Help us test the next Node Launchpad Update

Hi Folks,

We’ve another verison of the Launchpad dropping next week, but ahead of that I’m looking for some testing of the an alpha release.

Any Launchpad users wanna give it a whirl?

Major changes are:

  • You can now chnage connection mode from the options screen
  • Thos allows you to overide the automatic setting, and switch to Home Network, Upnp, or custom ports
  • That last one allows you to set a custom port range for port forwarding.

Here are the downloads:

Windows (5.8 MB)

Mac (6.6 MB) (6.3 MB)

Linux (7.3 MB) (6.8 MB) (7.1 MB) (6.8 MB)


  • The UI will (incorrectly) say it’s version .13
  • It’s for testing, so please anticipate bugs
  • Feedback welcome!



I used the latest launchpad to start 20 nodes with port-forwarding set to 55000-55049.

After a couple of hours 6 had started and zero nanos earned.
With only 6 running for ~2 hours, I should not be that surprised that none of them got lucky yet but why did it only start 6 of the requested 20?

Im out for the evening now but I will keep the logs.

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Do you have anything else running in that port range?

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Ctrl-P for edit port range is unresponsive for me (Linux Mint) -
Edit - scratch that - you have to select Custom Ports first. A popup advising that would be good.
(As would RTFM JPL…)


Yeah - that got me the first time as well :slight_smile:
Left i running while we went out for a meal - still only 6 nodes running out of 20 requested - and it knows about them cos it has allocated 20 x 5 GB up in top left. Ctrl-s does not seem to start any more nodes.

Wee experiment - I will add another 5 nodes and IF they get started - will they increment from 7 or 21?

not that I can see - I havent run nodes from home for quite a while (plus I did Ctrl R to reset) and there is nothing else on this box that should be up there in that range

note 25 nodes worth of storage allocated

logs at

I actually think hiding the shortcut when in auto mode might be the best option there… and only expose it when they are editable.

Saves another pop-up flow

Anything in the logs? Or do the phantom nodes not even have log files yet?