Most wanted APP for the SAFE Network

The US and most western countries already release the text of their bills online. The problem is that the language is so dense and misleading that it takes hundreds of hours of work by lawyers and accountants to determine what each law actually does. Having a “bill stripper” which takes the currently available text and is able to isolate and determine the answers to material questions such as: how much will this program cost, would be very useful.


So basically a politicalese translator? Could we get a legalese translator to go with that?

The trouble is that legalese is while quite technical in some ways, extremely fuzzy in others. So this is something that will have to wait until Maidsafe allows for distributed computing and we can bring the power of the entire network to bear


Has anyone heard of ? Don’t know if anyone here has an account there but basically their idea is this: They’re like Facebook except instead of paying the corporation they pay YOU the end user to post, comment, andl view the advertising. TSU takes 10%, and the users take 90%. Now why I’m bringing this up is a) I have some issues with how TSU is run. And b) I’d like a maidsafe version. But all in all the concept of being paid to social network and produce content is good. I do not agree with the limitations on shares, posts, friends, followers or comments and quite frankly I’d prefer it to be modeled more after friendica or Diaspora then facebook but I do like the core concept. And how they have all your analytics displayed is awesome. Obviously having this ported to maidsafe would have benefits in security, your data would be stored on the safe network, you could get paid in safecoin, it would be open source, etc etc. But anyway yes this is what I’d like a maidsafe version of TSU. We’re making SAFEbook, why not combine elements of TSU into it so that you can get paid to post?

Here this is from their FAQ

How does tsῡ work?

		tsū shares social revenues that come from third party ads, 

sponsorships and partnerships. Once economics are created, tsū receives
10% to maintain the platform. Half of the remaining earned revenue is
paid to the user who created the content. The other half of the
remaining earned revenue is distributed to the user’s network Family Tree. Users on tsū monetize their content and network in perpetuity, which continues to grow alongside the community.

What is the tsū Algorithm?

	Tsū’s algorithm automatically tracks, measures, and distributes revenue to the appropriate user and their Family Tree.

At a high level, 90% of revenues are distributed to users. To maintain
the platform, tsū receives 10%. To see how this breaks down, let’s take a
look at 4 users, all with varying start dates on tsū:

	User A invites user B, who invites user C, who invites user D
		Part 1

		- $100 of earned revenue is generated based on the content user D shared (photos, videos, status updates, etc.)
		Part 2

		- 90% of earned revenue go to the users. In this case, $90 of the $100 is shared with all the users.

		- tsū takes 10% of the $100 for platform fees. In this case $10.

		Part 3

		- User D, the original content creator takes 50% of the $90. In this case, $45.

		- User C gets 33.3% (1/3) of the original $90 generated. In this case, $29.70

		- User B gets 11.1% (1/3 of 1/3 = 1/9)  of the original $90 generated. In this case $9.99

		- User A gets 3.70% (1/3 of 1/3 of 1/3 = 1/27)  of the original $90 generated. In this case $3.33

		- This is what we call the rule of infinite thirds

Obviously Warren is going to have coniption fits here but I’m sure we can devise a non adversiting based model for people like him.

More can be viewed on their FAQ. You get up to 24 posts a day, 8 of which can be shares. I think it’s like 1000 comments, You can have 5,000 friends and 1,000 followers. Needless to say it’s kind of restrictive and personally I’d like a network without the restrictions.


I agree, how feasible are hooks into other systems? Will those systems be able to block hooks into the safe network? What about a Roku app or some hardware to plugin to other hardware and replace your cell phone, tv, game console, etc

It depends :smile:
If you don’t have privileged access to the system that refuses to support MaidSafe, most likely you won’t be able to just load a MaidSafe extension even if it’s perfectly compatible and would work great.
There will certainly be devices that will work fine, including those that you jailbreak and configure to load software you want.

I assume non-x86 devices will be (community-?) supported once x86 is more stable.

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Ok this might turn into a stand alone project but I’ve been thinking about this app idea for awhile. After reading an article about how people tend to decrease their empathic connection, and therefore their odds of being charitable, as the size of the group they are attempting to help increases and after watching for the last 10 or 20 years how feckless and inefficient both government and charities can be it seems obvious the most obvious answer is to connect donor and recipient directly as efficiently as possible. The donor should be asked clearly what their values are, what their background is (because this affects decision making) and what kind of person they are seeking to help. Searches and filters should be provided to filter out recipients that do not match the donor’s criteria and to find recipients that do. If you’re someone who values business you might want to donate to young innovative eutrepeneurs with new inspiring ideas. Or you might have a thing for helping struggling single mothers. Or you might want to donate to war vetrans or the homeless (sometimes one in the same). Or you might want to just help someone buy a bus ticket to get from a to b.

Features of the APP

  • Search and filter by age, race, gender, values, history, religious and spiritual views, economic and financial size/need, recipient type (individual, family, organization, community, town, state, nation, etc), reputational status (perhaps integrate one, or many, of the reputation systems that have been discussed around here into this), and other such criteria.
  • Hashtags and ability to search via hashtags.
  • Social network integration. One should be able to share one’s story, request for funds, received and donated funds and what one does with them on various socnets.
  • All personal information should be encrypted and anonymous unless shared directly from donor to recipient.
  • Automatic matchmaking system between donor and possible recipient which takes the donor’s inputed values and matches them with given values by matching recipients. Press a button and you’ll be matched with exactly the kind of donor/recipient you’re looking for. The same kind of matchmaking technology that’s used in dating and gaming can be used for charity.
  • Donors can choose to either donate publically or privately. Recipients can choose to allow their profiles to be searchable, only searchable by the matchmaking system, or strictly private and shared via links. Say you wanted to ask your friends to donate to a private cause or something but didn’t want such a thing getting out. You’d set of a profile for said cause and share the link privately.
  • Money would primarily be sent via safecoin but I would hope for other currencies to be integrated as well if possible.
  • Crowdunding support options would of course be available (because essentially that’s what this is).
  • One can both donate and receive funds at once and to and from multiple parties. For example a single mother is funded by multiple parties and then takes part of that money to go to her son’s college fund, which is also funded by multiple parties, and sends a bit to help her elderly father, who again is also being funded charitably by multiple donors.

Anyway as I said this could turn into it’s own topic but I thought I’d put all that out there. So much to express on that but I think I’ll cut it there for now and see what you guys think. As I said this could turn into a stand alone project.

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Sorry, genuinely not trying to interrupt the improvement of systems like TSU, if someone can get it right it will be revolutionary.

Wanted to suggest a reputation system for accountable business. Something better than say the “Better Business Bureau” in the States. Better than an agency like the “Consumer Protection Agency.”

If a bank says it doesn’t share customer info, their practice of sharing customer info with credit rating agencies should be used to counter that claim and result in a public downgraded rating. Anything they do that is hostile to the public or customers should show immediately and be tied to their internal leaks. I’d like to see this applied to the Fortune 10,000, similar to what Robert Parker’s reviews did to the wine industry.

I was thinking privatization of domestic spying in the States may have started when TRW transitioned from its IRS gig and got involved in credit reporting possibly with the Regan credit card revolution, which today we recognize as enslavement through debt. ARMs, 28% credit cards, outrageous student loan interest rates, all of these are part of predatory banking. I was thinking of the bank I am most familiar with. They would tell their customers that they never share their information but they still do the financial gossip thing with US credit reporting agencies.

I am concerned that the US corrupting model of credit reporting agencies could spread to the EU against even EU laws if efforts like ProjectSAFE enables it. Some industry sponsored organization would be paying these entities overseas and the firms themselves would be using them to discriminate through anonymous links. The EU was right to ban these agencies and ban Goolge’s model of mining privacy, starting with overriding their “no erase” policy. If a bank got caught it might be some slap on the hand instead of something with teeth. But having a BBB replacement possibly on the model of the exponential tree thread would curb their corrupting behavior.

Let me provide an example. You go to the emergency room. You pay your bill and confirm that its paid. Then two weeks later you get a bill for $25 for a service you already paid for. You research this and learn its an intentional illegal “balance bill.” You refuse to pay and a corrupt collection agency with a retired legal cronies on its arbitration board won’t listen. You get it removed from Transworld and Equifax but Experian refuses, next time it might be Transworld, they exist in part to enable this kind of corruption- no wonder these firms are suing each other and trying to downgrade each others business ratings. Good luck with the FBI or Consumer Protection Agency this is banking corruption. How do we reverse the predatory banking model where our info is shared against our will and used against us? Well this might be a way and a way to counter some of the efforts to identify end users for spam banking and unjustified credit black balling or extorting.


yes vote



  • facebook / googleplus / social
  • websites? how?
  • browser
  • youtube / videochannel / tv-and-entertainment
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This is my first post.

Seeking API suggestions is like being in a Candy Store with an unlimited wallet.

@happybeing Yes, yes, and yes to SafeMail aka email. However, email is quite limited, clumsy and wasteful in the realm of this new paradigm shift in community freedom. I hope there is agreement here. In the hope of striking the mother load for early ‘mass appealing’ growth I am thinking something like SafeNeighbors . SafeNeighbors would be SafeNet’s FaceBook-like app, but on the steroids because of SafeNet’s natural nurturing potential already having been 'built into it’s core. What do you think.

I just finished listening to Ms. Paige Peterson’s interview on the ‘Beyond BitCoin Podcast’ I got this inspiration while I was listening. I could share the link if anyone is interested.


Yes, AWS/Azure in the list. For me as a ‘budding’ Django/Python developer I want Azure/AWS kind of product…

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The goal of the API is to be a replacement of AWS/Azure. Hopefully we achieve that goal, because we want lots of developers using those existing products to be able to switch.


Perhaps something like a decentralized UberPOP? Let people coördinate taxi/carpool each other through the SAFE network. It could avoid pretty much all regulation that way, since there’s no company making a profit from the rides. Every ride would be merely an arrangement between private individuals. Using it would be fully at your own risk, although a rating system should probably be included nonetheless.


SafeVoting - for elections and referendums!

This is next step democracy. Democracy 2.0 :smiley:

In deed SafeVoting can be usefull for any kind of polling for anything at all. For expamle “Likes” in SafeBook )))

But especially for elections its is need to be an anonymous. So I suppose a zero-knowledge protocol a zero-knowledge proof should be used

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Solves SOOOOOO many problems!!!

Why didn’t I think of that?!

Also, the person who builds this still gets RIDICULOUS profits from SafeCoin!!!

Win win win win!!!


Check “La Zooz”


As for me the picture of the SafaMaid ideal future is like this:

  1. Complex office app: Word, Excel and Accsess analouge. Calculator. Paint Editor and Photo Editor. Calendar.
  2. Email/SafeSkype
  3. Social Network: including Groups with forum option
  4. Sites building (DnD) and Sites search engine.
  5. Ad network (like AdWords and AdSense)
  6. SafeVotes – service for voting (e-elections, e-referendums)

All apps should be mutual crossintegrated. For exmple, event from the e-mail or social network should be easely placed in the Calendar

Of course this is not the final list. But it is the main “must have” list.

Finally I see the prospect of full refusing from traditional Win OS.
SafeNetwork should become the OS system - the full eco system by itself


It’s probably covered but I was surprised you can’t open an official Poll on social media sites that have a period of time set, number of participants and results layed out nicely. I mean you can do it unofficially but not as cool. At least not to my knowledge I tend to stay away from Facebook because, well you know why.


It’s been done before - called
Some did well but all people talked about was their views and their paychecks…

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