Question is the title. When is MaidSafe launching? I’ve been here since June last year, and the general consensus was that MaidSafe was launching in Q4 2014, at latest December.
Since August of last year, which is roughly about the time TestNet 2 started, virtually no progress has been made by the looks of it, there has been code re-factoring and various changes to the code, however MaidSafe is still no closer to launch than it was in August of last year. TestNet 2 was supposed to last 3-4 weeks, however we’ve been stuck in TestNet for close to 8 months.
How much longer is it going to take for MaidSafe to launch, you guys can’t keep on delaying and delaying the launch further and further. You guys have been working on MaidSafe for 6 years now (as you’ve said before), when will MaidSafe launch if ever? Is there any roadmap to MaidSafe’s launch or any planned time-frame even for the launch of MaidSafe?
I think we are all very excited about the next phase (Testnet 3) but no matter what we do, they can’t start it until they are ready to. Just grab a seat, relax and buy some MaidSafeCoin while they are cheap.
What if noticed, is that much of the work that was going to be taken care of in test net 3 has actually been taking place all along in test net 2 phase (phase we’re in now); This is going to give us a very interesting environment as a community, and as people of the SAFE Network;
So, we’re getting kind of a double test net result when test net 3 is actually in a release stage;
I anticipate that the transition from the upcoming test net to BETA is to be quite quick; or rather, we’ll be enjoying an interesting testing of the softwares, almost like in BETA within the next phase of the development.
Until BETA is feature implementation, safecoin code, and farming codes, etc; these are already well thought of, and their implementation is straight forward based on the designs.
This is all because, it was unexpected that the community would grow to its current size, amazing, !
if anyone remembers when we reached test net 2, it worked for the public for a couple of days, then you couldn’t connect to the test network again; or it was failing; but… I did log in, store a chunk, logged out, logged back in, got that chunk, logged out; that was a real connection to the other nodes in the SAFE Test Network
At the ‘Economics of Safecoin’ meetup held here in Montreal last Monday we were told that TestNet3 would be launching within days, and that BETA would launch several weeks after that…so I guess that hasn’t happened.
MaidSafe is still no closer to launch than it was in August of last year.
I understand your impatience, but you are making incorrect statements because you have not been here following progress and are commenting without first establishing what’s happened and where the project is.
Within the Development category you can find almost weekly status updates going back several months, each of which contains a link to the roadmap you asked for.
However, it is still hard to gauge progress or what’s left to do from this information because this is a brand new endeavour. You can though subscribe to the github (pull request) and jira (task creation/completion notifications) to fully inform yourself.
A lot has happened since August. Not just the refactoring, but to get a sense of that I think you need to stay along for the ride. You won’t be able to appreciate it just by browsing the forum, or the dev updates.
We’re, well, a small team of ace developers, are only creating an entire new internet: distributed, secure anonymous internet with its own self bootstrapping economy, and a non blockchain crypto currency that promises to surpass bitcoin on all measures.
you might be confusing days with some weeks and weeks with some months; Just watched the videos of that event
where is the video posted? they repeated several times that testnet3 would launch that week and beta several weeks later. it could be that they have edited those comments out of the video, perhaps due to further delays, but I have no reason to be optimistic one way or the other, all i know is what was said at the event and am simply relaying that message here.
assuredly no (about editing that comment), expanding the API this taking place this week and testing of the work before test net 3 is out definitely; This week SAFEX specifications and implementations have taken place;
I think we talked about trading algorithms and also how to build a simulator for that ;
Even though Ethereum is not much farther along; casually downgrade MaidSafe remember don’t bet the whole farm on any ONE trade; so good to know of the diversification man;
I understand you guys are creating a new internet and that things will creep up in development but I really think there needs to be a firmer development shedual. 3 to 4 weeks compared to 8 months? That’s over an 8x increase! Either be more pragmatic in your release date estimates or more efficient in how you organize things. If a company said “We’re going to release our software at such and such a date.” and then didn’t they’d lose creedibility. And while I realize that maidsafe is voluntary and working hard the same principle applies because it’s about creating expectation and fullfilling that expectation. So either don’t create the expectatoin that you’ll be done at x date or get it done by x date. Still that all being said it would be good to see a clear progress bar to when you guys would be done.
The Devs were “trying” to finish TestNet2 by Dec 2014.
But recent code rewrites delayed it… for good reason. This thread and @Al_Kafir’s telephone analogy explains it nicely. See below…
Could we have pushed through with the way the code was written? Probably.
Gavin Anderson said collaborators of Bitcoin thought the code was genius but also outright messy in other areas. It’s still being developed.
I realize none of this matters to some people, and that’s okay. I too thought we were going to hit TestNet3 by Jan 2015. But I’m glad the Devs are trying to simplify the code, and make it easier for future developers to understand and build on top of it.
The only way which seems to work well with software is to define small release cycles, with small, defined tasks. This has resulted in an explosion of companies adopting the agile scrum methodology/process.
The idea is that you build additional functionality incrementally, so that each phase adds a small amount, but with plenty of communication to ensure the right thing is delivered within predictable time scales.
Software is malleable and it doesn’t need everything planned out at the start. However, it needs to work correctly at the end. This is why engineering processes designed for less malleable technologies don’t fit so well.
It is a change of thinking though. It means thinking about delivery at every sprint. It means breaking things down so that this can happen. In short, you deliver what you can by a release date, rather than slipping the release date to fit in what you originally thought was achievable.
Failure to deliver anything in time is much worse than delivering something less feature rich thanks hoped.
This is spot on and a reason we switched to Jira. It will help a lot (already has) as we move to sprint based deliverables.
The part folk find hard though is we cannot deliver partially an autonomous network. So that part needs to be 100%. This is why we are using the refactor we are completing just now to deliver very basic but solid functionality.
I have been like an evil axeman and cutting away parts to be delivered as the network and vaults are very stable and very easy to upgrade. This is what the last few weeks has been about.
Then you will see sprints for messaging (again) safecoin, client API parts etc. (Viv and the team there have been hidden by us in the core side and that must frustrate the life out of them) and these will involve core devs app devs marketing admin deign community etc. basically everyone.
So we need testnett3 started again and then we can deliver smaller chunks on top of the network. We have a ton of stuff already done, so sprints will be very clean and clear for all to see. Its another reason for looking at rust, a sprint in c++ is very hard to have a deliverable in a week or two weeks (max sprint really should be two weeks).
This part has been very hard in house with many folks very agitated and much more fighting than usual as nerves are exposed with the refactor. This is hard but it needed done. I was very demanding there as we had too much code and had found some very basic but powerful algorithms. So the next few weeks will see the testnet3 up, but hopefully you will see more than that, bus weekly progress again and not refactoring (which his always an alarm bell situation, many times it means rewrite, we got it wrong).
So until the testnet3 is up its almost impossible to state dates and we try very hard no to for good reason. After than though sprints will happen and crucially as you say we deliver, but perhaps reduced functionality, but deliver is the key. Everyone benefits then community and the devs who get very little thanks for this effort they have put in since November, it has been herculean and also tough as I have never been tough but have had to be and that is new and hopefully over I am sure if it were not the guys would slit my throat
Ha ha, refactoring in this sense is the equivalent of pivoting in the business world.
I too am a bit impatient about the MaidSafe launch but the SAFE network seems like impressive technology to me, so I can wait. Besides, as a developer I can keep developing for the Web and switch to SAFE later. It can be a more anxious situation for those who own a lot of MaidSafeCoins.
I hear what you are saying. Even if you break everything into tasks which fit within a sprint, it doesn’t mean that you will have something releasable at the end of 1 or more sprints.
However, I do think it gets the team thinking about breaking things down into digestible chunks. Breaking these down further each sprint then really helps to define with some accuracy what can actually be delivered in a sprint.
I am sure I’m preaching to the converted, but it took us getting agile scrum training to really ‘get it’ where I work. It is easy to adopt daily scrums, sprint cycles etc, but somehow miss the context. We were very much going through the motions, but missing some core areas which were essential to it working.
Saying that, we are still settling into full agile scrum ourselves, but each cycle is getting better as we understand more completely how it all works out.
Anyway, I have absolute confidence in the technical capabilities of the team. I am totally confident that you will deliver. I just get the impression that the release cycle needs a bit of greasing!
Or learn how to code in any language and start your own little simple project. This will give anyone a realistic perspective of what it takes to create something huge and complex as maidsafe is. What the maidsafe team is doing is unprecedented and is impossible to foresee every potential problem and situation that can arise. Anything this new and innovative will certainly have plenty of bumps and setbacks along the way. Let’s get beyond using maidsafe as a quick-rich scheme and embrace the incredible journey this project is undergoing. We are witnessing history mate!
What sometimes scares me is all the work the team want’s to get done before launching a BETA or a 1.0 version. Why all the work on plugin’s for browsers? Why Javascript-libraries? If the SAFEnetwork would go live, with an App like “Lifestuff” which is shown in the video, that would be a brilliant thing already." People could store data, make money as a farmer, chat with others and register their name on the network and have a wallet. That would be enough to get a whole community become part of the project. If @dallyshalla would attach his decentralized exchange at the same time it would be a clear revolution in P2P already.
After that, the community would grow exponential (just like it will after launch is my guess), and they would create support for mobile applications, build browser-plugins etc. create a Java-version etc.
But that’s my point of view. Maybe I’m wrong. Really excited to see Testnet3. I have no problems with waiting some extra weeks. Ethereum was supposed to be live already. They will “only” launch a blockchain this month, no GUI etc. which you can only run using the command-line.