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@Dimitar I have two suggestions to improve the flow of information.

  1. I took the liberty of changing the title of the thread, can it sound like this?

And I have a question - is it possible to pin this thread at the top of the forum, so that always every new visitor or forum user, this thread will catch the eye when they enter the forum?

I know from the experience of my friends, that new users are not able to search the forum to find basic information about the project, I think if this thread was pinned at the very top of the forum it would make communication very easy for new users and visitors.

I would also add links to:

  • the Roadmap
  • the Primer (I’m not sure definitively if the Primer will be announced in its current form or if it will be included in docs.autonomi, if it’s the latter it would also be useful to provide a direct link)
  • MaidSafe · GitHub
  • Beta Rewards Program
  1. Couldn’t we create separate threads for each OS within the beta network test and move any posts that have already been made so that the discussion for one OS is in one thread?


  • Linux - problems and solutions in Beta network testing - Launchpad/CLI.
  • Windows - problems and solutions in Beta network testing - Launchpad/CLI.
  • Mac OS - problems and solutions in Beta network testing - Launchpad/CLI.
  • Raspberry pi - problems and solutions in Beta network testing - Launchpad/CLI.

Is it possible to improve the forum and Beta testing like this?

No Safe, no wave.


The primer was incorporated into the docs website


This is still AGoodIdea and Im actually surprised it wasn’t implemented earlier.


I also think we can bin the separate beta support channels for now - too many places for folks and questions to get lost


Me too :joy: :sweat_smile: still something seems obvious but yet it is not, we need more Kaizen :slight_smile:

No Safe, no wave.


Yes everything is beta now


This was a question to you as well Neo, what do you think about starting such dedicated threads? I can create them, but I’d like to ask moderators to move existing posts that might be useful to the team and users in future tests.

I’m also wondering if it would be useful for the team to have users leave information in posts about what parameters they are using, e.g:

Win10 / 5G / WI-FI / other

If it would be helpful for the team, it could even be defined in Insert template and everyone would choose the appropriate option when posting.

What do you think?

No Safe, no wave.


People will not follow the setup enough is my opinion.

People are free to start support topics and if we could get everyone to use tags on their topics then this would give a quasi categories and be searchable.

But it isn’t just a topic for each, it would be a category for each. And many problems are not OS related even though the person asking is using a particular OS and that may or may not be relevant and in most cases is not.

So I am not in favour of it, nor disfavour it. And is why I have not answered before.

Although I do know its useless to have anything that is not beta related now for support so no need for separating into beta or not beta, and I see you agreed with that.

In the discord I am also not sure if OS specific support will work well. Maybe 3 specific channels for specific problems might work, but I feel too many problems are not OS related and the OS specific channels will become a place where people will ask questions a second time just in case it is related to their OS.

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Thanks for the reply, I thought it would a little sort out the tests, at least for new users and the less experienced, because e.g.Jim announced an update for Linux but didn’t write about it, and I didn’t know about it and it didn’t work on Win at my place…

I am trying to simplify things because I am still unable to find out anything about the problems I am having with my nodes and the lack of nanos, for example when I searched for this thread to modify it it took me 20 minutes, so I wonder how someone new to the forum is supposed to find this information?

Shouldn’t we really be improving the organisation of work and the flow of information?


@Dimitar about and the logo are overlapping. See the Screenshot.

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I tested from 4 different phones and it looks good:

Privacy. Security. Freedom

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That’s odd, :upside_down_face: oh well, thanks for looking.

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Looks like your font sizing is larger than normal

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I just reduced font to smallest possible and it remains the same. Galaxy s22 Ultra if anyone else has the same and no issue that would be nice to know.

I’m also on a Galaxy s22 ultra, the first screenshot of my post is from it, the font is not the smallest:

Check your browser’s font settings as well…

Privacy. Security. Freedom

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Ahh sorted it was screen zoom, just below font size.


And once again, this reinforces the thought that we have a landing page on entry to the forum, where it says in much more polite language than I can manage


Form asks some Q s, OS, home or VPS, experienced or n00b etc etc and generates an incident number IFF the minimum no of fields are completed. Incomplete forms just sends them back to the top

Wee bit logic to steer them past a page of OS-specific FAQs where they will possibly get enough to solve their own problems.

Hopefully this will make the support forums a much more productive place for both n00bs and support folks
Looking forward to seeing more of the ZenDesk help system and hope it will incorporate a large amount of self-help to pick off the low-hanging fruit.

@neo How many times have you had to type “Delete Launchpad v0.3.12 and…” in the past few days?


Hi @Dimitar. This link is not working anymore. Perhaps you could also include a link to Dev Forum here? Thanks.

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