How will the SAFE Network affect your life

Continuing the discussion from

Being a tech guy I find it hard to keep my enthusiasm for the safe network rooted in real-world benefits when I explain it to friends, so I made this list of benefits (most people don’t actually care about features).

How will the safe network affect your life? (feature - benefit)

  • Data storage - cheaper, higher uptime, longer lifespan, no lock-in, improved cloud computing
  • Digital cash - better money (a lot to be said here; political, economic, etc)
  • Public data - an improved version of the internet
  • Anonymity - avoid 1984-style problems
  • Privacy - clear privacy model gives control of data to users, not service providers
  • DNS - less trust, more reliable, more private
  • SSL - encrypted-by-default means better privacy, cheaper, replace broken ‘authority’ design
  • Efficient consensus - less wasted resources compared to blockchains
  • Data deduplication - less wasted resources compared to other p2p systems like torrents
  • Single sign on - greater security of data, simpler and safer for consumers
  • Replace server-client model - more efficient, more secure, less hacks
  • Censorship resistant - hear everything and be heard yourself, innovation welcomed
  • Choice - live in a ‘better’ bubble, eg decorum moderation-as-a-service
  • Decentralized - better security, reliability, permanence, efficiency
  • Open source - functionality can be verified to be as expected, less trust required
  • Sustainable - network incentives backed by fundamental underlying value (proof of resource)
  • Scalable - perfectly suited to the internet-of-things
  • Less advertising - because financial incentives are built in

I would like to add:

  • Cheap computation - No need for hiring CPU’s or GPU’s somewhere.

I really can’t wait to see this implemented as well. You could run a great machine learning App and let the network do all the calculations for you.


The pre Safe Network web could end up being seen as the internets dark age, most of the data that people uploaded will end up being lost as the servers go offline.


If it is all of that, unbreakable and incorruptible, then the stakes are raised to the scale where the attackers believe they can attack it. And if it really works then this reasoning leads to a war of some kind, as the global elite strive to control it, or, if they can’t do that, then destroy it.

I don’t think much of Cory Doctorow’s science fiction but this talk of his from a few years back hits the issue on the head. A war is coming, and now is the time to do the cyber equivalent of learning to field strip a rifle.


The problem I see with the internet-of-things and maidsafe is that there is no proximity taken into account by the Network - but that can be helped with mesh networking or similar.

Also, there is no real-time ability of the Network, and many internet-of-targets- I’m sorry, internet-of-things-to-be-hacked- oops! there I go again. Many of these items will require instantaneous communication - which would be helped by taking proximity into account.

Basically, we need a meshnet as a foundation once we get the upper leves (the maidsafe stack) figured out.

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The internet-of-things will require two things.

  1. and most important is that the device has the resources and capability to run the SAFE software.

  2. the need for it.

In reality messaging will be the most used functionality for real IOT devices. Because its crypto provable then the use of gateway mentality where only valid messages are considered and passed on, the hacking problem can be minimised to many fold less than any PC implementation of an OS or SAFE since they accept so much more.

Yes bad programming will leave holes open, but that goes for any programming that accepts communications.

IOT devices that are really small tablets/phones/etc are not what I really consider IOT devices but simply general computing devices connected to the internet. IOT devices are more your sensors, controllers, and so on which will become in their billions over the next decade or so.

If these devices use safe then they will either

  1. connect directly to SAFE on their own OR
  2. communicate with a mode powerful “node” that handles the SAFE messaging (maybe files too).

It would be great to have “nodes” sitting out in the field that can securely communicate with other “nodes” using the messaging inherent in SAFE. The crypto means that they can validate who send the messages and only react to the other nodes in their IOT world sphere. Further security can be built in so that even if the interface between operators and command “node” is hacked the command nodes will reject non-validated commands even if formed correctly.

Of course at some point it has to be taken that if one can log onto the SAFE network as the validated operator of that IOT group and that operator can send valid commands then they will be accepted. That then is requiring basic security of the operators credentials and machine. But taking all things into account it is still way more secure than any central server control of IOT devices, same as SAFE is more secure than central servers.


It will affect my life by paying off my mortgage and having a nice new lambo in the driveway :innocent:


Its going to bring about a bunch of implied stuff including SAFE Mesh Phone and SAFE Browser and SAFE search and Project DECORUM and Slur on SAFE. Its a revolution. When it succeeds the NSA and CIA and every government and corporation in the world will be made transparent. Then we can replace most or all of the hierarchy in the world with flat member owned highly automated cooperatives. This stuff will come fast after launch.

Big money right now is scared to death that free speech on the net will drown out its mega phone. That is why its converting the USG to a pure bribery basis. SAFE will break that megaphone.


This is a great list. Thanks for pulling it together. It amazing that this network is going to have ALL these properties. So many other projects have achieved some of these, but to have all these together - well, its going to be amazing to see what the privacy, security and open source communities will be enabled to do.

I think it was the creator of IPFS who said that the core innovation of Bitcoin was to link a protocol with incentives, so that protocols and their ecosystems could be sustainable funded. And we have seen how well that works, with the Maidsafe, Ethereum and (the DAO - RIP) crowd sales. Each capitalised on market demand to raise significant amount of funds for creating open source software and if the network launches it should self fund and grow in a sustainable way.

Taking part in these crowd sales is still basically impossible for most people, however. And many who are interested in crowd funding, or investment are being left out because they are no technical enough. The innovation of the SAFE network could be to make participation much easier - which would open up the network to a huge amount of investment and innovation.

I want to participate and invest in projects which are good for me, my family, and the rest of society. If the SAFE network can make that easier then thats what I look forward too the most.

At first, however, I will be looking forward to simply earning Safecoin, and safely storing my data in a place I can access it on my phone and PC. Once I’m more confident of the stability and security of the network, and when the UX is good enough, I will switch my family away from Dropbox and encourage others to do so too.

Private browsing would also be welcome - Privacy Badger reminds me how bad tracking is everyday.

In the future, I would also like to see hardware devices which are designed for the SAFE network. I don’t think it would be a stretch to think that if the network becomes strong enough then we could have hardware with SAFE OS, which are designed to be plugged into the SAFE network ecosystem. Think about SAFEtv or SAFEphone, or SAFEwatch. Anything like that is possible when the network is worth enough.


Instant bookmark. This is surely a good thread. Sry, out of topic. :slight_smile:

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Money, messaging, and compute, will become almost like air, in a sense: ubiquitous and immediately available for a small cost: free as in bird, not as in beer.

The absence of a blockchain, and the ubiquity of safe nodes, do this.

It is hard to overstate how important “free” (bird, not beer) money is: all central control in our world depends on that pressure point. Banks are giant financial “servers” and SAFE does away with servers.


Yes, I hadn’t thought much about the importance of money in this equation until quite recently. Privacy, Security and Free Software are important, but now I see how important a free currency will be in order to make these other things a reality.

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To reply 100% to the original topic: I will find a way to make my livelihood from this, whatever it takes.

Initially I will do development work such as coding.

Along the way I shall create services that leverage SAFE’s particular properties.


Just bumping this old thread. There has been some similar ones active recently, and I think this is worth (re)reading.


Good spot. I’ve often thought it wouid be useful to go through all these old threads and collate their contents to create a reference store of good ideas. Then I think of the work involved and I go and have a beer instead. Anyone know any robots?


I think the title of this post is not accurate as it sounds that is all about the future when the network is launched, while I think the SAFE Network has been affecting people’s life for long time already. The very first moment you learn about the SAFE Network, your life changes immediately, simply because it changes immediately the way you think about many things, so it will not change your life from the moment it’s launched but from the moment you understood what this is about. Well, at least that’s how it changed mine :slight_smile:


On this subject in the Dev Forum - also two years earlier:

Documenting Safe Network development

@Pierce wrote
Scanning through the forum I see so many good ideas and extensive conversations. Little of which turn into formalized documentation.

Expressed interest in documenting Safe network development before and did look at a few index-and-then-search options but could not convince myself of its usefulness.

Conclusion at the time, so not all that able but willing and do need input regarding:

When it concerns an indexed listing of sorts you have to take care the information is updated regularly or it’ll be useless in no time. So once you’ve established exactly what information from where you want to ‘collate’ the next question is, how to set this up so the process kind of runs by itself, without too much redaction?

Also quoted @dirvine in it:

@dirvine wrote
I may start a thread about some kind of way to collate all of these and seek options etc.

But maybe his concerns where more about repositories:

We must at some stage collate links to all of these as we go along. I am not sure should we fork them all under a maidsafe community repo and have folks, including us update the code when the API’s are maturing etc.

The war is over. It was clandestine. Good won. The reveal is merely being slow-rolled to the public according to timeline limitations of tech development and various system replacements…not to mention just a lighter touch on everyone’s consciousness to make the transition out of the matrix. What do you think all of this crazy news about technology/social media, politics, global trade, etc. this year is all about anyway? The media is Troy and the horse is the negative news.

That’s to deaf ears.
Never seen again, fallen in battle before you could reach him, perished.
You could say @bluebird did the parrot-thing, dead, is no more, what was it, kicked the bucket?
Now an ex-saver?

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Probably a Norwegian Blue then :wink: