Launchpad not working after reboot on Mac

Hi guys, I was running Launchpad on a Mac for the first time today. Even earned some Attos. Then I thought I would see what happens after a reboot.

When I tried to restart Launchpad it wouldnt work.

0: Could not connect to RPC endpoint ‘

Any ideas?


I have seen that problem from time to time, not on Mac. Doesn’t it have something to do with having trouble to connect to bootstrap nodes or something similar. I don’t know, just saying what I thought I’ve heard some said. I probably would try again later or try and reset nodes.

I had the same iMAC you resurfaced (It died a few years back).

I remember it being a dual Intel processor setup, that iMac hated reboots…the only reliable start was a complete shutdown and count to 10 slowly before attempting to restart. Sometimes I even resorted to disconnecting the power from the wall, and magically the iMac would start properly. Dust tracking could be the problem, your memory might be shorting, might want to get some glass grips and pry it apart and clean it out with an can of compressed air .

I was even carefully grounding out my own static via my fingers and thumbs on a light switch ground screw. it drove me :crazy_face:

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I solved it by deleting the Safe folder and starting new nodes.

Not really solved, I know. But at least it’s working now with 20 nodes up and running.

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the other thing that is weird is that if i add a new node, it says it is running in Launchpad but all the values show as zero. I tried this again this morning and have left it running for about 15 minutes and it still shows all zeros.

However, if I hit CTRL+G and reduce the number of nodes by 1, this node is STOPPED. I then hit CTRL+G and increase the node count again, thus starting this node and hey presto, hundreds of connections and double digit peers.

I had to do this for all nodes last night. All are running normally, some earned some Attos.

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One other thing. I thought i would try to increase to 24 nodes. For some reason node 22 failed to connect and is stuck on “Added”, have tried restarting a couple of times by decreasing my number of nodes to 21 and then increasing back to 24, yet it still fails to connect while 23 and 24 are running fine.
In the end i just increased to 25 nodes and left 22 sitting there doing nothing. But it is strange nevertheless.

I was running 24 nodes on my PC. It was ever so loud as the fans kept going. This iMac just sits there silently doing its thing. I set it up so that the screen turns off after a few minutes and so that it never sleeps.

I even went down to the cellar and patched it through directly to my cable modem (750Mbps/100Mbps), skipping the switch and router

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