MaidSafeCoin (MAID & eMAID) - Price & Trading topic (Part 2)

Yes. Without DBC, the tokens exist only in the network.
With DBC there are other ways of recording, but that is a topic for another day :slight_smile:


Cool, thanks!


Donā€™t forget that for the first 10 years a crypto mentality may likely prevail. This means that a lot of the new supply will be hoarded instead of spent on data.

1st law of safe network: nothing is destroyed, save everything.


Not currently. There have been proposals where this was true, but as of now used tokens are distributed to node operators.


Perfection. 20 chars.


I remember this

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No, it doesnā€™t.

The network can hold on to it ā€œtemporarilyā€.

Put_charges = Farmer_reward + Network_commission


Income = Expenditure + Savings


Input = Output + Storage

Just for the current testnet. Iā€™m pretty confident that ā€˜storageā€™ will return, since it makes for a more stable system, ie. a better design. The alternative is to rely on the ā€œhoardersā€ we previously discussed to provide the storage/saver role.

I just want to remind to all that the economy of the Safe Network should always, absolutely always be considered not in itself, but in relation to other Safe copies. If we have too much premining we will be attacked on this basis by copies that can be advertised as ā€œfairā€.

Privacy. Security. Freedom


Shouldnā€™t this discussion take place in a reward algo topic so itā€™s not lost in price history?


We donā€™t know about final version at this point.

More details here: MaidSafeCoin (MAID & eMAID) - Price & Trading topic (Part 2) - #2573 by oetyng


Yes the previous was destroyed and paid to farmers, now itā€™s directly paid to farmers, basically that same thing. It leaves a client, never to be seen again until a farmer earns it.


No need to worry just yet, we start with an algo that works, i.e. the network keeps going techically. When the testnet is up then the huge debate over economics can rage. So this is not set in stone, but we can show folk pay to store/mutate, farmers earn to store etc. We take it from there. I wont right now say what I think it should be as I honestly donā€™t yet know, but I have a very strong feeling the simpler the better.


I think this is a positive development. This very much simplifies not exceeding a max supply of 4.29 B tokens. I always wondered why destruction of the token was necessary and how this could be efficiently handled when tokens are divisible. The positive thing is that the Network decides the cost of service based on relative supply and demand, not on market price. So long as the Network provides valuable services, people will pay for / earn tokens to use those services. With regards to people hoarding tokens, there is a price at which everyone would be willing to sell.


David said you have come up with a way that means no section has a large number of tokens in its token balance.

I am guessing this ā€œmintingā€ has something to do with that. Maybe if you have time you could explain what you came up with and the algorithms behind it. I think it would be a very interesting read. Maybe a topic under the Development section. I realise you may not have time and that is all good if you donā€™t.


Decided to go from paper to Trezor for MAID.
Why are people complaining about ETH fees holy cow try moving some MAIDā€¦ WTF :exploding_head:

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Any particular reason you decided to do it now? Iā€™ve been contemplating for a while.

Idk. Been a long time coming. Just figured Iā€™d get it done. No reason really.

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Fair enough

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