I know SAFE is awesome and does lots of cool and interesting stuff, but what is expected to be its first widespread use case with real utility that draws people in?
I think that this thread is probably your best answer for different people’s opinions on that.
and check out lots of more at www.tiny.cc/appsite
That conversation and webpage seem more geared toward the future of SAFE in general with various “great ideas” thrown around as is typical in crypto. There’s no telling what the distant future holds and every one of those ideas may come to fruition in due time, but what about the first use case out of the gate? Are we expecting anyone to use SAFE for anything right away besides satisfying a technological curiosity?
I mean, a data storage replacement is the classic underlying app. People can store their data, access it anywhere, without worrying about mass surveillance or MITM attacks.
Thats the primary use-case that I’m anticipating right up front.
That seems likely but sure to be extremely low usage.
How would that be low usage? I use the data I currently store on google docs and dropbox virtually every day.
One yuge use case for the SAFE network is as a replacement of BitTorrent. And if content providers are paid safecoins then the file sharing could be legal! Because people would prefer to support the original content creators. Instead of The Pirate Bay there can be The SAFE (and legal) Bay. Another huge use case is farming.
@Anders Would still like to see any mathematics to support such a model. I have run the math and am pretty darn convinced it would be a raw deal for content creators.
@kirkion Everyone will continue using Google Docs and Dropbox until they are somehow compelled to switch. Maybe some of the people in this forum will switch but that is not a widespread use case. There are crypto alternatives to Google Docs and Dropbox right now and yet you yourself still use Google Docs and Dropbox every day.
@Anders That sounds interesting. I suppose pirated movies could be uploaded to SAFE and then downloaded by anyone via a safe:// website? Still, the same thing can already be achieved with Bittorrent and TPB and also pirated videos seem to be streamed more and more often these days instead of downloaded.
So maybe there is no killer app in sight just yet?
It’s very hard to predict which apps (if any) will be killer, so I don’t think we can answer this question. In the end it’s all just speculation. I’m working on a decentralised forum at the moment, will probably release along with the network itself. Perhaps it’ll never see more than a few hundred users. Or perhaps it’ll be immensely popular. None can tell the future.
Physical security (autonomous network) for a person or organisations data is significant.
Neither Google nor Dropbox provide such a service.
I expect if launched with Network then a really good chance it will be immensely popular…probably take a bit of time to build up, but I’d expect it to attract more users than this Forum from the start. There will just be much more people engaging/knowing about the Network than now. I’m bullish on this…good luck.
IMO it’s messaging. ATM there’s nothing other than OTR that’s even vaguely secure. You tell vendors and clients on the dark web that they have an alternative like this, they’ll be all over it.
While the instantaneous file-sharing is useful, and the storage too, the messaging is what will bring this all together.
This, and the ability to create unstoppable, sensorship resistant web sites that will hopefully be widely available in countries with oppressive governments could be important.
Cool, this is getting interesting.
@Seneca Will your forum be ready to beta test along with the impending beta network rollout? Are there forums on the dark web currently?
@John But who will switch from their current data security methods?
@smacz Is messaging built into the SAFE protocol or would a third-party messaging app need to be developed?
@DavidMc0 Can’t such websites be created and accessed anywhere via a proxy, VPN, or Tor currently?
I would say as a file storage solution. ~Dropbox replacement.
World’s Biggest Data Breaches & Hacks — Information is Beautiful If the network could prevent 0.1% of these hacks and data breaches I think there’s a real use case from the start.
My forum will probably go live the day we get full API access to StructuredData types through JavaScript->SAFE Firefox addon->SAFE Launcher. I don’t know when that will be.
Yes, there are plenty of forums on the dark web, but on the networks that I know (Tor, I2P) they still use centralised servers and centralised moderation.
Yes, on a second thought I doubt that big content creators will find the safecoin reward big enough to allow their files to be shared on the SAFE network. Donations can improve the situation but it would still require centralized solutions to guarantee genuine content owners. Hmm… tricky. Or decentralized ranking solutions for content is a possible alternative to centralized authorities.