- El Salvador will accept bitcoin as legal tender - June 2021
Well the president will put it to Congress next week and that’s pretty epic.
- Central African Republic - April 2022 (link)
And so it begins
And here is a link.
It sounds great. I’m just afraid the president might have a sudden change of heart. After all, he is a businessman. And if he doesn’t, there is a chance great human rights violations will be discovered in El Salvador forcing somebody to get over there and give them all Freedom and Democracy.
Que the CIA overthrow of El Salvador.
That was pretty funny. Us posting at the exact same time from opposite sides of earth.
I couldn’t watch the last video for its style, but I found one that I think everyone will enjoy.
Here’s Jack Mallers of Strike who has been onboarding thousands of El Salvadorian’s to bitcoin giving barnstorming account of how El Salvador came to the point of making bitcoin legal tender.
Strike appears to be a Lightening based bitcoin wallet with some bells and whistles, due to be open sourced in full as “bitcoin for countries”.
website: https://strike.me/
JackMallers: https://twitter.com/JackMallers
Related github: Zap · GitHub
I followed Jack’s Twitter when I posted the above, but a few hours later… “Account does not exist”… and next day is back!
Update 20/06/21
Useful update on the early days of Bitcoin / Lightening Network implementation in El Salvador.
I find this extremely interesting! Do you think his disappearance from Twitter really has to do with Bitcoin and El Salvador? Maybe we should all do some more searching on the interwebs.
It seems unlikely but it’s very odd. Apparently it said suspended earlier, but now it’s “doesn’t exist”.
I think this needs its own thread. Also, things that would not happen in safe network
There is many countries with 0 taxes. He know that rich people bring jobs to locals. As it is hard to confiscate cryptocurrecy the main risk is the property if you have one.
This is huge. It’s the breakthrough moment where Bitcoin “the network” launches a real-life experiment - using Bitcoin’s second layer for transactions - the Lightning Network.
It is huge. But I truly am afraid people may actually get killed over this.
I think pomp has it right.
The “99%” should come together and insist to the half dozen or so nations with aspirations of having the world reserve fiat global enslavement system that cryptocurrencies will be respected, or they’ll unify against those who would violate them… but I doubted that there were any real sovereign nations that would/could officially take this sort of stand. If it’s not just a show, it’s good that someone is taking a stand, though I don’t expect it to go well for them.
If the UN was what its pretense claims, all but a few of the nations within would insist on mutual defense of crypto.
And the actual link.
How do you define a “crypto entrepreneur”?
This might help apprender Espanol pronto
Took Max Kieser less than a day to purchase a house there😂
It’s back now.