Delayed Release — While we wait, get yourself a wallet + No more Discord Required!

Howdy all,

We know you are all waiting with bated breath for the latest network to burst to life—and unfortunately we are not yet able to confirm definitive go live—but rest assured as soon as we know you will.

As you know, this test is all about the new data payment system—EVM, ERC20 and all those acronyms—preparing us to engage the big 'ol launch phase next week. There’s a reasonable fit out required for that, so the delay is primarily a practical release and logistical one… plumbing in the new uploaders, wallets, and testing infrastructure required for its operation.

So while it’s one less day for us as excited puppies to get outdoors with the new tech, it’s worth it for a smooth transition to the new stack.

So we thank you for your patience!

In the meantime, we hope you use the time to get your wallet set up grab the latest launchpad and if you are using the CLI, familiarise yourself with the new process, ready to reset your nodes tomorrow.

And speaking of resetting nodes, this network will care a lot more about the amount of spare CPU you have on your machine… so this is a reminder to relax, add nodes gradually, and enjoy the ride — keeping at least 50% processor in hand for the best experience. If you see your nodes stopping and taking a break, you’ll know the reason why.

Plus, incase you hadn’t clocked it… you no longer need a Discord account to be part of the Beta Rewards Program and bag rewards. Just an Etherum wallet!

:boom: :muscle:t2: :rocket:


Really looking forward for the network! Let the world see the thing function. Let the hundred thousand man-hours bear the fruit.


Please don’t release it tomorrow, I will be away from my computers until monday :smiley:


I felt the same about today :laughing: I am probably the only person who celebrated the delay :tada:


Some useful scapegoats! Many thanks!


I think @riddim will be happy aswell :joy:


Is the discord stages still Thursday your time. If not please update the time ASAP as I have to rearrange sleep. Thanks


If the uploads start right away from the beginning there is an incentive for people to get all their nodes up as soon as possible so they can start earning. If you publicise that you are delaying uploads for 12 hours or, even better, 24 you have a chance of getting people to add nodes gradually. If uploads are going from the beginning I predict zero chance and it will be another mad scramble with the same result.


Maybe for this testnet, ask for a voluntary staggered start:
All whose Discord name or Forum name starts with a-e: Hour 1
f-k: Hour 2
l-r: Hour 3
s-z: Hour 4

Different names on each - whichever time block gives you an earlier start. Worth a try. Ready and willing Hour 4 here.


I was faced with that too, so I set up an Umbrel with Formicaio and Tailscale. Took me some figuring out, but I’ve set up two different laptops wired to my home router, each with Umbrel install. Formiciao for running nodes (easy as cake!) and Talescale to have a tunnel between each instance and my on-the-go macbook and phone.

I’m on the road but can access each individually, set up and manage nodes, completely secure from anywhere, from either of my devices. Pretty cool.

If you haven’t seen it, check out @bochaco’s forum post here: Formicaio

Might be too late for you this time, but it’s worth the figure-out.
I’m planning to upgrade to a more suitable setup with more storage, cpu and ram, but this will get things started without having to be home.