Meet DAVE!

Meet Dave! :eyes: :eyes: :eyes:

We’re excited to introduce you to Dave, our alpha-level release! :tada:

We know some of you have been eagerly anticipating this moment, and while we could have kept refining it behind the scenes, we decided to share it with you now to gather your invaluable feedback and bug reports. With your help, we can make improvements more quickly! Please use the newly created #its-all-about-dave channel in Discord for this.

Dave is the first of our experimental client applications for you to get hands on and adding data and reading data from the network. And as a jumping off point for other devs to dissect and understand how things function

What Can You Do with Dave?

  • Connect your wallet: Authenticate Project Dave and sign transactions.
  • View and search your files: Access and explore your file library and metadata.
  • Upload files: Seamlessly upload files and handle payment for uploads.
  • Download files: Retrieve your stored files with ease.

Pre-Requisites before starting DAVE

Getting Started
Download the version that suits your operating system from the links below:


  • Universal: Download Here
    Note for Mac users: You may see a warning about the app being from an unverified developer. After installing the app in your Applications folder, right-click and select “Open” to bypass the warning.



We can’t wait to hear what everyone thinks and work together to make Dave the best it can be! :rocket:


What do i need to do for this?


Post your address and beg for some test eth from a community member who thinks ahead :joy: probably @aatonnomicc, @Southside or @Josh



Thanks in advance.


I am out and about but can sort you out later when I get home.

If you are in a hurry you can buy it here. A few dollars will get you loads.

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aree you sorted yet?

Im cooking, will send some later if you still need

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I may get some from a faucet, but I’m not sure how and if it works. The faucet I used is this one:

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Can’t get any from the faucets. So if you can later is fine thanks.


I was able to get .05 Arbitrum Faucet ETH from

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Any ballpark figures, how much should we have?

why does a mobile wallet come into play here? ty.

But Gas price would be around 15€ at the moment.

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I have not been able to get the uploaded Files yet. might be something with my network. I’ll check later and report.

it looks good though. thank you @rusty.spork

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How long did it take for those to arrive in your wallet?

about 5 minutes, make sure you are in the Arbitrum Sepolia Network on your Mobile MetaMask wallet. copy your public wallet Address(should be the same as your mainnet address) usually starts with 0x61 go to the website and paste that into the website faucet. you should see the ETH in your Arbitrum Sepolia network.

note that what they are sending you are Arbitrum Sepolia Test ETH, so these won’t show up in your mainnet ETH only on your Arbitrum Sepolia network Wallet.

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Yeah, I probably messed up by trying to get the tokens without having the wallet connected first. It proceeded to a degree and said “Come back in 12 hours.”

Now, why did I do that? Well, because I never use ETH, normally use Brave, and after some Googling found out that the integrated wallet it has messes up the connection with Metamask. I decided to try with the address only, thinking that “what the F is the ‘connection’ anyway…” and got the results above. Then tried again with Firefox, and managed to connect the Metamask, and it seemed to proceed, but I still don’t have the tokens.

OK, I’m a moron, but still… Jesus Christ, how much I hate doing anything “crypto”, it’s always full of special cases, unpredictable prices and all sorts of gotchas.


Are you using a mobile phone with the MetaMask app installed? I not sure, but I don’t think it’ll work with a web browser MetaMask.

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No, I used laptop. It seemed to work. I connected the wallet, then just copy-pasted the address. Why wouldn’t it work with laptop?


Check your Arbitrum Sepolia ETH balance now please :slight_smile: