I really like the SAFEpress page, very clear and a good summary. Thank you.
I would change “CrouchDb” to “SAFE Network” and I’m not comfy with “WordPress for SAFE” as the title. Maybe title it “Website Builder for SAFE Network”. It’s OK to mention WordPress as a similar tool, but they will differ considerably so it’s better not in the title.
The SAFEpress logo on your collage page looks like the very simple one I made, or did I miss something? Ah, yes, just seen your post that you included that with the others… best to mention that
I think this is a great initiative, will definitely get people thinking, and hopefully inspire more people to feel they can join in and contribute to SAFENnetwork or other SAFE App projects. It shows anyone with enthusiasm has something to offer, not just coders etc. There’s so much more to creating a useful App than writing the software, and plenty of work for anyone who feels inspired to help a particular project. It’s my intention that everyone who contributes to SAFEpress will get some of the rewards, or some recognition, depending on the degree of their contribution. That will be hard to get right, and I’m asking people just to trust and accept my judgement in that, which is a big ask, but for main contributors I’ll be happy to negotiate something more concrete as appropriate. I’d even step out of the project altogether if I believed it would do better that way. If only we had something like BuildItHub this would be a cynch… @chadrickm come back, we need you!
By the way, the SAFEpress logo was just a placeholder I put together quickly. It would do I guess, but if you or anyone would like to have a go at improving it pleeeeease do.
Thanks again!