Launchpad UX Feedback Requested!

Might it be related to the following?


Why not show both (i.e. wallet balance and session)?



logs for the attos not showing and the memory not calculating properly.

I look forward to being able to upload the logs to the network and giving you an address :slight_smile:


I say do it. At this time that is the definitive truth in earnings. Maybe add in earnings this session and that is the current figure launchpad is showing. Actually you do need both.


Why couldn’t the session totals be saved to disk so they could be retrieved in case of a session interruption?


Can we add a way to stagger node start up times in node-launchpad? I would prefer to have maybe a 1 minute delay before the next node starts up to give the previous node time to settle in.

They do actually do this in the background… maybe not 1 minute, but there is an interval.

However the next major release of the LP will move to a UI where you manage nodes individually, rather than in batches, which should help!

Like this…


But… at the same time, we’ll be opening things up to builders and folks integrating nodes into other experiences, So the hope is bigger, better, and a wider range of UXes emerge!

As we’ve said, our job at maidsafe is to make ourselves redundant, in the best possible way :slight_smile:


Do folk get told that at interview? :rofl:


Still be good to be able to start a few and specify the interval. I’ve found 3 minutes interval is good to allow the node to get the records it wants and the b/w and cpu to settle back down


Bux keeps on telling me it… probably nothing.


What does the “flagged” column in your screenshot indicate?

I think it’s the amount of shunning and the numbers are the count of ‘shuns’.

@JimCollinson is the issue being addressed where nodes do not start on some devices? (Maximum amount of retries (5) | Autonomi — Getting Started)

I know @rusty.spork made a workaround for Windows and has been in touch with dev team already. Can imagine with the launch and all you didn’t get to it, but I’ve now had this issue on multiple VPS, dedicated servers and even home dedicated device. Feels like a much more common issue than I at first thought.

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Have an option to set the storage location per node. It’s very common to have multiple drives and currently all nodes must store data on the same drive.

Storage is currently set in the launcher by going to Options and selecting the Device Options > Storage Drive.

A common TUI pattern would be to use up and down arrows on the status page to select an individual node, then the right arrow to show details of that node, left to go back to the status page. rtorrent is a good example of this kind of interface. This would let each node set a specific port, reward address, storage device, view logs, view peers etc.

Also consistency of keyboard navigation
Single key eg [S]tatus [O]ptions [H]elp
Ctrl+key eg Storage Device [Ctrl+D] Connection Mode [Ctrl+K]
A single key for everything would be best. Love that there’s hints but would be nice to see consistency on the access.


Also to simplify the startup of nodes, have a function to automatically generate an ethereum address (with something like bip39 built in so it’s easy to backup the generated keys). People need to go elsewhere to create an etherum address, which is unnecessary friction.

Also say what sort of address is needed, eg [O]ptions > Change Wallet [Ctrl+B] there is no mention in that dialog what sort of address is needed, ethereum, bitcoin, bls, etc.

edit 2:

I have one node running. 163 Recs (Records?). 62 Peers. Has been stable at that for a while now.

Mbps is saying 443 down 526 up. That’s a very high amount of network use for doing ‘nothing’. Do others see this sort of network activity?

Looking at network traffic using other tools doesn’t seem to show this much network activity, more like in tens of Kbps range for the node, but every so often (maybe every 30s) spikes to about 5Mbps for a second.


Yes and alerted @chriso and he mentioned it in a topic that they’ve seen it a bit. He also said that its happened since the last release and should be easier to track it down.

for 25 nodes I am seeing 35Mbps average and peaking above 40 odd Mbps.

All my nodes go through this one router port and I can measure it there, or just on the computer since it is doing no other tasks at this time, it idle except running nodes.


That would get monotonous for 50 nodes on multiple pc’s.

I think the idea is to have the option to choose a drive for all of them and or specify for individual nodes.


The easy solution is to be able to set ranges of nodes, like set the storage location then start 20 nodes, set another storage location and start 10 nodes, etc. Make it simple and keep these locations in an array so that when adding more nodes you can select from the list the location you want


With an appropriate naming convention for the nodes!