MaidSafeCoin (MAID & eMAID) - Price & Trading topic (Part 2)

It could be a prime example of fake it until you make it, it seems likely that it started out sus but I think that is now in the past. Faked it, made it, now legit. Thats my take.

Privacy. Security. Freedom


Thereā€™s an abundance of misinformation circulating within mainstream crypto media channels. However, a more reliable source of insight lies in the ongoing cross-examinations within the courtroom. CW has not admited to forging key documents at all. Observing these proceedings closely reveals a clearer picture. While the final ruling remains in the hands of the judge, the current trajectory, especially evident on this fourth and final day of the cross-examination of CW, suggests a favorable outcome for him.

stop it Craig.

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I am not saying there can be only one, they can perfectly co-exist, where BSV will be the more transparent network and SN the more private network.I prefer SN over BSV, but am invested in both :+1:t2:

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How much adoption does BSV have?

Take a look at the projects showcased on BSV Blockchain :: Projects. It is an impressive demonstration of real-world usage. This is hardly surprising given that Bitcoin SV is the only blockchain designed to truly scale.

Visit to see Bitcoin SVā€™s data throughput, consistently surpassing other Bitcoin variants. Current speeds are 50,000 tps and Terranode testing is showing a promising 1.5 million tps, it demonstrates remarkable capacity for handling substantial data. Andā€¦ We are not even talking about how cheap it is to transact on BSV.

These are the reasons why it is being adopted.

I prioritize objective analysis, focusing on the technical capabilities and capacities of the cryptocurrencies I invest in, rather than their public image or popular opinion. BSV just like MAID are the most groundbreaking projects I have encountered.

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It is based on 0 confirmation and needs big miners like as server. So it is not totally different with Safe.

Like what?

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Simply click on the already provided links and read the content, so you can avoid asking for information already provided :wink:

I did and couldnā€™t see any real world usage.

Guess it depends on how one defines ā€œrealā€.

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Yeah, that is the easy way out :+1:t2:

Guys if you want to talk about non-maidsafe related tokens there are dedicated threads for. :blush:


LOL. I didnā€™t want to. Just got fed up with the shilling for ā€œreal worldā€ uses of shitcoins.

Cheap MAID.


Looks like some bot was keeping a price at 25c level (look at the volume), now itā€™s gone:


Price is taking a beating at the moment. When moon? :wink:



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Bot is back, at $0,20 :slight_smile:


I just did a purchase for $2000 to see what would happen. It shortly went up to $0.26 to immediately be pushed down to $0.20 again. This seems to happen every time that someone tries to push the price up as you can see on the daily graph:

Someone doesnā€™t want this to go up?