There have been several threads talking about how App Developers can earn Safecoin. I’ll try to summarize all the information and post links from other threads. People can read the discussions and get more informed about this topic. You’ll be surprised how most of it has been answered.
- Q&A Section
- Alternative Solutions
- Links
Post (Question and Answers) in this section.
Why is the SAFE Network rewarding App Developers?
From my understanding, we need to incentivize new developers, using Safecoin (10% reserved for this purpose). MaidSafe already has App Development planned… The App is LIFESTUFF.
Open source code is easily copied. So trying to “sell” their App becomes difficult. MaidSafe proposed an autonomous solution, letting the Network pay the App developer instead of the consumer. This does raise several questions as to how it will be fair, gamed, hacked, stolen, lack of consumer feedback/input, etc.
Does this mean App Developers cannot directly sell their App?
Not at all. App Developers are free to sell their App in whatever currency they wish… although we prefer they use Safecoin.
Can an App Developer make their App FREE?
Yes, there is nothing stopping them from leaving the App Wallet blank. This means there is no payment address for the Network to pay. However, any storage PUT by the consumer through the app, must be paid to the Network.
How is the App reward (Safecoin) amount determined?
The current plan is to use GET request popularity. The more popular an App is “used,” measured via GETS, the more it earns from the 10% pool. There have been many debates about this model. Until we can see it in action on TestNet3, it’s hard to tell how it will work.
Is there any security to prevent malicious Apps from stealing Safecoin from my wallet?
Yes, just recently we put out a Safe Launcher, which is considered the “trusted” manager for other Apps. It removes the need to give/send your credentials through other Apps.
Post a summary of (Alternative Solutions) in this Section.
PUT Incentive Model
A recent discussion, suggested Apps earn based on what the Network charges, using PUTS. Basically, the farmer shares their income pool with the App Developer. Payment comes from the Network.
GET & PUT Incentive Model
This proposal suggest consumers pay for GETTING data as well as PUTTING data. So Apps have an opportunity to earn from one or both income streams. Payment comes from the Network.
ONE time payment
App bought from a store or website, charging once for a “key” to access the App. Payment issued by the consumer.
App subscribed to a limited time “key” allowing access to the App. Payment issued by the consumer.
TIMED Micro payment
App depletes a specified amount of Safecoin, determined by the consumer. Payment issued by the consumer.
Post (Links) to other threads in this Section.
DONE (PS great post/topic!): @happybeing plz wiki this OP so others can add/edit things they feel are relevant to the discussion. It would be nice to collate all the information so we can see all the proposed solutions.
LINKS from other threads
(BrainStorm again) Incentivise Developers the MaidSafe way!!
Is there a way to reward people for popular content?
SAFE Network Apps pass network rewards to the people
A proposal: A New, Fair Internet Model to Restore Economic Balance