MaidSafeCoin (MAID & eMAID) - Price & Trading topic (Part 2)

Yeah, perils of public test nets. For what it’s worth, when I see these nets, I see a few things. 1) In general it works, decentralized, in the wild. No small thing. 2) It works on the majority of consumer hardware and network setups. No small thing. 3) The SAFE team is now into a real continuous integration mode in the wild, which means good things are happening. 4) There is a simple, non speculative path to resolve basically all performance issues seen so far. 5) Patches are rapid and effective, meaning the foundation is solid. 6) The team is kicking ass and the community is helping.

Always tough to see the sausage being made, but am a techie, never been more confident here, and I’ve been watching since near the beginning.