Beta Phase Two starts tomorrow

Try running it without the lock screen, that may be pausing the nodes.

Port forwarding needs a few things. Fist you need to login to your router and open the desired ports. I recommend starting at 50,000, so if you want 20 ports, open port 50,000 - 50,019. Then on launchpad, Ctrl K and set the mode to “custom ports” with the corresponding ports.

Unfortunately I don’t have the title of professor :laughing: I lose 1.5 hours on Windows and I can’t disable the lock screen, there are many instructions none I can use, can you help me how to disable it?

Unfortunately, several hours have passed, I still have no nano.

At the moment, Launchpad indicated 1 nano earned, but compared to recent Beta test earnings, the earnings look a lot smaller for the same number of nodes and the same amount of node work time.

Due to the placement of my router I connecected direcly from fiber box to this PC (wich now supply the internet connection to the houses main router via its 2:nd network card).

Have followed your suggestion but have no clu how to open the port…

Look on your physical router. What brand/model is it. Figure that out so we can figure out how to login to your router.

I am logged in and working on a computer (andreas02) connected via wifi to router below:

here are the page for port forwarding:

And now the safe software, just started:

time will tell but not so positive:

can you spot an obvious error?

That Port Forwarding page is the right one and putting a rule under ‘Custom Forwarding’ is the right thing to do as there won’t be a template for Autonomi.

That all looks good, if the IP of your computer is

Except you didn’t need to have ‘tcp’ because Autonomi only uses udp. But it won’t hurt for now.

The Portmaps bit doesn’t look right. That looks to me like it is going to forward the range 50000 to 50049 that are received from the internet to port 50000 on That will work great for the first safenode but not at all for the others.

Hopefully there is an option to forward a range to a range. If not you’ll end up having to specify 50 rules to get the 1 to 1 mapping… That will be a pain. Some home routers can only do a 1 to 1 mapping or a range to 1. There may also be a limit on the number of rules that can be specified.

It looks like there is also not an option to edit the rule. Just to delete. That is also a pain.

Ok gents and lady or two, who want’s bragging rights of infinite wisdom and foresight, how many nodes do we crack this week?

I’ll go first, 167,000 nodes!


I would like to do a slightly low ball bet… But since we’re already close to 140k… And no end of growth in sight… 256k!

I hope that number is wrong xD


I thought I was going too high with 187 and quickly edited it to 167 :rofl:


Oh, go on then! Peak at 190k 2300 UTC on Saturday.


:smiley: 10 points for the extra confidence in crystal balling. :rofl:


That cannot check for UDP being closed/open since there is no definition for open closed. That is because an open UDP doesn’t have a set protocol to respond to an incoming request so the checker cannot determine an open UDP port


Over the course of the day, 5 nodes earned just 1 nano and now run 2 more nodes but have only been added and won’t run:

ctrl+S does not react, what could be the reason?

Can someone please answer and explain why more nodes cannot be added and the Crtl+S command does not work?

Maybe they will when they wake up. Its like only 9am in the UK. Basically they’ve been asleep since your first post.

I can guess at some files left over from all the retrying to get it finally working causing the issue

While not the best answer I can only think of resetting and making sure the old data is cleared out then restart the launchpad, set owner and startup some nodes. (clearing out the files should also clear out the launchpad configuration file too. For windows I do not know where they live so I am no help there

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Have you tried ctrl r (reset) yet? Does that work?

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I checked the status with Safenode-manager, I received a message like this:

The safenode1 service is already running
The safenode2 service is already running
The safenode3 service is already running
The safenode4 service is already running
The safenode5 service is already running
Attempting to start safenode6...
Attempting to start safenode7...
Failed to start 2 service(s):
✕ safenode6: The PID of the process was not found after starting it.
✕ safenode7: The PID of the process was not found after starting it.
   0: Failed to start one or more services


Crtl+R worked, I’ll try launch the nodes from scratch.

Do node-manager nodes spin up the 35GB nodes by default or is there a required command for specifying storage size?

I conservatively only started three as of now.

It makes no attempt to determine storage its up to you to figure that out and start nodes accordingly.

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well shiiiiiiiit. I dunno how to do that. :upside_down_face:

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