Full maidsafecoin transaction data

Yes, only 177,008 transactions; not really very many is it.

These txs are spread over 52,396 addresses

Of those, there are 16,212 with some coins remaining in them

There are 36,160 addresses that did have maidsafecoins but now have none

There are 24 addresses with less than 0 balance of maidsafecoin (!). For example, see 1GZukjGe682vhi9N6rDWqqGVKmZ6mKha1i - this address has some metadex trades that are not included in the tx list (need to fix my omnicore scrape script).

For example tx f2e115ee0b4d181d3e2068215521fc8fde8c4d5a9a04942e8c481852333e3306 is not included in my list, but is relevant because itā€™s a maidsafecoin trade. Need to check for ā€œpropertyiddesiredā€ and ā€œpropertyidforsaleā€.

Needs some tweaks though in light of the above metadex stuff that I just learned about.


How many addresses per human do you estimate? 10? 20? 30?

1 Like

Hard to say but if I had to guess, letā€™s try to work it out

6378 users registered to the forum (source)

Letā€™s guess 80% of those own coins, thatā€™s 5102 coin owners

Letā€™s guess 50% of all coin owners have registered here, that gives 10204 coin owners

Letā€™s guess 60% of all coin owners keep them off exchange, thatā€™s 6122 unique coin owners on chain

So 16212 addresses with coins in them / 6122 unique on chain owners means an average of about 3 addresses per coin owner.

Obviously a total guess. Not sure if thereā€™s much meaning to it even if we could know.

Itā€™s a good reality check.

The previous datasets have been missing some transactions for unusual types like MetaDEx Trade and Send All.

The update data is at https://mega.nz/file/1I9kCIiZ#J9XE46rKeCpJhjW9ā€“A6rD4Ws6ueEoALdEZDYc5P2uk and should now contain all transactions that involve maidsafecoin thanks to the updated omnicore_sraper.py

The output of report_tx_stats.py is much better now, only one address has negative balance, 15jiVUZLqg9ExtyDdfHsjA1J5efujTBqJL, which is because Iā€™m still not sure how to deal with MetaDEx trade and cancel-price transactions. Anyone got ideas? Iā€™m going to keep digging into it but at this stage itā€™s not clear to me how the final balance for 15ji has been calculated from the tx data.

One clue is if you look at the last two transactions for 15ji (both metadex trades) youā€™ll see they donā€™t have the 15ji address anywhere, so why are they listed here? Click through to the raw tx json to get an idea of the data Iā€™m working with in these cases. But if you look at the third transaction (also a metadex trade) youā€™ll see it does list 15ji. So Iā€™m confused how to handle metadex trades in the calculation of an address balance.

I suspect the ā€˜tradeā€™ type corresponds to an entry in the orderbook but is not necessarily always matched. So I probably need to keep a variable DexOrderbook and track Trades there, only updating address balances when thereā€™s matching orders. For example currently thereā€™s about 6K open orders for maidsafecoin on metadex (see here)

Hereā€™s my best guess at the history of 15ji balances:

  "txid": "98b6e4ae1557a822fdc79b43cd3499d60ff5f4cd071166d2d56ec2544a934fb3",
  "sendingaddress": "1LF4uhCxwoZ6kbdDznMiqFSoqGxdGQGGQC",
  "referenceaddress": "15jiVUZLqg9ExtyDdfHsjA1J5efujTBqJL",
  "type": "Simple Send",
  "propertyid": 3,
  "divisible": false,
  "amount": "1",
  "valid": true
IN: 1 UPDATED: 1.0
  "txid": "bb2a31c63ecbbf071223f4a6fb4b06fac26d0457320cb0f99f1c0ecdf67adfa1",
  "sendingaddress": "15jiVUZLqg9ExtyDdfHsjA1J5efujTBqJL",
  "type": "MetaDEx trade",
  "propertyidforsale": 3,
  "amountforsale": "1",
  "propertyiddesired": 1,
  "amountdesired": "0.01780000",
  "valid": true
  "txid": "8f9044a20b3978b00bd9be80b585ab08e106e676264881fee3f24e1e056e90c9",
  "sendingaddress": "1LF4uhCxwoZ6kbdDznMiqFSoqGxdGQGGQC",
  "referenceaddress": "15jiVUZLqg9ExtyDdfHsjA1J5efujTBqJL",
  "type": "Simple Send",
  "propertyid": 3,
  "divisible": false,
  "amount": "110",
  "valid": true
IN: 110 UPDATED: 110.0
  "txid": "2e12f243348d58f4a44465c717bf0737904bb0d77bf30656ebf22bbae48abe5f",
  "sendingaddress": "15jiVUZLqg9ExtyDdfHsjA1J5efujTBqJL",
  "referenceaddress": "164XeLd6yRwqDHt91v1QfvTvvXMpu9qbHF",
  "type": "Simple Send",
  "propertyid": 3,
  "divisible": false,
  "amount": "1",
  "valid": true
OUT: 1 UPDATED: 109.0
  "txid": "adbdb684a5500f779d4ff92ef3188385bce2385f8cf0378c1122bdc83a145a49",
  "sendingaddress": "15jiVUZLqg9ExtyDdfHsjA1J5efujTBqJL",
  "referenceaddress": "164XeLd6yRwqDHt91v1QfvTvvXMpu9qbHF",
  "type": "Simple Send",
  "propertyid": 3,
  "divisible": false,
  "amount": "89",
  "valid": true
OUT: 89 UPDATED: 20.0
  "txid": "ed939e6cae1e5035a077c06b346877165aed49c4c99081df022a7e2dcf67e61e",
  "sendingaddress": "15jiVUZLqg9ExtyDdfHsjA1J5efujTBqJL",
  "type": "MetaDEx trade",
  "propertyidforsale": 3,
  "amountforsale": "20",
  "propertyiddesired": 1,
  "amountdesired": "0.50000000",
  "valid": true
OUT: 20 UPDATED: 0.0
  "txid": "67bea4e13a4afd655f6b5a6e985bfcfa8062d3052c9b45d693a229e6b5724e88",
  "sendingaddress": "15jiVUZLqg9ExtyDdfHsjA1J5efujTBqJL",
  "type": "MetaDEx trade",
  "propertyidforsale": 1,
  "amountforsale": "0.25000000",
  "propertyiddesired": 3,
  "amountdesired": "10",
  "valid": true
IN: 10 UPDATED: 10.0
  "txid": "e21bacfac5ec4ef2b77c3b3266eb3cf159dae748945439fd01dc02aa42c870fe",
  "sendingaddress": "15jiVUZLqg9ExtyDdfHsjA1J5efujTBqJL",
  "type": "MetaDEx trade",
  "propertyidforsale": 3,
  "amountforsale": "10",
  "propertyiddesired": 1,
  "amountdesired": "0.20000000",
  "valid": true
OUT: 10 UPDATED: 0.0
  "txid": "971bb5afba924ef5651cee4699f50cba869c0445f899a44c6c4e6c606d970a9d",
  "sendingaddress": "15jiVUZLqg9ExtyDdfHsjA1J5efujTBqJL",
  "type": "MetaDEx trade",
  "propertyidforsale": 1,
  "amountforsale": "0.17500000",
  "propertyiddesired": 3,
  "amountdesired": "7",
  "valid": true
IN: 7 UPDATED: 7.0
  "txid": "f449fa25c78d3d7ed51a9cfb312984cd1dbac7da20fbeb5675466a9686eb29b2",
  "sendingaddress": "15jiVUZLqg9ExtyDdfHsjA1J5efujTBqJL",
  "type": "MetaDEx trade",
  "propertyidforsale": 1,
  "amountforsale": "0.17500000",
  "propertyiddesired": 3,
  "amountdesired": "7",
  "valid": true
IN: 7 UPDATED: 14.0
  "txid": "761bc8ae755ccac230c561b1b0a8f016561daec451733cefacc03d9dc29d1d78",
  "sendingaddress": "15jiVUZLqg9ExtyDdfHsjA1J5efujTBqJL",
  "type": "MetaDEx trade",
  "propertyidforsale": 3,
  "amountforsale": "2",
  "propertyiddesired": 1,
  "amountdesired": "0.10000000",
  "valid": true
OUT: 2 UPDATED: 12.0
  "txid": "5bbb7ef6de7d41a296f5c3bc8a6e6d767900219f41379ecc3fb69c5dc6027314",
  "sendingaddress": "15jiVUZLqg9ExtyDdfHsjA1J5efujTBqJL",
  "type": "MetaDEx trade",
  "propertyidforsale": 3,
  "amountforsale": "5",
  "propertyiddesired": 1,
  "amountdesired": "0.09000000",
  "valid": true
  "txid": "34b20e612bceb62b8cd35f2b3c4770e1792c0ca04a50d8849bab1418a26e3cec",
  "sendingaddress": "15jiVUZLqg9ExtyDdfHsjA1J5efujTBqJL",
  "type": "MetaDEx trade",
  "propertyidforsale": 3,
  "amountforsale": "5",
  "propertyiddesired": 1,
  "amountdesired": "0.12500000",
  "valid": true
  "txid": "cfe0ec088625b9546be1b60e153d542cee2b3c56618c45cc579f57014408cff1",
  "sendingaddress": "15jiVUZLqg9ExtyDdfHsjA1J5efujTBqJL",
  "type": "MetaDEx trade",
  "propertyidforsale": 3,
  "amountforsale": "2",
  "propertyiddesired": 1,
  "amountdesired": "0.05000000",
  "valid": true
  "txid": "82f0c7502bb9ed804bd9723deb6a6164688c095830cb223f318e838afb598963",
  "sendingaddress": "15jiVUZLqg9ExtyDdfHsjA1J5efujTBqJL",
  "type": "MetaDEx cancel-price",
  "propertyidforsale": 3,
  "amountforsale": "2",
  "propertyiddesired": 1,
  "amountdesired": "0.05000000",
  "valid": true
OUT: -2 UPDATED: 2.0
  "txid": "bcfd6ad9bc75016fd22820894796ec42fed75cebfd1913ef67be7fdb221939c3",
  "sendingaddress": "15jiVUZLqg9ExtyDdfHsjA1J5efujTBqJL",
  "type": "MetaDEx trade",
  "propertyidforsale": 1,
  "amountforsale": "0.15000000",
  "propertyiddesired": 3,
  "amountdesired": "3",
  "valid": true
IN: 3 UPDATED: 5.0
  "txid": "34a6526c6d382f2355ae59c5dfbe2f5e569a22398db9b282c1fdfcd0bb4cef4f",
  "sendingaddress": "15jiVUZLqg9ExtyDdfHsjA1J5efujTBqJL",
  "type": "MetaDEx trade",
  "propertyidforsale": 3,
  "amountforsale": "7",
  "propertyiddesired": 1,
  "amountdesired": "0.10500000",
  "valid": true
OUT: 7 UPDATED: -2.0
  "txid": "3ed7816ef8152dc4ed1a718cd8df7ed84c5a1e67c3941cd92ca53aeeb7fd2027",
  "sendingaddress": "15jiVUZLqg9ExtyDdfHsjA1J5efujTBqJL",
  "type": "MetaDEx trade",
  "propertyidforsale": 1,
  "amountforsale": "0.03000000",
  "propertyiddesired": 3,
  "amountdesired": "2",
  "valid": true
IN: 2 UPDATED: 0.0
  "txid": "3df0ab0f623676194823b8d0be4e7af60869cb026016caa76686bfe3579f150d",
  "sendingaddress": "15jiVUZLqg9ExtyDdfHsjA1J5efujTBqJL",
  "type": "MetaDEx trade",
  "propertyidforsale": 1,
  "amountforsale": "0.06000000",
  "propertyiddesired": 3,
  "amountdesired": "2",
  "valid": true
IN: 2 UPDATED: 2.0
  "txid": "87d4d306525d601541bedc845a849ba48b04aba22c4e94e2d4dfc04c97b7e472",
  "sendingaddress": "15jiVUZLqg9ExtyDdfHsjA1J5efujTBqJL",
  "type": "MetaDEx trade",
  "propertyidforsale": 3,
  "amountforsale": "4",
  "propertyiddesired": 1,
  "amountdesired": "0.10000000",
  "valid": true
OUT: 4 UPDATED: -2.0
  "txid": "280ece2c88f3dface4328e162e3df5160c40ba0cf36c17054e186a69eaafd2e7",
  "sendingaddress": "15jiVUZLqg9ExtyDdfHsjA1J5efujTBqJL",
  "type": "MetaDEx trade",
  "propertyidforsale": 3,
  "amountforsale": "2",
  "propertyiddesired": 1,
  "amountdesired": "0.03500000",
  "valid": true
OUT: 2 UPDATED: -4.0
  "txid": "914f9b85a16b392ea510ab2eee0af146b481e6ad1608e8b6e188a166059d9a03",
  "sendingaddress": "15jiVUZLqg9ExtyDdfHsjA1J5efujTBqJL",
  "type": "MetaDEx trade",
  "propertyidforsale": 1,
  "amountforsale": "0.30000000",
  "propertyiddesired": 3,
  "amountdesired": "20",
  "valid": true
IN: 20 UPDATED: 16.0
  "txid": "585d93d9b9d2fce5f91e16a1377b1bc0e54ab7f40394f5bb40e18663bf131fc1",
  "sendingaddress": "15jiVUZLqg9ExtyDdfHsjA1J5efujTBqJL",
  "type": "MetaDEx cancel-price",
  "propertyidforsale": 3,
  "amountforsale": "2",
  "propertyiddesired": 1,
  "amountdesired": "0.03500000",
  "valid": true
OUT: -2 UPDATED: 18.0
  "txid": "1ea9d3def9aa7bf7f8f2c4047c79789e04c31619fa84aa67c32fd0be7979696c",
  "sendingaddress": "15jiVUZLqg9ExtyDdfHsjA1J5efujTBqJL",
  "type": "MetaDEx cancel-price",
  "propertyidforsale": 1,
  "amountforsale": "0.30000000",
  "propertyiddesired": 3,
  "amountdesired": "20",
  "valid": true
IN: -20 UPDATED: -2.0
  "txid": "67ecc0c8b9b56feabe70f5afb8db7989131be834f6b410a3c39fdb65ba79794f",
  "sendingaddress": "15jiVUZLqg9ExtyDdfHsjA1J5efujTBqJL",
  "type": "MetaDEx trade",
  "propertyidforsale": 3,
  "amountforsale": "1",
  "propertyiddesired": 1,
  "amountdesired": "0.01300000",
  "valid": true
OUT: 1 UPDATED: -3.0
  "txid": "a3029935c5473b5e0b4c7ff41984fdde84c2802df076d17f7efe26f8bd2a6a17",
  "sendingaddress": "15jiVUZLqg9ExtyDdfHsjA1J5efujTBqJL",
  "type": "MetaDEx trade",
  "propertyidforsale": 1,
  "amountforsale": "0.15000000",
  "propertyiddesired": 3,
  "amountdesired": "10",
  "valid": true
IN: 10 UPDATED: 7.0
  "txid": "da9abec292169133e4a863b584a400e942b7947bd44e8858432d9ce621766fa4",
  "sendingaddress": "15jiVUZLqg9ExtyDdfHsjA1J5efujTBqJL",
  "type": "MetaDEx trade",
  "propertyidforsale": 3,
  "amountforsale": "1",
  "propertyiddesired": 1,
  "amountdesired": "0.01500000",
  "valid": true
  "txid": "428a3014bb74da204ffffb2b7d433495304e6604888dbc319b0cfd28a7a7feb6",
  "sendingaddress": "15jiVUZLqg9ExtyDdfHsjA1J5efujTBqJL",
  "type": "MetaDEx cancel-price",
  "propertyidforsale": 1,
  "amountforsale": "0.15000000",
  "propertyiddesired": 3,
  "amountdesired": "10",
  "valid": true
IN: -10 UPDATED: -4.0
  "txid": "91ba042970580b048748fd9f34f54e77ce0fec46d6b167aa3a4b56706b1d6884",
  "sendingaddress": "15jiVUZLqg9ExtyDdfHsjA1J5efujTBqJL",
  "type": "MetaDEx cancel-price",
  "propertyidforsale": 3,
  "amountforsale": "4",
  "propertyiddesired": 1,
  "amountdesired": "0.10000000",
  "valid": true
OUT: -4 UPDATED: 0.0
  "txid": "3ba5e14608c0dc585426b34c47a4e1a715fb20beae95e399a697028d5b717322",
  "sendingaddress": "15jiVUZLqg9ExtyDdfHsjA1J5efujTBqJL",
  "type": "MetaDEx trade",
  "propertyidforsale": 3,
  "amountforsale": "6",
  "propertyiddesired": 1,
  "amountdesired": "0.15000000",
  "valid": true
OUT: 6 UPDATED: -6.0
  "txid": "59d57316f27a979cd8af7b021aa8cbf74e11813695fd01f3f7b1aa0f7bf62e01",
  "sendingaddress": "15jiVUZLqg9ExtyDdfHsjA1J5efujTBqJL",
  "type": "MetaDEx cancel-price",
  "propertyidforsale": 3,
  "amountforsale": "6",
  "propertyiddesired": 1,
  "amountdesired": "0.15000000",
  "valid": true
OUT: -6 UPDATED: 0.0
  "txid": "e12a3fc5948b930e18d54d4244256ae9c61fab2c221e76d46d61396231c35a9d",
  "sendingaddress": "15jiVUZLqg9ExtyDdfHsjA1J5efujTBqJL",
  "type": "MetaDEx trade",
  "propertyidforsale": 3,
  "amountforsale": "6",
  "propertyiddesired": 1,
  "amountdesired": "0.15000000",
  "valid": true
OUT: 6 UPDATED: -6.0
  "txid": "e3e11b5d5e99abee6ce94261eaacbfad176fbdd877e661b8b228f504aa0875bc",
  "sendingaddress": "15jiVUZLqg9ExtyDdfHsjA1J5efujTBqJL",
  "type": "MetaDEx cancel-price",
  "propertyidforsale": 3,
  "amountforsale": "6",
  "propertyiddesired": 1,
  "amountdesired": "0.15000000",
  "valid": true
OUT: -6 UPDATED: 0.0
  "txid": "fc780e045668432620f10d1e11209ce0750eafe0e76cc70c4560211d0b437d9e",
  "sendingaddress": "15jiVUZLqg9ExtyDdfHsjA1J5efujTBqJL",
  "type": "MetaDEx trade",
  "propertyidforsale": 3,
  "amountforsale": "6",
  "propertyiddesired": 31,
  "amountdesired": "0.48000000",
  "valid": true
OUT: 6 UPDATED: -6.0

Full data up to 2021-08-02 uploaded:


Gotta say omnicore is a total dog, canā€™t wait to leave it behind some day.

The MetaDEx stuff has a pretty difficult api to consume.

The main pain point is the blockchain stores metadex trades but does not store the matching of those trades, so the amount to add or subtract from address balances is very complex to work out.

For a ā€˜normalā€™ non-dex trade we can simply add/subtract inputs/outputs to get the updated balances, but the dex trades we canā€™t do that, we have to track which past orders it matches to (if any) and do the appropriate (complex) accounting for it.

Omnicore records some useful info about dex trades in the logs regarding updated address balances. But we have to remember when we start omnicore to redirect stdout to a file, otherwise the useful info isnā€™t recorded anywhere. Thereā€™s no direct way to get at this info from omnicore-cli, the log from stdout is needed. Hereā€™s an example of the kind of info we can parse from stdout:

2021-07-14T18:26:55Z ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
2021-07-14T18:26:55Z parseTransaction(block=368323, 2015-08-04T01:32:41Z idx= 563); txid: ba391fac4aed40e5fdd06d9698777e963d5cf39347f5e18e91abbdd9843e4e88
2021-07-14T18:26:55Z    ------------------------------
2021-07-14T18:26:55Z             version: 0, class B
2021-07-14T18:26:55Z                type: 25 (MetaDEx trade)
2021-07-14T18:26:55Z            property: 2 (TOMN)
2021-07-14T18:26:55Z               value: 1.00000000
2021-07-14T18:26:55Z    desired property: 2147483666 (Test token: 18 : 0x80000012)
2021-07-14T18:26:55Z       desired value: 1
2021-07-14T18:26:55Z recordNewTrade: OK
2021-07-14T18:26:55Z update_tally_map(1FEEpqdsTbQpKtnj4JWqaBYdCKBm9ty3ii, 2=0x2, -100000000, ttype=0): before=121000000, after=21000000
2021-07-14T18:26:55Z update_tally_map(1HbWTBq4uZadEWndAWPATPMfZeFPtYjvNn, 2=0x2, +100000000, ttype=0): before=24900088432, after=25000088432
2021-07-14T18:26:55Z update_tally_map(1HbWTBq4uZadEWndAWPATPMfZeFPtYjvNn, 2147483666=0x80000012, -1, ttype=4): before=9, after=8
2021-07-14T18:26:55Z update_tally_map(1FEEpqdsTbQpKtnj4JWqaBYdCKBm9ty3ii, 2147483666=0x80000012, +1, ttype=0): before=0, after=1
2021-07-14T18:26:55Z update remaining amount still up for sale (8 seller_replacement):100000000.00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000:1HbWTBq4uZadEWndAWPATPMfZeFPtYjvNn in 367542/642, txid: 243e1d05d7 , trade #2147483666 9 for #2 9.00000000
2021-07-14T18:26:55Z update remaining amount still up for sale (0 buyer):0.00000001000000000000000000000000000000000000000000:1FEEpqdsTbQpKtnj4JWqaBYdCKBm9ty3ii in 368323/563, txid: ba391fac4a , trade #2 1.00000000 for #2147483666 1
2021-07-14T18:26:55Z recordMatchedTrade: OK
2021-07-14T18:26:55Z ++ inserting seller_replacement: 100000000.00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000:1HbWTBq4uZadEWndAWPATPMfZeFPtYjvNn in 367542/642, txid: 243e1d05d7 , trade #2147483666 9 for #2 9.00000000
2021-07-14T18:26:55Z x_Trade()=2:TRADED_MOREINSELLER

The other thing we could do is run omniexplorer alongside omnicore, and that should give us the info we need, but I need to go through these docs sometime and see how it goes. It seems pretty complex.

What I would love is if the call to omnicore-cli omni_gettransaction <txid> returned something more like this:

  "txid": "70e8050d156161713e399250fef25ff6950fe4e9195427dfde3164a1bcd0fb97",
  "fee": "0.00014039",
  "sendingaddress": "14X8b6rmcxCfbPETxjKAGaAkTsuwj3bGeP",
  "version": 0,
  "type_int": 25,
  "type": "MetaDEx trade",
+ "trade_matches": {
+   "incoming": [
+     {
+       "propertyid": 3,
+       "amount": 3000,
+       "address": "18298434...",
+       "txid": "83838434...",
+       "liquidity_bonus": 20
+     },
+     ...
+   ],
+   "outgoing": [
+     {
+       "propertyid": 1,
+       "amount": 5,
+       "address": "18298434..."
+       "txid": "83838434..."
+     },
+     ...
+   ],
+ }
  "propertyidforsale": 3,
  "propertyidforsaleisdivisible": false,
  "amountforsale": "5",
  "propertyiddesired": 1,
  "propertyiddesiredisdivisible": true,
  "amountdesired": "0.12450000",
  "unitprice": "0.02490000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
  "valid": true,
  "blockhash": "000000000000000004d3e211819326e9d31453b45e99f30877336f08fd5f008e",
  "blocktime": 1459995119,
  "positioninblock": 1375,
  "block": 406106

Anywayā€¦ the data is there, thatā€™s the main thing. Just a matter of pushing it in the right directions so it can be fully utilized. Pretty close but the last bit is a real tease.


Anecdote != data, but I have 3 addresses :stuck_out_tongue:

Running a basic analysis of all the transactions gives this output:

Total txs: 177752
Total maidsafecoin in crowdsale purchase: 452552412.0
Total maidsafecoin from current balances: 452552412.0
Total addrs: 52448
Addrs with gt zero balance: 16023
Addrs with zero balance: 36420
Addrs with lt zero balance: 5
lt 0 balance: 1KK57QCogTkYVrsRZv66ibNxdQJZDjfKE1 -427.0
lt 0 balance: 1BP21f8ydBLESuuQn3NPUTBhWquFgc2s7y -3.0
lt 0 balance: 1Gad2EP2QFCsdMHqPXzGkhr36a8gX8sDsH -1.0
lt 0 balance: 1Kb3NA5dt6EgfpeFLgoV3opp4xT6ns85XA -50.0
lt 0 balance: 1Cnm7aAa9EsryzdhZKXyKoS3PGnvdd9CDt -190.0
Dex maidsafecoin waiting to be sold: 2509.0
Dex maidsafecoin waiting to be bought: 1914.0

Some clearly erroneous stuff from the negative balances but overall reported stats are fairly close to recent omniexplorer records with 16018 addrs greater than 0 balance.

Itā€™s pretty fascinating thereā€™s more than twice as many ā€˜abandonedā€™ addresses as there are ā€˜activeā€™ ones.


Is it possible to find out if and when there was a mass movement of tokens? For example, what effect did Polonoex delisting have?

Privacy. Security. Freedom

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Iā€™d have expected it to be higher, purely down to ppl creating new addresses and moving balances after exposing keys to omniwallet.


The chart shows the balance of exchange wallets (hot and cold combined).

Poloniex delisting was announced 2019-12-21 at which time polo had a balance of 62,380,970 MAID


50 largest transactions of all time:

date amount from to txid
2018-02-23 95,000,000 1Co1dhYD 1Po1oWkD fd0a5d61
2017-08-22 34,000,000 19h9LpXH 1Chq98sx 396df486
2017-11-08 34,000,000 1PcyzHsb 1Po1oWkD efed603e
2014-04-26 32,199,458 1GkLDETm 1NpScs5Q 10fff8b9
2014-12-10 25,000,000 1DwRAsUs 1BgQmAZ9 913f2576
2014-04-25 21,474,837 1NpScs5Q 1JoXxM6p 338a815d
2017-11-07 20,000,000 1Chq98sx 1PcyzHsb db8e6284
2019-11-02 17,378,762 1Po1oWkD 1LxGhPNX b12f56fc
2015-12-22 14,122,399 1Acvq7Q3 19wt2r1D bc9a6c84
2017-11-07 14,000,000 1Chq98sx 1PcyzHsb da4cbbf6
2014-10-24 12,262,574 1FmCeCAz 1Q1HNMzK 161656e4
2016-01-19 11,474,837 15aksp4q 1DvKeFaV b7b37efa
2016-01-19 11,474,837 1DvKeFaV 1Po1oWkD 4d1c8a24
2014-04-23 10,000,000 1G3Cyx19 1Db17wwh 1b4c866b
2015-01-20 10,000,000 1JoXxM6p 15aksp4q 95452692
2016-01-19 10,000,000 1Po1oWkD 1Co1dhYD 7503a23d
2016-12-22 10,000,000 1Co1dhYD 1Po1oWkD 56dea117
2014-04-24 8,999,999 1Db17wwh 1PekdZ6Q f494598a
2015-10-12 8,994,242 1DwRAsUs 1JiYsVot 82d8e3e0
2014-04-25 8,568,000 1HcQb16R 1PXo9yZ6 a8239430
2015-10-29 8,000,000 1Po1oWkD 1Co1dhYD d7849352
2015-12-22 7,952,397 1BdJ3y2Y 17rUSMwQ 0c0c3f0a
2015-09-05 7,862,574 1Q1HNMzK 19YHW7yE e04c48ab
2015-10-05 7,862,574 19YHW7yE 1JiYsVot 9ef183ab
2015-10-08 7,862,574 1JiYsVot 1Pm9uaZr 6a5e0b6d
2015-10-08 7,862,574 1Pm9uaZr 1Po1oWkD 94e0eefd
2014-04-25 7,616,000 1G3Cyx19 15MaGBdc fa4da2c4
2015-10-28 7,244,162 19x4VmLa 1Po1oWkD 22c69808
2015-10-10 7,000,000 1Po1oWkD 1Co1dhYD d1bb3e35
2017-02-04 7,000,000 1Co1dhYD 1Po1oWkD 8ddccfe4
2015-12-22 6,547,144 1Acvq7Q3 1PNBZKpH 0192e70b
2015-12-22 6,547,144 1BdJ3y2Y 1Hy9WQR1 e08e503b
2015-08-13 6,034,881 1gd7U8KN 1AoDUDd2 c05ea222
2016-03-13 6,000,000 19h9LpXH 1PcyzHsb 007caed5
2016-03-13 6,000,000 1PcyzHsb 1Po1oWkD 33b601b1
2015-12-22 5,920,980 1BdJ3y2Y 1KSo785o 5d124fe1
2014-12-20 5,869,117 1BgQmAZ9 1LrjzpcK 9a81cbcc
2014-04-26 5,800,541 1Acvq7Q3 1NpScs5Q 7928cbfa
2014-04-29 5,000,000 1NpScs5Q 1CduoEx4 93d6ad28
2014-04-29 5,000,000 1NpScs5Q 18TbX9MN 2a8ceec1
2014-04-29 5,000,000 1NpScs5Q 12i8B7P2 5d6e80b1
2014-09-04 5,000,000 1PXo9yZ6 1LrjzpcK 72379efc
2015-01-14 5,000,000 1JoXxM6p 1MaStErt e0c82cdc
2015-01-14 5,000,000 1JoXxM6p 13PREFqf 8020b280
2015-01-14 5,000,000 13PREFqf 1Po1oWkD 3ceeb31b
2015-01-14 5,000,000 1Po1oWkD 1Co1dhYD 37d09456
2015-08-12 5,000,000 1Po1oWkD 1Co1dhYD 938421b7
2015-10-22 5,000,000 1Po1oWkD 1Co1dhYD 3d068fc5
2016-02-14 5,000,000 1Po1oWkD 1Co1dhYD a7e4f617
2016-02-29 5,000,000 1Po1oWkD 1Co1dhYD 1380a17d

List of addresses that have unspent coins from the first year of maidsafecoin (2014-04-22 to 2015-04-22)

Total balance in these addresses: 56,729,057

A minor technicality to be aware of; the balance shown in the table is the current balance (start of Aug 2021). Some of funds may have been added (or removed) after the first year, so itā€™s not like the balance in the table is all from the first year. Eg the 5th row 13Tjts99 has new incoming funds from 2016 and some outgoing funds in 2021, but their oldest unspent coins are from 2014 (using first-in-first-out accounting). So itā€™s not 56M coins that are unspent from the first year, itā€™s 56M coins currently held in addresses with unspent coins from the first year. Subtle difference.

Post char limit means this is the start of the list, the full list is at https://gist.github.com/iancoleman/40dbf33bba1cce59cf3d769640930e69

date address current balance oldest utxo txid
2014-04-22 1MSC4v6T 238,033 c8f06acc
2014-04-22 1K5Tofy7 50,000 9e50d2d0
2014-04-22 157FxpGB 4,856 737c7aa6
2014-04-22 16bsXHmw 355,688 2c46f00f
2014-04-22 13Tjts99 10,000 16e40f47
2014-04-22 18sAGJ9z 12 f56796ab
2014-04-22 1NNJ6ZQm 2 a9a3a57c
2014-04-22 1GmsjoER 450,857 9e2312b0
2014-04-22 1Q8EcQ6k 60 db374d22
2014-04-22 18hFjy7C 48,568 8d6e91eb
2014-04-22 14pU1X89 29,126 69f5c5ca
2014-04-22 12SMaHEt 113,780 5e865c03
2014-04-22 1MSCXpZH 1,500,000 4308f3ca
2014-04-22 1MKiW1nY 219,067 77e01448
2014-04-22 14fgdCAy 20,000 f1a25c35
2014-04-22 1AKQX7Qs 2,000 956cead4
2014-04-22 14CQGTcp 63,097 4cb19c69
2014-04-22 1AMLJr7v 20,000 6e9ae53a
2014-04-22 1MoLUr1C 29 5959fcf1
2014-04-22 15sqMhaX 4,408 945c43f9
2014-04-22 14Jr6RpL 10,000 c7d14ca3
2014-04-22 12SdZk7G 4,849,734 7604c0c5
2014-04-22 1GoLDNSH 970,410 fa887865
2014-04-23 16Cq8H5p 2 5ad232d0
2014-04-24 19i7op4J 1 6fd84b22
2014-04-25 1KHPdCrE 4,785 7b2659e3
2014-04-25 1Mwi9nRw 23,800 cf127290
2014-04-25 1JEFr1px 71,398 16f90bd5
2014-04-25 1KgXKbDv 7,140 6787af54
2014-04-25 1PAPhJsX 11,900 053eeef4
2014-04-25 1E5aUd1n 119,000 25c6793a
2014-04-25 174Xrib1 2,380 2aacadfb
2014-04-25 15YFYjLD 12,000 ee2b0810
2014-04-25 12Fx81ui 474 d9a698cc
2014-04-25 1Mbrscsa 11,900 e2e90a5f
2014-04-25 15pDQBTB 4,760 bb234cb0
2014-04-25 1KxnoMPj 205 2ccef7b7
2014-04-25 16gSS3aU 7,609 43d914ed
2014-04-25 19njQfnZ 476,000 300a397c
2014-04-25 1PDoEW7b 427 9f09facd
2014-04-25 1FxdHMXg 83,300 9c4a165b
2014-04-25 12ti5CK7 7,140 8e535239
2014-04-25 15a9JJKb 59,498 f1185977
2014-04-25 15fFScJq 1 e3cd935b
2014-04-25 13nW2KB8 714 cb642c48
2014-04-25 1AzCBUeh 2,618 624c7f63
2014-04-25 14Bk1kJ3 3,022 957a4ca4
2014-04-25 1QHtR87p 30,517 25b63385
2014-04-25 1MV9bCEj 19,040 925ef67d
2014-04-25 17aBGcNc 23,800 43f2752d
2014-04-25 1KGMEi7Y 53,381 973bb399
2014-04-25 1Q2iA5Ay 900 e6c02c85
2014-04-25 18DJmxQK 14,161 748500e6
2014-04-25 1G7VKA2n 95 3d224642
2014-04-25 1M2f3GnV 14,042 3a23857b
2014-04-25 1CVi8i5h 47,627 d4035ba6
2014-04-25 1LcLb5ND 193,488 f38545b4
2014-04-25 1F6vFQmb 47,600 75e638a1
2014-04-25 1M9w4c88 23,800 e6718da1
2014-04-25 1PFJkX1b 47,600 148df11a
2014-04-25 1Q5Pi5PY 21,423 c4343838
2014-04-25 1Py6Sx8E 108,396 7dabcee0
2014-04-25 18nJnuvH 23,798 f084ad00
2014-04-25 1Bf9ofG1 23,560 68fb33b9
2014-04-25 1B9tyewF 23,948 4f61749b
2014-04-25 1LGYPU9b 280,000 e7950974
2014-04-25 1PSfQMFk 34,800 6282d57a
2014-04-25 1DCpV5gL 238 7ef3ebe0
2014-04-25 1PHWm4qM 101 e21ade32
2014-04-25 1Akk7DRk 4,760 05c4e7a2
2014-04-25 19BnCXdJ 303,496 cc36682d
2014-04-25 1LV6FRGz 2,380 ac900c9d
2014-04-25 1ExfFeWH 7,233 929122bd
2014-04-25 1JAJCev8 11,900 8e583504
2014-04-25 1ZVDUfjr 7,206 8a4ff765
2014-04-25 1E4iiqbk 238,000 f4a1b84c
2014-04-25 1PaiAAdJ 119,000 e6447bfe
2014-04-25 1NTLuEnh 23,800 d9ed8d1e
2014-04-25 159fE7Uq 9,520 6e656411
2014-04-25 1Pbxdr3H 7,759 cde6cdbf
2014-04-25 1C1MY7Jc 239,854 cc50ca43
2014-04-25 1BpLZZu9 11,900 c9615fa1
2014-04-25 1DUNeFPN 11,900 68f050e9
2014-04-25 1PVHhEBw 42,169 a8dabe10
2014-04-25 1KbvjK3A 47,596 59e5c076
2014-04-25 13C9TgQU 11 dff9dd53
2014-04-25 1KXU8eWp 2,380 12708856
2014-04-25 1F7Zikuw 238,000 25ed0bf0
2014-04-25 1K21hiq8 23,198 2324ed06
2014-04-25 1HEqaDcb 392 b92a05e1
2014-04-25 19pQTBVn 4,004 af447384
2014-04-25 1PyAFC5n 952,000 2b5b2fee
2014-04-25 1GeLSxHx 54,000 0449862a
2014-04-25 12Wg3g4G 30,894 661cbe95
2014-04-25 1EvAX34d 23,800 2c813005
2014-04-25 1LCc1KHt 10,524 9a76e66f
2014-04-25 19B1qgiX 2,034 e6fa55dc
2014-04-25 16LKC2c6 23,800 38637515
2014-04-25 18CrpUSt 2,067 711f57e2
2014-04-25 136uBhqE 357,000 95138b15
2014-04-25 17aCWcoZ 71,400 69430bff
2014-04-25 1E91zP5q 23,800 167929f8
2014-04-25 175g95FF 4,500 4548d0d7
2014-04-25 17YVcqSw 4,760 6441f539
2014-04-25 1Lewbkzg 16,660 3249fc9d
2014-04-25 1Jn7cHza 119,000 b01d2485
2014-04-25 18sq75zD 2,380 56b0cbd1
2014-04-25 1JbgR7rU 23,800 4bdc4503
2014-04-25 1KZgtUrW 2,380 270780c1
2014-04-25 1MyjC1tX 5,022 814c59e8
2014-04-25 14JUmu3x 119,000 4c5e0e11
2014-04-25 13edx7TS 2,380 440f0d67
2014-04-25 14Azevdh 5,596 f5cf6bae
2014-04-25 1L9E8wfu 5,950 3e96d4c0
2014-04-25 1LtPRQeh 1,666 e5519ec0
2014-04-25 1Gv6o1Ki 13,090 d8170ed1
2014-04-25 1LKPR15U 23,800 ceab1de2
2014-04-25 114iGAwT 9,518 342d07c6
2014-04-25 1CaWgQRs 11,900 5fd19085
2014-04-25 1MBTFGNT 23,800 5bc6a0f9
2014-04-25 16UJdSyG 23,800 2b0b8e40
2014-04-25 173tU4x1 23,800 0a963e23
2014-04-25 1Mf8bjUY 23,800 9fcd3952
2014-04-25 127KuthS 357 546ca472
2014-04-25 1MWPSLU5 4,760 fafb2ecd
2014-04-25 1FfCfwSp 1,000 f2619ee9
2014-04-25 1pbuJ8iX 405 1a014f3e
2014-04-25 1DPV6i1y 7,140 b2d3691b
2014-04-25 12okFLNP 211,343 fcafe4bc
2014-04-25 1G2sDH76 23,800 3f53ab6b
2014-04-25 152aHV6c 2,380 6ae0e769
2014-04-25 1FDqgEKs 23,800 5830876d
2014-04-25 17RT2i19 23,800 fbbb94cc
2014-04-25 1F1cDSFj 7,140 eee00d6b
2014-04-25 1PB7VyhN 966 0ce16fdb

The address with the largest balance from the list is 1BgQmAZ9wSEF5MvrN6dRopUBr1XDw1PAt which has 7,096,283 remaining maidsafecoins after receiving 25M in Dec 2014 and disposing a lot ten days later at the end of 2014 and some more in early 2015.

















