Marketing Update

Hey everyone!

Happy Monday, everyone! As promised, our marketing activity kicks off in earnest today, and I wanted to share a quick summary of what’s happening:

:globe_with_meridians: Website Refresh:

:newspaper: Press Coverage:

  • The first of many press articles is now live!
  • David Irvine to Finally Launch His Decentralized Internet
  • This will be supported by sponsored X posts, which are set to go live within the hour. A big thanks to @bux , who will also repost and share the video on her socials !

:computer: Ad Campaigns:

  • Google Ads are live and aligned with our X ads.
  • Google search campaigns are targeting specific keywords to drive new traffic to our site.

:movie_camera: Influencer Campaigns:

  • We’ve planned YouTube influencer videos this week with a collective reach of over 1M viewers.

This marks the beginning of our journey to ramp up Autonomi’s presence and establish our voice in the market. I know many of you have been patiently waiting for this moment. It will take time to refine our approach, learn what resonates, and amplify what works best.

But we’re officially off and running—and excited for what’s to come!

Thank you all for your continued support. :raised_hands:


Great stuff. Seems clear and easy to understand.

Only issue I’ve seen is the text ‘quantum encrypted’ being used at one point, which is a bit misleading. ‘Quantum secure’, which is used elsewhere seems more accurate & less likely to confuse.

Looking forward to seeing how the marketing actions as well as software updates leading to the TGE pan out… exciting times!


Amazing !! Thank you for the work team !

On the new website I just noticed some text is cut there :

Just some little responsivity issues it seems, easy fix.

And many of the .svg look a bit strange on the edges on brave browser (which is still used by many crypto and privacy enthusiasts I think) :

On chrome the .svg all look fine.


As we want to promote new alternative internet, are there plans to target any of the alternative platforms? Fediverse, Solid, Steemit, Freenet, Manyverse/SSB, Urbit…?


All this is commendable and should be done, but the real job of the marketing team is to reach the maximum amount of potentially interested folk. So its unsurprising that most effort goes into the established channels with the vast majority of users.

We can’t change the world until enough of the world knows about us.

Having said that, I have a suspicion that those using the alternatives @loziniak mentioned may have a higher than average “conversion” rate.

All the more reason to spread our efforts over all channels but concentrate on the established channels.


Unfortunately this is squashed as soon as folk see association with Blockchain. I see it every time I post a link to Autonomi stuff, so I generally don’t.

Meanwhile I don’t see the logic of bringing people in for a terrible experience: uploads failing, downloads failing, no working apps, and running nodes requires sustained work and monitoring, or figuring out how to pay for storage still requires a PhD in something I don’t have. Oh, and we have a bunch of new data types on the way that nobody has tested.

Who do we expect to involve here - seems like just blockchain bros?

It would be nice to understand the thinking. Who are the groups being targeted, what do we want their responses to be, and what experience are we offering to achieve to achieve those results?


One of my New Years Resolutions is to have less to do with negative people.

Its damned annoying when one of the first negative people turns out to be mostly correct…

I say let the Marketing folks market and we do what we can to make sure they have something worth marketing.

Im not 100% convinced the blockchain aspect is such a turn-off, I fear we may be up our own wee holier-than-thou fundament to a certain extent here.

It is what it is, the blockchain is a convenient set of training wheels and I am a bit happier that the the Native Token vision is a good bit more than just a vision.
Now how we market that story effectively (Blockchain as a temporary crutch) is a whole new subject in itself.


I would market it as the world isn’t ready for the native token so we had to downgrade to blockchain until the rest of the world catches up :joy:


I’m astute, informed and honest. What’s not to like? :rofl:


We have so much in common…

If only I didn’t suffer from this dreadful modesty.


I tried searching with:

  • Decentralized internet
  • Autonomous internet
  • Decentralized web
  • Autonomous web

None returned Autonomi on the first page.


  • Decentralized internet

… didn’t return a mention about Autonomi, nor Maidsafe, nor Safe Network in the first 10 pages. The other search terms I didn’t bother to look so far down the pages.

That was with the “All” -tab in the Google. The “News” actually did return this as the first result :+1: But I think the “All” -category should find us as one of the first results anyway.


Have the advertising campaigns already started?

Maybe someone could edit entries on Wikipedia, which often ranks at the top, and make references to Autonomi?


I wonder if that’s just reflection of my personal relationship to Google algorithms…

What’s it like for anyone else?

same for me, I cant get a search result that points me to autonomi.

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Searching with

  • Autonomi

I get our page as the last hit on the first page of the results. There happens to be a car repairs shop with the same name in Finland. If they pay Google for visibility in Finland, maybe they outcompete the Autonomi dearer to me?


On the topic of visibility and clarity on the (new) messaging there is quite a bit of outdated (and thus confusing) information out there which should probably be cleaned up. Old website versions, old whitepapers linked from somewhere etc. I think cleaning up all that is worth the effort as newbies brought in by marketing efforts will less likely be confused by the “mess”.

Some low-hanging fruit:

  • Full of outdated information, why not redirect to
  • Old website, why not redirect to
  • Coinmarketcap symbol “MAID”
    • “Website” (left coin info tab) links to
    • “Whitepaper” (left coin info tab) links to gitub maidsafe/whitepapers and a fully outdated version of the whitepaper
    • “About Maidsafe” section probably needs some updates
  • Coinmarketcap symbol “eMAID” same issue as “MAID”
  • Social media accounts renaming (where possible), most seem to mention/link the new autonomi ones, but it’s still somewhat confusing

There is probably much more…


Try using startpage which does anon google searches. Autonomi main landing page was top result

For me it worked like this:

  • Autonomi
    Our website 4th and this forum 5th on the first page. Before them all the hits were the car repairs shop. (Probably Startpage still let’s my location be known to Google?)

  • Decentralized web
    No mention of Autonomi on the first 5 pages.

  • Decentralized data storage
    Our old site at page 4
    No mention of Autonomi on the first 5 pages.
    Several competitors mentioned.

What would folks reckon as relevant search terms?

Oh I forgot, I used adblock

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Meaning you probably got a result that was not influenced by the Autonomi ad campaign?

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