Well with Australia doing the media rounds saying they have to have the companies provide unencrypted text of all end-to-end encrypted communications and for hardware manufacturers to enable unencrypted access to the data flowing through the hardware, I guess we might have all of Australia wanting to use it, with the very politicians who legislated it at the forefront. They certainly don’t want the ABCs finding out about their secret communications (re toppling the prime minister)
I’m starting to get it. If for whatever reason a business wants to remove or hide published data, is this possible
No. If you uploaded something to Safenet and decided to let everbody read it or download it. Nobody could ever remove that data no matter what. Just not possible. And you, the uploader can never be found either. And you could also charge people SafeCoin to read your data if you want. Nobody could stop that either, and nobody could find who you are, even if you keep updating your wesbsite and keep making money on it.
Thus, in my opinion, if SafeNet manages to reach its goal and it actually works as promised. It will be very popular. And the demand for space for people with good business ideas will be huge. They are going to want safecoins so they can upload all there stuff to SafeNet and start making money on their ideas.
But how can they make money if no one knows who they are. So a business is going to have to filter very carefully what information they want to publish, because once they publish it there is no going back? How will this stop malicious rumour spreading and hate websites
Watermarking of data provides a method for paying anonymous authors/uploaders, even if pay the producer (PtP) is not implemented (search for endless discussions on that ).
Owners of websites can’t remove the data, but they can stop referencing it, so depending on how the website is implemented they will be able to control what is shown in their domain/website if they wish to - they just can’t wipe data stored by others from SAFEnetwork.
It’s not that much different to posting stuff on today’s internet in many ways is it? Nothing is forgotten on the clearnet either really, there’s always a way to dig up old, deleted pages. As long as people can edit the data they want to host and serve up to others then all is good as far as I can see.
Thanks Jabba and Happy being. I guess we will have to wait and see. The hackers will no doubt throw everything at Safenet given the attraction to a product promoting itself as super secure
4 posts were merged into an existing topic: SAFE Network and Illegal Content
I really hope this happens during beta tests with all the features. I imagine we all want the world that is SAFE and it’s always weird to see people who would want to destroy it as they generally are the very people who want it, but ego and in crypto, cash seems to be a big driver. So any ways we can attract the best early will be great. I doubt anybody can say any implementation of anything is super secure, however we can look and say, wow impossible to steal network stored passwords is super secure from the perspective of password theft from servers etc. so there are huge wins and strong vision. The key will be inclusive approaches to all those who can help as they are the ones who can also hinder.
Then we can look to the people wishing to harm such a future and guard against that with an ever growing team of dedicated Engineers who can remove any magic numbers and local duration’s form the code, reducing it to a very strict small set of rules that just work. That will be years after launch and before then diligence and cooperation from as many as possible who wish the world was more equal, fair and inclusive. We can dream but I believe every change starts with just that, a dream
Apart from that we have a team of folk who focus on keeping all of this on track and using many tools and an engaged community we believe that the progress is strong and any gaps along the way taken care of properly. We use limitations that we make public, rather than band aid patches to make things look Ok. This seems weak but it is very strong, allows early silly attacks, but strengthens the resolve. Now we have more closed tests and more focused and dedicated testers, users, documented, critics etc. who all have a real sense of ownership and that is all good. All we need to do is stay on track, no nonsense and keep the pace. I see that getting easier now and that is a good thing.
I think hacking will be a non starter in most cases based on the fact that everything is encrypted to an extent where no brute force in a hackers lifetime will find the private key. It’s unlike the SHA-1 crack where they can post a file with the same hash but malicious code, the only option will be social engineering hacks to get the private key, i.e break into the persons home and try find it.
Man in the middle attack will also not be possible once security experts vett the final release and holes are plugged.
Well guys almost a year since the last post here and s lot of talk about a 2018 launch ,well that most definitely won’t be happeni g at this stage my guess would probably be sometime in 2020,we may get the beta at the end of 2019.
Yeah I’ve been a staunch yaysayer of, “Absolutely going to be beta or launch ‘this year ’,” for a couple years now. Clearly, I was wrong. My new stance as of few months ago is, “Absolutely going to be beta or greata by 2020.” I figure delaying my opinion to years in advance is much healthier. And hey if still issues pop up, well, I don’t really know! Doesn’t seem like it should take much longer…
I think beta will be a bit earlier than the end of 2019. Exciting isn’t it?
@Zoki, your memes slay me
A possible signal for when SAFE needs to be profitable is whthin 24 months, as this is when the money apparently runs out. Another indication that we are getting close, in my opinion, is the fact that MAID has hired a marketing team. I don’t think they would do this if they were not soon ready to role the network out. Thus: beta 2019, full public release 2020.
Yes the logic all points in that direction I agree.
Maybe best though to just keep the minds of the anxious folk on the low for the next couple of months.
I’d say we’d need to wait a little bit yet before seeing a largish commit covering off the for now closed sourced solution being looked at. Only then we’ll start to get an idea of the remaining tasks to alpha 3 inc. at least some test nets.
So in plain English I hope no one gets antsy if things remain undercover for another couple of months, just all part of a bigger process where the benefits show up later in the piece this year and next.
So for the lurkers be very happy to see Alpha 3 in the latter half this year but just remember the Scots always keep more than a few little surprises up their sleeves, 2019 is going to get pretty bloody exciting any way you choose look at it
Just put an example of what are you talking about if you can. All the community is reading you.
Oh definitely! But forget about beta release. Alpha 4 is gonna be huge in time consuming. Besides you should add:
- Data republish and network restarts. A security audit of the network. Test safecoin. Real-time network upgrades. Network validated upgrades.
I can see several years of work here knowing how things progress here.
2019 it won’t be the year and 2020 more than probably neither.
And? Who mention something regarding that?
It looks like you are talking alone with yourself.
Can you point some links to that or is just like the rest of your message?
Your assumptions again… can you point to some official link?
More assumptions… well, I am not gonna answer you again… just… have a good day pal!
@Antifragile is correct here, the team have expanded significantly, work is being carried out quicker and broader (more departments). Alpha4 is a combination of alpha2 and 3 and is considered as we progress alpha3. Security audits will likely be continous and more so if we are successful in growing the network. Network restart is a tougher one really so we do not know right now with any specificity where that must happen by, but likely pre safecoin.
Hope that helps.