MaidSafeCoin (MAID & eMAID) - Price & Trading topic (Part 2)

No, untracked not delisted.

Not a biggie, it has been the case for a while.

Untracked Listing - Projects that do not meet the guidelines in Section B1/B2 to track market data, but nevertheless exhibit strengths in a number of areas of Section C (Evaluation Framework) below


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Not showing as untracked for me. Pretty sure thats not going to happen, ever. Maid checks all the required boxes.

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Do you think the business is interested in what is fair and what is not? I guarantee you that if a campaign against Safe starts in the media the first place to kick us out will be this site.

Or, at best, they’ll nail us manually on page 3 with the other “bad” projects:


Nearly all the chatter in maid chat is trx, looks like bots, as same sh!t was posted last time chat was up.


I guess we have to be prepared for retaliation once the project starts and proves to be robust… All the other famous projects may start a defamatory campaign! That is part of the game! They won´t want to lose their cash for their kids´ milk! lol. Our marketing department will have to be at full steam ahead! :slight_smile:

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About time to plate up!

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Zeroflaw, or maybe better Muchflaw? Dinner is cooking :yum:

That would be kind of great, actually. As they say, all press is good press. Plus, it would position Safe as the underdog, and who doesn’t like cheering for the underdog? :blush:


I think you could possibly trade $1,000 rn as we are currently above .32 let us know @zeroflaw


I guess he will stretch the rules again

Feels like we crossed a magical milestone :grinning: on shhhhhhhh testnet release day :shushing_face:


On what exchange are you getting your btc price?

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I believe it’s bittrex and it’s at .31 now there as well. Time will tell it’s strength.

Still not there.
23550 x .0000133 still under 32c

Look at it!

We’ll reach EUR 0.40 by new year easy.


Just bought another 2000 coins to push the price over $0,32, i’ve done my part to make the sock eating happening!


Well done!! You truly do raise the bar :smile:


Current Ranking
CoinMarketCap 90
Nomics 91
CoinGecko 98

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$maid above $0.32 on Bittrex :eyes: :socks:


I wanna see sock eating to, but i saw it peak at 23,663 and .00001343 which wasn’t 32

Cmc says it reached 31.8