I’ve been thinking about some of the comments made on various threads that appear to suggest there is a general interest in forming some sort of Community entity that would fund Projects and create similar entities to Pods.
I’ve been inspired by the article @happybeing posted about Enric and I think we might be able to benefit the Community and stimulate further interaction with the Safecoin economy. Firstly, I would like to make the disclaimer that I have no idea of any projects that people are working on or where existing ones can fit in, other than Safex really - which will be useful. Secondly, I intend the idea to compliment/partner/work with/share knowledge etc the Maidsafe Foundation - not compete with it.
I am thinking that the Community entity would aim to organise funding for interesting projects that would not normally be funded by the Foundation. I’m thinking these could be anything from “getting loads of Maidsafe badges made” to “Let’s make a plug in Farmer” etc. Maybe more orientated to creating “things”, possibly for sale on a Safemarket for example.
How it would work is that an initial group of investors come together in order to fund a Community Project to set up, maintain and run a website which will act as an investor community/project hub type of thing. (This step may not even be needed for the website etc, maybe it could all be part of the main site)
OK, say hypothetically we decide it doesn’t sound a bad idea and we look into how long it would take, can we work with others, share resources, how much will it cost etc? Say we come up with 5million m/safe – then we create 5m “Project A coins” using Mastercoin or similar and these are distributed to investors and can be traced on the Blockchain.
The goal would be that the coinholders decide every step the project takes as democratically as possible and form a community. The coins will be traded on Safex (hence the ability to tie coin to vote would be ideal)…
OK, so now we have community owned central website/hub where Projects can pitch for funding from the wider community.
When the next project is funded via the website, “Project B coin” is created in the same manner and again this can also be traded on Safex.
Eventually the website would have forums for each individual totally self-directed project/community/Cooperative spanning the alphabet.
Project updates would be made on the website and the larger community can assess a project’s progress and make judgements as to the relative value of each project’s coins and successful projects would see an increase in value and the less efficient will decrease, so a market will form which will increase Safex activity etc.
I feel that all this would lead to a very interesting series of social experiments actually as each project is a community and the best way forward will have to be decided between Capitalists and Post-capitalists, so to speak. Those not agreeing with a direction a project takes can sell……we will know one way or another which system is “Doomed….doomed I say!”
OK, everyone……please feel free to tell me if this is already catered for or why it is a rubbish idea etc. I’ve read a number of threads that suggest most of this is possible or going to happen etc, but nothing concrete, so I’m just putting it out there for people to pick the bones out of really…
I’m also thinking that there might be something that needs funding before launch.
PS: the “killer app” in the above system would involve linking the coins to a vote.
The website would also host a “commons” of useful material such as 3d printer designs etc to stimulate the eco-system. One persons badge, is anothers carrier bag or hand-crafted gold ring for example…ok …I’m done