Update 16th January, 2025

Our comms outreach has started bearing fruit, with an informative video from Altcoin Daily, a nice article in FutureScot and some reproductions of our press release 1, 2, 3. Plus there’s also a rundown from @jimcollinson on what sets us apart from other decentralised projects operating in this area.

We also launched a competition for best posts and replies on social media. See this post from @rusty.spork

Techwise, there has been another hot fix to patch a few niggling issues with uploads. Be sure to upgrade your nodes to v0.3.4 if you haven’t already. This will hopefully fix a lot of the uploading problems reported by the community, but @chriso has been running client tests on his crappy home internet connection to see if he can reproduce any others, for example with timeouts.

And … Dave is here :tada:

Thanks for the PR from bennenawana suggesting updates to the docs.

General progress

@roland is working on making the relay nodes more robust. Basically, when a home node tries to connect to the network it goes through four relays and if any one of these is not working it should keep it in its list, rather than deleting it. He raised a PR to not remove peers from the routing table when they see a harmless error (MultiaddrNotSupported), and also worked on adding a health score for each relay server that a private node is connected to.

@bzee has been removing mDNS from the node code and replacing it with local bootstrap cache.

@anselme has been working on updating the API docs, and also working with @bzee to simplify the node code so that we do away with some feature flags, instead selecting them as runtime options. They have basically created a slimmed down antnode, trimming most of the features off of it. This may not sound like much, but it represents an important rationalisation of experimental features, which simplifies a whole lot of the issues with setting up local nodes.

Also on docs, @mick.vandijke has been verifying our high-level developer documentation, updating code examples that were inaccurate (unfortunately there are still quite a lot in that category). He started a discussion with @dirvine and the team about how best to improve our documentation to make it truly useful going forward.

@chriso has been looking into issues reported by the community around uploading. We fixed one bug there but are not entirely sure that’s the whole story, so he’s running further tests over a poor internet connection. Chris has also looked at logging options. Logging is no longer on by default, but we want to provide some sensible options for devs.

Danny Beck has put the code up for Dave. Mostly he (Dave) is behaving himself, but there are one or two issues with file retrieval to iron out. Anyway, feel free to make his aquaintance.

Ermine has been working on adding all the data fields to the metadata of the Metrics Shared Registry in the ant networking layer.

Meanwhile, Lajos continues to work on the smart contract architecture as well as the airdrop script for Maid and eMaid holders.

@qi_ma raised a PR refactoring the metrics sysinfo refresh to avoid using extra resources. He also raised a PR to address the duplicate payment issue we’ve seen occasionally with repeated uploads. Plus @qi_ma and @shu have been looking at problems with scaling, as reported by @neo, where the resource usage increases on a rising curve. They have pinpointed the issue in the code and are looking at the best ways to correct it. Qi is now on the pricing variations for different data types.

As you may have seen @shu shared some data and graphics on where users are located (very approximately) and how many nodes are currently running: more than 150,000, one of our biggest yet. Thanks for all your help folks!


First… time ever!



2nd! Good to see the marketing effort has started!


Thanks so much to the entire Autonomi team for all of your hard work! :man_factory_worker: :man_factory_worker: :woman_factory_worker:

Here’s to a fantastic 2025. :happy_new_year:


Excellent work guys!

Should these examples now work on the current network?


Great update, well done the Team! :clap: :clap: :ok_hand:

In section

What is Autonomi?

the term was used

 Autonomi is a decentralised data and communications platform

shouldn’t the term network be used?


Nice update team :ant:! Thanks for all your hard work.

Good to see the marketing getting started. I notice the eMaid price is doing well - likely reflecting the marketing and anticipation for launch.

Please keep those bug fixes and tweaks coming. A friendly stable network is going to be our best tool for success going forward.

Cheers :beers:


Thx 4 the update Maidsafe devs

Nice update, great to see the dev doc

Keep hacking super ants


Good work MaidSafe! :revolving_hearts:


@chriso can you clarify what this means, I still have logs using the latest release.


That isn’t going to apply until the next full release. The recent releases were hotfixes.

When it does apply, it means ant and antnode will not log to file by default like they do now. The user will need to opt in.


Thanks Chris