MaidSafeCoin (MAID & eMAID) - Price & Trading topic (Part 2)

Great minds think alike. You found the infinty emoji before me though :grin:


If we want to come up with ideas about how to overcome some of these loaded modern words like web / internet, and perhaps tap in to some alternative histories that didn’t quite happen, reignite some lingering hopes and whatnot, maybe we need to go back and read some of the stuff from that period.

I’ve been browsing a bit when I want some interesting textual history recently. They’ve a whole page on the “internet”, with loads of stuff from the 80s and 90s T E X T F I L E S

To give one example, there’s a series of text files called “The Big Dummies Guide To The Internet Vol. 2”, and the following link is the first chapter, “Setting up and Jacking in”. Written in 1994. I think the author is “Nancy Ammerman” from Princeton, if I’m understanding correctly. Anyway, here it is for the curious:

The Net is more than just a technological marvel. It is human communication at its most fundamental level. The pace may be a little quicker when the messages race around the world in a few seconds, but it’s not much different from a large and interesting party. You’ll see things in cyberspace that will make you laugh; you’ll see things that will anger you. You’ll read silly little snippets and new ideas that make you think. You’ll make new friends and meet people you wish would just go away.


Also, excuse me now, but whilte we’re at it, you can access a rebuild of the original WorldWideWeb application written by Tim Berners Lee here :tada:


But yet it still deeply rooted in Web technologies (WASM, browsers, URLs, DNS).

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Fiat is an abacus, to measure SAFE you’ll need a scientific calculator…


Back in 2013, when the maidasafe ICO came out, I read from Irvine that the problem with the Internet was the servers.

With that I said to myself I fully agree with Irvine, this is the truth, and I threw myself without delay to the project until today of which I feel fully satisfied and have not been tempted or succumb to the stumbling blocks of these years.

With this I want to give all the relevance to the fact that we are building the decentralized Internet that should have been and wasn’t

DECENTRALIZATION is the key and the objective.



Well that makes you the automatic winner! :zap:

Unless you want to go back to your source, Doug, and ask him what the units are?!

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A month ago I would have voted for kilo-sized gold bars, but now a bitcoin is worth more, so I vote for bitcoin.

Attention shoppers, firesale on eMaid in isle 9.


@Runswick We’re dealing in ships here. the official measurement is one ships Doug didn’t tell me if it was long ships short ships or imperial ships


Model ships :joy:


At this point, it’s apparent that you’re just talking ship.


It’s running down my foremast :joy:

Who is dumping and pumping? C’mon guys, lets just let it grow above $10, then dump all you want!


Just buy more cheap MAID under $0.5 :upside_down_face:


Wow , first post created in nearly 10 year.

Seems like you felt it necessary ppl heard that.


I want to thank whoever signed up through my bitmart referral link and traded so hard, I now have 352 eMAIDs that will go towards promoting the Safe Network!


Privacy. Security. Freedom


Volumes are still quite low as marketing really hasn’t begun yet. So it’s a perfect time to stack while cheap.

50 cents for 1 Trillion nano’s !!! Bargain prices in isle 9 shoppers.


That is back to front. Those things are going to be add ons to the safe network at the app level. Not the network deeply rooted in them, not the concept either.


You’re right. The other way around. Instead deeply rooted, I should say “confidently/steadily heading towards”. That’s closer to what I meant.

Still they are not the whole of Safe. Perhaps the biggest other is plain storage, then Apps which may run inside a browser but don’t have too. DNS on the internet is Name to IP addr. On Safe the NRS APP will resolve names to XOR info but is not part of the Safe network but a independent App that browsers etc will use.

Its more a case of those web technologies will be a independent ecosystem running on top of Safe, like the WEB runs on top of the internet. Safe is at the level of the internet.

It is natural that on the Safe Network we will see similar things we see on the Web because that is what people use now and in many ways is useful to have Apps doing similar. But Safe is so much more.