this thread will hold information for people on how to use their maidsafecoins to become safecoins;
this thread holds information for people on how to use their maidsafecoins, the safecoin proxy, on the bitcoin network ;
at least this post’s url may not change for a long time; and that will be useful for duplicating and sharing information on converting maidsafecoins for safecoins.;
If you received this url, check back regularly for information on converting your maidsafecoins into safecoins.
Private key (secret) controls the coins;
Check your balance by visiting and use the public address (share) - the public key is where you can receive coins;
good news, I’ve finished loading up the
bitcoin addresses which each of you got 20 maidsafecoins and around .0006 bitcoin (to be able to move the maidsafecoins)
remember keep the private key (secret) safe and hidden from eyes other than yours; use the public key (share) to check the balance, checkbalance on the home page:
you can use the private key (secret) import in once you have created a new wallet;