Is this a clickbait title? Yes, it is! But wait I have a surprise for you
For the 2019 poster advertising campaign I prepared calendars*. For each month, one poster. Then I realized that calendars for each month could become a calendar for the whole year and that it would be a great gift for everyone here.
So I made a personalized calendar with community gratitude for each member of the MaidSafe team (thank you for your help @SarahPentland . I used quotes from: 19eddyjohn75, Sonder, wes, Blindsite2k, Michael_Hills, starsmick, sanju, dlux, VaCrunch, Secretariat415, DavidMc0, Oihan, happybeing, m3data, DarkHorse, Stark, Toivo, Future, gsingh2000, asdfdsfa_asdffdsa, jeremyjpj0916, lubinew, PrayingMantis, david-beinn, BambooGarden, Traktion, tobbetj, dask, beermenow, janriemer, Guybrows, veli_e_veliev, davidpbrown, Fruico.
Thank you all! It was a pleasure for me to read your posts (and I would like to note that, unfortunately, the posts from many others remain unused…)
I present to you … the best calendar ever created… for the SAFE Network
And a personalized calendar for some people in the forum (those who have a badge Regular Regular badge on Safe Network Forum and some others, unfortunately I wanted to do for more people, but the time is not enough…). Thank you for your time and effort here!
for all the photos in the calendar I have paid a license to use them. If someone needs it, can write to me a personal message and I will send it to you
** If you want the calendar translated into your language please PM me
*** The Bulgarian posters for January are ready, too:
This is a great idea! Thanks @Dimitar ! When I tell that this forum is special cause there are people that make you feel at home and be part of a family, well you’re for sure one of them!
Good job mate and merry Christmas to you all guys!
That’s awesome! Must have taken so much work to put it all together. I wish Santa lived, if only to take you for a ride around the world in his sled. Santa may not live, but once the network is live, it will be quite a ride for all.
Amazing work @Dimitar, thanks so much for doing this The list of quotes in itself is awesome - I’ll be printing that out and putting it on the wall beside my desk. Partly to remind myself myself of the support out there - but also (in case I could ever forget!) as a reminder of how important it is for us all to get to that final destination together. Thanks again - have a great Xmas!
amazing stuff @Dimitar. I will print this as a present for my girlfriend.
She is already annoyed at my obsession with the SAFE Network, this
might well push her over the edge
@Dimitar, this is so nice from you, it makes a great difference to be in a community where this type of things can happen, a real community, where you can interact with real people sharing a passion, in this case technology. I really thank you for this, it’s very encouraging. I wish you a nice start for the upcoming year Dimitar!