MAIDSAFE missing

Hello, i just used to shift some MAID into RIPPLE, but the shapeshift said the transaction failed and now im missing my MAIDS, i have gotten back the transaction fee but no MAIDS and no RIPPLE.

I can see the MAID has arrived to the deposit address.

The strange thing is my MAID is just sitting in the deposit address and the BTC fee has returned, should’nt these be connected to eachother or atleast come back to my wallet at the same time? since the MAIDSAFECOIN is build upon a BTC address and all that.

I dont understand…

Please help me clarify this. Thanks.

Hi @tempthomas
You can contact through their site, it helps if you can provide them the url of your payment.

Include the receiving and deposit address in your message with the amount



I already did :wink:

I can’t really speak about when they’ll get back to you, but looks like within 48 hours with weekend and stuff. I speak from experience :stuck_out_tongue:

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Let’s just hope they get this fixed!
Thanks for the quick response anyways man.

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ShapeShift is not always as timely as one would like, but I’ve found that even with things that were kind of gnarly they’ve always made it right in the end.


Well that comforts me

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Hey thempthomas.

i had the exact same issue happen to me. and after 4 months and endless emails from SS, i got the funds back. because you went over the limit for your conversions, the maids are automattically refunded back into your account or address

if you look on the omni explorer of your address and you see the funds in your address but not in your account, the thing you need to do is to get a tech support from your address wallet to resync the funds.

the funds are in your account and most likely accessible. but the balance will just not show because there was a glitch somewhere.

what wallet are you using for your maid address?

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Sorry you had all that trouble, SS fixed my issue quickly.

Good day


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