Most wanted APP for the SAFE Network

Dude Spongebob is like my favorite show ever

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  1. Google search replacement.
  2. Youtube replacement.

Ok I know we all love Linux and I know we want to build a SafeOS and I know Windows is fubared. But I was thinking why not make an open source antivirus/spyware and malware killer with adaptive learning software that can learn and adapt to and recognize new threats on the fly. Sort of like your own personal hunter killer drones. Then combine that with a massive database stored on the SAFE network to keep your private information private and your public (viruses, spyware definitions, ways of destroying threats, what worked, what didn’t work, what is not a threat compared to what is, etc etc) databases seperate but accessable to those that need them. Then from there just let it grow and improve.


Most of these app ideas could be consolidated into one application;

Consider the many features an application could have;


Yet another good reason for throwing LOTS of ideas out now.

Hey here’s another idea! A crowdsourced drawing app with a community database of both artwork and various tools for making art. Think blender meets, krita/photoshop, 3D printing and other forms of interactive art. I mean yes there are these projects but I mean actually storing the databases on safe so you could have accesses to these huge databases instantly.

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Not sure if it was mentioned but how about games? Maybe if we have a MAIDsafe social media page (aka FB killer) then integrate some game playing between friends, etc.


What about a community organizer app, an app that helps people set up Decentralized organizations.

One of the hardest things about getting decentralized organizations started is that people don’t get how to make them work at a gut level. I’m thinking an app that is designed to allow for collaborative decision making, which encourages initial movers to get a circle of people around them to evaluate their idea. I’m thinking forums without admins, which simply network.

If you had a specific DO in mind this app would have templates to help you build that, and set it up with software backed rules so that everyone involved gets used to getting three people to ping an idea and at least two to affirm it, as they move forward.

Not that this app would be able to enforce rules outside of the context of the app, but again, one of the hardest things about getting DO’s started is getting everyone USED to following the rules, even rules that they all agree upon. If people can get used to certain things in the virtual world, those skills and norms can and do translate to other contexts.


A voluntary micropayment service that allows a 1/10000 fee in in transactions (like a Discover card) to fund a group of legal and investigative professionals dedicated to getting rid of organizations like the MPAA and RIAA through investigation and the use of info from services like Slur, through civil and criminal prosecution of their officers for any qualifying wrong doing past and present (pushing for enforcement, publicizing omission) and through changing public sentiment and attempting to criminalize their business models with better legislation and introducing bills (even if just chronic attempts at bills) that will criminalize their business models.

It’s been the way we’ve done things but it’s wrong. Sponsored media, including sponsored search needs to become, impractical/unprofitable and then illegal, it’s a conflict. We’re so used to thinking this way that it seems almost laughable but we need to reverse this and recover power that was always ours to begin with. They will outspend us, but they should never be allowed to use laws offensively, it should always be defense until they are gone.

If a public wants to get rid of certain anti-social organizations then it needs to form that consensus publically and hold its so-called leaders accountable in the process or replace those ‘leaders’ and make it happen. It’s a total failure of legal and political systems that the entities like the RIAA and MPAA are not considered criminal, at the very least they represent the same types of conflict of interest as cartels and collusive oligopoly/monopoly but in an unacceptable speech contexts. Look at all the horn blowing the MPAA/RIAA do and look at how much they try to introduce legislation curtail speech and make it illegal. If there ever was a money-is-speech, rule by money group it these. They are the modern day equivalent of a red scare but they seem unopposed, and anything that happens to them is always construed as injustice or a hack.

I hope a group designed to get rid of these entities someday soon is able to loudly blow its horn endlessly with every victory it has over them, endlessly and accurately characterizing them as pro censorship and anti free- speech and into speech enclosure, defacto lock out/up. Firms like Disney and Comcast should be broken up. Firms like Disney Media, Comcast, Fox should face break up and injunction, these markets and domains belong to the public.

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I have four votes as it is hard for me to choose.

Decentralized community built MMO
Pokedex of real life species
Decentralized Exchange

If I were to create my own it would have to be SafePet. A virtual pet app that conects users with the safe network so you can battle and/or trade items as well as chat.



Glad someone else thinks this is awesome too :slight_smile:

We could all have it on our smartphones fairly easily, and we could take new pictures to update it with more species as we travel :smiley:

(I read a NatGeo estimate that we only discovered like 10% of all the insects of the world, for example)


A lot of great ideas here! One fairly simple, but highly useful app (for me at least) – a password manager. Something like keepassx with an in-built password creator would be great! On that note…think of all the entropy that could be scrounged from the network! Does the network already have an entropy collecting mechnism somewhere in there? With all the bits of data moving around, could this possibly be the greatest source of “random” data the world has known?


This isn’t high on the list, but I’d love to help work on an etymology app. I’m fascinated by language and etymology, especially the Sanskrit side of it all. I won’t link it til someone requests it, but I have a site where I created a language that deals heavily with etymology.


You have a site that made a new language?

This, I’ve got to see!


:smile: Here’s the link:

It uses symbols for word parts like roots and prefixes etc. so it doesn’t really have new words (well a few I made up) but an analogue could be Chinese/Japanese Kanji.

My ultimate goal is to be able to form multiple words into a coherent picture, where one would know exactly what the “sentence” is just by looking at the drawing. I have a few small examples of that on the sigils page.

I guess I could ask if anyone wants to give me tips how to search multiple words on the translator page, or if they notice anything really wrong with it, that’d be great. :wink:


Your research is astonishing

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Quite fascinating. Last year I created a rather efficient character recognition program using an artificial neural network, and it made me think if it’d be possible at some point to use AI methods like that to let a computer design an ‘optimal’ language from scratch, for humans and machines alike. One that is efficient, effective, unambiguous, and intuitive, both visually and audibly. Your project’s goal seems to be similar, I really like it.


You know there’s a lot of discussion about why games would be hard to run on SAFE because it would hard to do things in real time but many awesome games don’t run in real time. Many of the best games are single player games and with SAFE’s ability to store data it would be even easier to transmit them and create them. Imagine something like Skyrim or the later Final Fantasy games or Crysis 2 or 3 on SAFE. Or even just classic arcade games. Those could be built and transmitted on SAFE easily. RTS and MMO is only a small fraction of the gaming industry. Remember the days when you used to create maps or characters and share them with friends but were ultimately playing alone? SAFE could do that easily. Think of having an epic FPS or RPG with an amazing editing package and stat recording system. You can share maps, gear, characters, skins, mods, stats and achievements. And incidently all that stuff is all the stuff people pretty much already share in an MMO already when they solo the game. SAFE can pretty much do everything an MMO can do except handle the direct real time interactivity part.

Actually come to think of it it would be very interesting to have a remake of the paper Dungeons and Dragons on SAFE as it would be more turn based and truer to the spirit of the table top experience. Yes you could add awesome graphics and UI but ultimately it would still rely on a turn based system.

But my point being many of the game types people play could easily be run on SAFE not just social media games. But also I think the games you played in social media would change because you could store mroe and play more on SAFE. I mean think about it instead of launching some crappy flash based pay to play app in your web browser when you’re on social media why not laucnh your favoirte full sized game. And when in game why not have an add on to integergrate with social media to share stats, items, currency, screenshots, livecasts and so forth?


This is true, and for that real-time interactivity a company could always connect classic trusted servers to SAFE, creating a hybrid model. For real-time interactivity the players in the same in-game area would connect to one of the trusted company servers using a server’s SAFE address, which can be listed in the company’s publicly shared server address file. The trusted server and client would exchange their IP addresses to establish a direct low-latency connection.

There are two major new things SAFE can offer gaming:

Direct exchange and sale of tokens representing any kind in-game item/object/character without any legal responsibility for the company. They are digital assets outside of the company’s control.

Streaming of dynamic world-data of massive virtual worlds on demand. Right now that has serious scalability issues. With SAFE you can have an incredibly large virtual world (hundreds of terabytes big) that can be transformed by millions of players at the same time. In a classic model all those changes would need to be propagated to all the players by a few super-servers, creating an impossible bandwidth load. In SAFE that load will be distributed among all the vaults holding any of the world’s data chunks. You could run a dynamic virtual universe on it that constantly changes.


Glad you like it! Your program sounds really interesting. The closest language to that might be Sanskrit, where the consonants are visual forms of the sounds themselves, plus how efficient the whole language is. I’ve actually been wanting to write something for Neoglyphi, I guess not too similar to your program, but like the Japanese IME where you just type and it forms the characters.

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I think that we think alike in many ways. With 3d printing coming online in huge new ways very soon, there’s a need for tools like this. I know that we’ll be contributing if we have the (human) bandwidth!