Can linux Fedora 40 participate in the beta?

Hi folks. I have a friend running Linux fedora 40 interested in participating in beta. I have seen the instructions for Linux Ubuntu, but will it work for fedora as well? Anyone from the community have success or knowledge of a work around if needed?


Seems Fedora uses systemctl, so I do not see obstacles. I run nodes on Arch with no problems, I think other distros will work ok too. If (s)he runs into trouble, the community here is fabulous, so we will help for sure.


I run nodes on opensuse with no issues either


Awesome thanks guys. We will give it a shot and report if all is good or have any trouble.


I ran nodes on Fedora before the Beta started. As with any Linux distro there are always something that needs to be added or fixed before you get it to work but it worked after a few fixes.


Of the two versions of Linux launchpad downloads, which one do you folks reckon would be preferable for fedora 40, or will it matter?

One is for ARM cpu’s like raspberry pi and the other one is for intel and amd cpu’s.

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That’s great. I am a novice at Linux but fairly tech savvy otherwise. (except with coding stuff). Which version of fedora do you run and do you think the same work fixes will be required for fedora 40, withe current beta?

I am quite similar to you, love tech but Linux is not my favorite. I switched to Ubuntu because thought that would be the easiest. When I ran nodes on Fedora it was just the latest LTS version. I don’t remember what was the problem but think it was that I was not able to add nodes to PATH, so I always had to specify location when started nodes. But that was using node mangaer on the CLI, with the launcher there might not be any problem.

Got it. Thanks for the help. I will report the results in this thread tomorrow when my friend follows the instructions. Cheers.


to stay in the rpm space you might want to consider Rocky 9.3 which is linux kernel 5.14.xx, its byte compatible with RHEL and it’s totally free.

Thanks for that.

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Update on the status of launchpad on fedora 40:

Everything went smooth as pie. We had zero issues with the latest version of the launchpad, running 20 nodes and some pretty quick nanos earned to boot.

I cant say it would be the same experience for everyone who runs this on fedora but we also didn’t need to do any dancing or work around. It was a simple straight forward setup and running as it should.

Thanks for the help folks I’ll draw this to a conclusion now unless something happens for some reason and need any further help.



Bit of an update and call for help. Up until LP19 everything was running smoothly on fedora 40. Since the day LP19 was released the launcher now closes itself right after its opened. Anyone else in Linux having this issue and know of a fix?

If the only work around for now is to use LP18 or LP17, can someone point to the specific correct zip flie link for me so my friend can re download them please, as she already deleted those.

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