MaidSafeCoin (MAID & eMAID) - Price & Trading topic (Part 2)

I’m wondering if that’s because MAID is seen as very long term still, and with BTC going up strongly in the short term there is a big opportunity risk to holding MAID over BTC.

If so that may suggest that MAIDs poorer performance vs BTC than so many other coins doesn’t represent a long term lack of interest or faith, only a short term trading position, and that should anything happen to either reduce confidence in BTCs continued bull run or to make people think that MAIDs progress will be quicker than anticipated we could see a very rapid shift upwards in the BTC price.


Yes, it looks like MAID is a like coil spring being wound up tighter and tighter because of the rise of BTC price. When the spring is released, I think it will jump up with amazing strength.


There must be 50 original bitcoin miners that have bags of bitcoin that are on the look out for new technologies are not just BTC fanatics that would drop a few coins on the market.

It comes down to a working demonstration of the test net… with that, we will probably have soon have a shoal of minnows nibbling up available coins.

With the upcoming test net, and the ERC work… things are aligning.

It will be interesting how this will affect the price, and how quickly.

Some people, BlockChain Heads, have called me crazy for putting money in to a ‘coin’ with no actual network… FOMO will do it’s job very quickly for this group on launch.

We will hit $3.00 with ease… Maid is a guaranteed at least x10 return if you buy right now.


Not exactly. When BTC was 20k previously maid was 1.20. now btc 50k maid 0.36ish.

I hope when alt season comes maid goes up accordingly.

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Does anyone know if there is a way to see the MAID rich list?

A final update… they closed the ticket… but…

Even though using the API I was able to track all my orders, show them the fields their own api and their ‘download history’ function uses… their website still doesn’t show all types of orders you place in your history.

They’ve closed the ticket stating… you guessed it, browser caching… even though, using a brand new raspberry pi ubuntu install that’s never touched bittrex shows the original issue.

Wouldn’t fly in my IT team.

Don’t have the energy to pursue this any further.

Just be aware, that if you place an order to buy at any available market price… I guess a taker order,
you won’t see those orders in your personal order history on the website and will need to download the
spreadsheet and work with excel to verify your transactions. Yuk. That or write a script for their api.

I don’t know if other coins are affected, not interested in buying other coins.

It is not a good experience for any potential first time buyer… they may see their initial coins in their balance, but without seeing each individual trade it may leave a negative feeling.


You can find it here:

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Thanks! Much appreciated.

If I’ve done my research correctly “1DUb2YYbQA1jjaNYzVXLZ7ZioEhLXtbUru” is the Bittrex wallet.

What I’m seeing is that 1.3 million MAID have been moved from “1PQKsLwTq8rYXJUZ8R1t1bgdSh1ea66o1e” to the bitter wallet. This address has been credited the 1.3 million maid just minutes ago from address: “12VamRhmcgsWWKWdNuzWqVYTvnuk2Dsx9b” which is an address that has been accumulating steadily from 2013 to 2018, then gone silent for 3 years, until now.

minutes after arrival at the exchange those 1.3 million have been sold into a magically appearing buy wall of over half a million dollar. Someone big selling into his own wall to accumulate some more?


How does selling to yourself help you accumulate?

Thanks for the update.
Did you actually get your lost coins back? I hope so.

I’ll be sure to avoid takes then and only use makes once I’m trading / selling again.

The coins are absolutely there.
It’s their web front end that is wonky.

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Pushing down price, increasing turnover at lower price levels (this messes up trading algorithms), shaking out the weak.

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Do we really expect $ 3 in the short / medium term ?? That would be fantastic!!!

Just like you, coincidence? :slightly_smiling_face:


That is a strategy, but I doubt its effectiveness with maid.
We held at 49c recently, what idiots will sell for alot lower?
None of us long termers I’m fairly sure.

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Oddly coincidental but I can assure you I’ve only been here since the last bull market in 2017 and I don’t have that kind of capital at my disposal xD


Truth is that the volume at current levels is actually pretty high. I wouldn’t expect many to sell here either, but the Bitcoin train is tempting for most to hop on.

Enough people to make the ~27% spread between 49c and the current 36c profitable for the whale who makes the wall…

It doesn’t have to be (and probably isn’t) longterm holders selling into the wall. I think there were probably people who got in in Dec b/c they thought development was picking up, who have/are running for the exit.

Well I’m sure that would be the plan.
The important part is, were they successfull?
And that we will not know.