There are a great many changes in data handling now, globally. There are also many large changes with AI type devices and platforms that also change the game. There is also a distinction now, I believe, between data and knowledge.
So do we want to save humanities data or humanities knowledge. They are not the same thing. It’s deep and interesting.
However, we have data working, we can protect peoples personal data, it’s always a goal and we can do that now. So a restricted network is unlikely and in next few testnets we will see data payments and helpfully node rewards etc. So the picture is almost complete.
Then we need to have a conversation on public data verses humanities knowledge.
My feeling now, and it’s a strong feeling backed by empirical evidence from these testnets, is that we no longer have a technical barrier to launch. The team are breaking all the barriers in an iterative and concrete manner. What we will have to finalise is
- A clear market strategy (what are we providing to whom)
- Understand the difference between data and knowledge
- A much larger focus on personal and group data
A lot has to do with AI and the advances there, like it or not, it’s happening and happening very very quickly. I am hopeful, but that is another conversation.
I believe soon that much of our knowledge will come from AI and agian, not debating the right and wrong of that, but seeing the reality of that is important. AI will assimilate and regurgitate all of humanities knowledge in whatever form it will, hopefully honest and unbiased, but …
However we cannot have AI soak up and encode YOUR data, or your friends data or your children’s data. That has to be between humans and always between humans and unfettered. The Safe network needs to make a world SAFE for human collaboration and creativity and it has to keep human interaction free from manipulation of any kind, good or bad. That’s my feeling now after many many months of deep thoughts.
I see public knowledge being something that is not the massive unreadable and overwhelming tombs of files and directories, it’s much more likely a small (several Gb of some AI / LLM) that’s already likely happening right now. Personal data, groups of humans data is just that, it’s raw data, messages, photos, videos and more. That is where our creativity comes from, it’s our weapon that no AI can come close to understanding or enhancing. It’s our own foothold on this planet and that is something worth saving.
So google, apple, openai, Facebook and the rest cannot have our personal data in their silos for any AI to consume, we cannot have our personal information censored, manipulated or forgotten. This ability to save humanities creativity for humanity alone is, I believe, a fight we must not only embrace, it’s a fight we must win.
Sorry for the rant, but I have been up to my kneck in trying to understand the impact of AI and the speed at which it will almost certainly improve with regard to public data and discourse. To me the bottom line is we must not focus on storing every corpus of public data we can, but we must focus on the individual, the human groups of creative endeavour, the family, the friends network and most of all we must make that impenetrable to manipulation of any kind.
I feel we have always been a few steps in front and what I say above is not extra work, it’s likely less work, it’s likely easier fro consumer grade computers to handle, it fits with small nodes and many per large computer. It fits SAFE and I think it’s more essential for humanity now that it’s ever been.
We are close, we are so close but we need to get laser focussed on this launch of a network for the people and to enhance the creativity and knowledge of the people who can do what no AI will likely ever do and that is be creative, inventive and understanding of the evolutionary needs of humanity to move forward as a species.
/end of early morning rant