where we need to move quicker than grand Impossible Future plans.
Small projects, with clearly defined goals, with reasonable compensation to make it happen. Maybe from the Bamboo Garden Fund?
Lots of folks want to help are doing so with little support. The dots just need connecting with better comms to make it happen. I say just… easier said than done, etc, but we have willing and able folks champing at the bit to make this work.
Edit: not to say IF is a bad plan… sounds great. Just need a good mix of approaches.
I totally agree. Ideally it would include team/project/foundation buy-in, but short of that we could still make it work with community effort and support. For example, let’s say there was no formal interest in an auditing tool, a group of benefactors like @BambooGarden (who’s already given so much) could pool funds to cover the dev work which would itself be at a discount flat rate. Then whether the team used the tool or not, the community would be able to run it and maintain oversight.
There are plenty of holes to fill, and plenty of devs here on the forum, the question is are there any benefactors that remain that would be willing to back the work.
I’m working on several things I’ll be sharing with the community (free & open source) but those are things that fit within my plans. As I assume is the case with other devs on the forum, if I was to work at the direction of the community, I’d need compensation. (ANT) Do you think we can bridge that gulf?
community devs <community/network needs> community benefactors