Fwiw, there is absolutely no question that listing on Binance, in the short term deals with many of the issues that are raised in not just this topic but others as well (same with the ERC-20 transition idea).
Both of these moves have degrees of merit and even the hard heads on here acknowledge that. It’s also completely understandable why these measures appear to many to be the ones that solve the immediate problem/s with the current/pending de-listings and in turn improving visibility of the product.
There is an environment approaching where a lot of harsh lessons are going to be learnt as the market likely moves sideways for an extended period as regulation speeds up and other subversive moves are undertaken by power brokers already entrenched within crypto such as the move by Circle in acquiring Poloniex (note this isn’t a bad thing for the popularity of SAFE long term).
With the immense shift we will see in this period there will be a lot of goal post shifting aimed at bringing blockchain projects under an authoritive umbrella (tbh this has already largely happened).
There is no place for any knee jerk reaction from Maidsafe in this environment as for now it is just guesswork and can easily have a severely detrimental affect as it could a positive one. What is current or important now in 12 months most likely won’t be.
With that in mind, given that we may have alpha 3 down this year, an experienced business head with something so explosive (the network) on the horizon will almost always steer a steady ship until the weather turns (just a general observation in business over the last 50 years). As long as they have the funding to get the project to launch we all (minus the speculators) keep on winning.
Crpyto has taught many to exist in a vacuum and that’s why this project gets lost a little and people get impatient with it.
There will still likely be (and please this is only my opinion), a pretty length period of time whilst the network remains in Beta, security testing alone will be an enormous but very important task and might shock people how difficult, lengthy and involved it is. As this time approaches i’ll happily get on board with Binance/ERC-20 crowd if things are where we currently sit, but I’m happy to wager a large amount of MAID with anyone here that that won’t be the case and that developer interest will in fact build heavily through that period.
There is going to be a period where Maidsafe unveil their strategy to us all but we won’t see this in finer detail until we get closer to a beta network. That is what it is and removing any personal bias I have I am personally so grateful that’s the approach that appears to being taken.
Just my brain fart before breakfast, time for a coffee