
For those running only a few nodes from home, whether on a Raspberry Pi or simply on a Linux machine, I invite you to give this application a try on UmbrelOS - GitHub page with OS.

It can also run on Linux/Windows/macOS using Podman. To get started, you can follow the instructions to install Podman and run Formicaio on it.

Since it has not yet been published on the official UmbrelOS app store, I’ve made it available on my own Umbrel community app store for easy installation. You can find instructions in the README for installing it on an UmbrelOS device, as well as for running it on a Linux machine using Docker Compose: GitHub - bochaco/formicaio: Le formiche sono insetti sociali che vivono in colonie e sono note per la loro organizzazione e cooperazione.

The app is still in its early stages, and currently the only feature is about running nodes on the Beta network. The README does not have much details yet, but it offers a sneak peek into the vision and some ideas I plan to implement as the app hopefully evolves.

If you install the app on UmbrelOS, you can easily access it from anywhere, whether on your mobile device or desktop, through a Tor browser using the Umbrel generated .onion address. I find this very convenient for monitoring your nodes when you’re away from home.

Also, make sure you choose different node ports for each node you add in the app.


Hi @bochaco, nice to see you again, it’s probably a great app for tracking nodes from home, do you foresee a Windows version too?

By the way, I would like to ask if you are planning to return to your project the SafeThing? Although I expect that now with the change in Autonomi towards the ERC20 token it might be a bit more difficult, do you have any plans in this regard?


Let me echo @Profess and say how pleased I am to see a post from you. Good to know you are still here with us after all this time.
I will try to find time to explore the Docker version later today.

All the very best, vaquero.
I look forward to you and @neo coming to Ayr again for a proper launch party and educating me about proper steaks :slight_smile: :horse: :argentina:


looks lovely @bochaco nice to have you back :slight_smile:

thats 3 nodes online :slight_smile:


Ah…I see some issues with styling I’ll have to fix.

I’ll try to build the image for windows and will ping you here if I succeed. W.r.t. safething, I haven’t planned anything yet about it.


this is such a great idea well done.

for someone running a pi at home or an old pc with a linux install chucked on it its perfect :slight_smile:

absolutely fantastic to have you back :slight_smile: !!!


Hey @bochaco! Good to hear from you.

I’m interested and considering buying the rig, but I’m also interested in giving umbrelos a test drive. Can’t find where to download it. Not on the site that I can find, though I’m maybe overlooking the link. Checked distrowatch, also no joy.

EDIT: Ah! just found it in the App Store.

EDIT: Nope, clicking on “Install Umbrelos” just takes you back to the top domain.

Also, assuming umbrelos is open source?

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dont know if this helps but i set it up today with sorry this is a copy paste from a script

set up docker

curl -fsSL -o
sudo sh

#test install with
#sudo docker run hello-world

#set up docker user so dont have to run all comands as roor or with sudo
sudo groupadd docker
sleep 1
sudo usermod -aG docker $USER
sleep 1
newgrp docker
sleep 1
# test without sudo

# to test install you can run 
#                                docker run hello-world

then from the read me

$ git clone
$ cd formicaio/deploy/local
$ docker compose up

then logged in as directed


was up easy as pie :slight_smile:

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Thanks. I may try a docker image.

I was looking to try an install of the whole OS on bare metal. Can’t find a disk image anywhere.

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try it out as above and have a play around its pretty nice.
iv got my own set up so i was just having a look to see whats going on if you have pi or an old linux box and you dont want to be using cli go for it :slight_smile:

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Yeah, that’s probably the best approach. I’m mobile now, so I’ll try it out after the weekend.


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superb @bochaco - dead simple and so much prettier than launchpad

I’m assuming that once one of these nodes earns a nano, it will then show my actual balance form my other boxes?

You may not post often but when you do…

and Ive earned a nano already :slight_smile:


The app only knows about the nodes that have been instantiated within it, it doesn’t even use safenode-manager but dockerised safenode binary only, so it’s not aware of any other nodes launched by other apps.


It could if you wanted it to.

/metrics has the information and using the ipaddress:port/metrics you can get the information.

What you would need is the metrics port# that the node was given when it started


This is a GoodThing IMHO. Im about to install Umbrello to try it “native”.
If we can get n00bs to run docker, I think this may be a better solution than the LaunchPad.

Excellent work @bochaco


formicaio == anthill in Italian – I like it :slight_smile:


Extra, I’ll be waiting for the Windows version but I’m even more looking forward to SafeThing, I hope you come back to this project :point_left: :ok_hand:


You said, “a few nodes”. How many would Umbrel support. Is there a limit or is it a matter of running a few nodes while also using the device as a home cloud/bitcoin/lightning/etc. system?


I am running 50 right now on my main PC

Browsing and other light use is fine - I havent tried to stress it otherwise.
Going out now, I’ll let it run and see what we find after a few hours.