Launchpad UX Feedback Requested!


A few LP suggestions for consideration:

  1. Make buttons for functionality instead of hotkeys and establish buttons for each node. Example: Add node. Delete node button. Reset node button. etc.

  2. Make it so you can restart any node that is not performing right individually with the push of a button. (stop this node button. restart this node button. delete this node button.)

  3. Make it clear what constitutes a “healthy” node.

  4. Make an indicator showing when a node has become running in zombie state wasting resources for nothing. Right now it seems like its all just a guess and only the logs show if you know how to read them. Example: When nodes become useless because cpu went too high.


Have an option for a light (white) background.


Couple more suggestions for consideration:

  1. Make a toggle option for zombie state nodes to restart themselves automatically, and an option to restart them manually after they have been displayed to have gone to zombie state.

  2. Give clearer indication to what the category words represent and mean: example: recs … Is recs short for receives? And how does this indicate to us relevance to a healthy node functioning, and how is this related to attos.

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