When will MaidSafe be launched?

I’m just wondering when the SAFE Network will be launched? Do we have a release date set?

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In the Max Kaiser Interviews (there were 2 I think) I believe @dirvine gave information that is similar to details on this page:

Considering that a testnet cycle takes 4-6 weeks to complete, it looks current.


It’s 2015 now. Is there any update on how things are going?

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You can click on each of the testnetworks to check the progress

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Finishing test net 2 is taking longer than expected, earlier the hope was to finish it before the new year. My guess is that it will be done near the end of this month, the devs seem to be working their asses off.


I understand that everybody is eager to get things moving and we all keep asking the same question over and over but it seems there is no movement on the roadmap at all… Why are we stuck in the same place for ages when talk was full launch last year. Is there a massive mountain in the road that nobody knows about?

We’ve s seen a lot of changes (read:improvements) to the network which caused delay but we’re very close to testnet3 I believe. You can read the weekly dev updates to get the latest developments.


In addition to the response from @Melvin, we only tick off items once they have been pushed to our master branch in Github, so although there is no movement on the roadmap, there is significant progress going on behind the scenes. We will be in a position to share these soon. Thanks for your patience in the meantime.


Thank you for the clarification @Melvin and @nicklambert.

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I know you probably don’t have time for it right now, but often I see roadmaps that express progress as a percentage per item. It is rather arbitrary and only a rough indicator since it may be hard to say even for the devs how far along an item is, but at least observers will see the difference between an item that yet has to be worked on and an item that is nearly finished. :wink:

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I hear you @Seneca :smile: We are trying to strike a balance between focussing as much time as possible launching the network and keeping the community engaged and updated. I think trying to produce percentages per item (which are often being worked on by multiple team members) would be very rough and not offer any additional meaningful insight. Hopefully we are able to compensate for any short comings in the roadmap with the input we offer within the forum and our dev updates.

EDIT: Having spoken with @prakash we will look at potentially increasing the detail within the roadmap and break out the items more allowing for true progress to be shown without needing to spend too long figuring out how complete they are. This seems like a decent middle ground.

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the more we ask “how long until launch”, the more time the devs have to spend answering, the less time they have for coding, the longer it will take.

its hard to be patient but imagine one day there is a ring on your door… and you open… and there is testnet3 standing, smiling right into your face :slight_smile:

thats how i manage until launch…


@BambooGarden, I agree.

Speaking of “ring” at my door. Does that come in an official email invite or pinned thread on this forum? That would be cool. :sunglasses:

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What I’m wondering is what I can actually do when it launches as a coding illiterate, as I’m sure they’ll be others wanting to “do stuff” in a similar situation. Pretty much everything I know about “computery stuff” has been learnt from this forum and I’m glad of the education btw, so thanks everyone.
I get I can farm and store data and using things like blogs/websites/stores etc when up and running, but what if I want to make a blog/website/store? I believe things will be easier than current internet system - would this be easy enough for the average Joe…if so, should we be making some kind of basic instruction on “How to” stuff like this that maybe doesn’t need loads of coding skills.
I often hear it’s easy to do this or that, but I don’t know how because the language used in explanations is too technical for me. Would it be an idea to have step by step guides for “making a website” etc pre-launch or would it forever be beyond the ken of the average middle aged non tech dinosaur? - I’m asking for a friend of course :smiley:

Tell your friend, SAFE Network uses very similar tech for making a website as the existing internet so it won’t be easier.

What changes is the stuff on which those websites run rather than how websites are “coded”. So to start with, it will actually be a bit more complex, because people building websites will have to learn new stuff, do without certain labour saving tools etc.

Sorry :frowning:

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Why not just learn to code? Depending on what you want to build, I would suggest:

  • If you want to make desktop applications, learn Python. Easy language to start with and works on all OSs.
  • If you want to make websites, learn HTML, CSS, and Javascript, in that order.

There are tons of resources that make barrier to entry with these languages very very low.

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Why don’t you just learn French or Gaelic or Japanese or Spanish? You’re talking about just learning a couple more languages man. Point of fact I have learned HTML and do know a bit of css and javascript but whenever I try to get into python or C++ my brain starts melting. I don’t know the combination of math and language just doesn’t mesh well with me. Math I can do, language I can do, code? Not so much.

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My post was in direct reply to a post which asked “Would it be an idea to have step by step guides for “making a website” etc”. Someone basically asked how to make a website app for the SAFE network. Assuming they meant something more than just a static website with HTML/CSS, there’s no way to create a dynamic app without knowing how to code, so I suggested they learn how. Using your example, the question was more like “how can I speak comfortably in a foreign country without knowing their language”, and the answer is you can’t. Just learn it!

It all depends on how badly you want to learn it, I think. If you’re just following some tutorials here and there, it’s going to be hard, but if you pick up an all-encompassing book, I think you’ll be able to pick it up.

good comment Blindsite2k

It is exactly the point with Maidsafe sofar. It exists of developpers/programmers who don’t care at all about design (why don’t you programmers learn how to design???); bitcoiners who are only interested in money and a bunch of designers/entrepeneurs who until so far cannot do anything with MaidSafe… but they want to…
A lot of promises got them/us (the designers/entrepeneurs) waiting for quite a bit. Even the way this forum is set-up is understandable for a programmer but designwise it still sux.
It is like the early days on C64 :smiley:

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