I used the latest launchpad to start 20 nodes with port-forwarding set to 55000-55049.
After a couple of hours 6 had started and zero nanos earned.
With only 6 running for ~2 hours, I should not be that surprised that none of them got lucky yet but why did it only start 6 of the requested 20?
Im out for the evening now but I will keep the logs.
Ctrl-P for edit port range is unresponsive for me (Linux Mint) -
Edit - scratch that - you have to select Custom Ports first. A popup advising that would be good.
(As would RTFM JPL…)
Yeah - that got me the first time as well
Left i running while we went out for a meal - still only 6 nodes running out of 20 requested - and it knows about them cos it has allocated 20 x 5 GB up in top left. Ctrl-s does not seem to start any more nodes.
Wee experiment - I will add another 5 nodes and IF they get started - will they increment from 7 or 21?
not that I can see - I havent run nodes from home for quite a while (plus I did Ctrl R to reset) and there is nothing else on this box that should be up there in that range